Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The 2012 Pole Shift affects us all...


This is an intriguing interview with Gregg Braden, author of The God Code. Gregg talks of the coming polar shift, prophecised by countless ancient texts and scientific evidence that this IS happening.

2012 Pole Shift and its effects on the entire Earth


Monday, January 30, 2006

Depression II: The Destruction of the Middle Class


One could say, perhaps, that the creation of the Federal Reserve was perfectly legal. After all, a token number of congressmen signed off on it during its enactment on the Christmas Holiday of 1917. It even got past Woodrow Wilson's desk. An act giving the power to coin money from the congress and to the privately owned federal reserve.

Many have spoken out against this dispicable atrocity, but sadly, the issue has died down. The people's capacity to forget is quite amazing indeed.

Originally Posted by Congressman Louis T. McFadden
"Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a government board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.

Some people think the Federal Reserve banks are United States Government institutions. They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders. In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of his pocket; there are those who send money into states to buy votes to control our legislation; and there are those who maintain an international propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us and wheedling us into the granting of new concessions which will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic train of crime."

Originally Posted by Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr., 1923
"The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board. That Board asministers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is Private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money"

Why wasn't such an important banking bill passed with all congressman in attendance?

Why is the United States government borrowing money from this Federal Resreve bank and paying interest when the Constitution of the United States gives CONGRESS the express right to coin money? It seems to me as if the constitution, in allowing Congress the power to coin money, is therefore giving the people the right to INTEREST FREE money. Any government that would forego the use of interest free money, opting instead to have interest charged and paid for in tax receipts is OBVIOUSLY comprimised.

Have not our rights been comprimised by this SETUP of the American people. President Andrew Jackson fought to rid this nation of the Bank of America, but the ability to coin money fell, once again, into the hands of private credit monopolies. Upon his death Jackson had the inscription "I Killed The Bank!" carved onto his tombstone.

Everyone's upset about what is happening since 9/11, and I think that this is rightly so. George Bush's administration has spent such a massive sum of money that the US foreign ~8 trillion dollar debt ceiling is estimated to be reached this March. Coincidently, the Federal reserve has announced that it will no longer publish the money supply figures in March. This means that there will be now way for Dollar holders to determine the amount of dollars in supply.

I believe that the Fed is trying to cause a Dollar collapse; a depression, the likes of which will make Depression I look like a CAKE WALK. If you look at the price of Gold, these days, you will see that it is repeteadly making 25 year highs. Commodities, in general, are running up to new highs every day.

One law of economics that I have always lived by is, "there is no such thing as a free lunch." Benjerman Bernanke, the new Federal Reserve Chairman believes, however, that with a printing press, all of our problems can be soved. Yes, I kid you not, the Federal Reserve is in the hands of this man now and, as of March, we will have no way of tracking any further abuses.

Consequently, I predict that the US Dollar, which has already fallen ~30% since 2002, will collapse and be worth less than half of what it is currently worth. If you simply look at the amount of money that has been put into the system you can see that, without higher and higher levels of foreign dollar purchses, the US dollar will collapse.

Unfortunately for America, the foreign governments, saturated with useless US Dollar reserves, are opting to increase their gold and non-dollar holdings. This spells the perfect disaster for the super wealthy to profit from simply by moving their assets into gold, silver, base metals and resource stocks.

The time has come to prepare for a Weimer Republic style disaster in America. Protect your family by purchasing silver coins; coins which have generally been able to purchase a week worth of groceries during a depression. Prepare yourself, or you will be stuck in this country without any legs to stand on.


Our deadly health care system


You would think that the individuals in whose hands you place your lives would treat with all due respect. Some studies have been conducted, however, which indicate that mistakes are happening and corners are being cut; these shortcomings are almost NEVER reported.

Perhaps most of the medical workers who would not report a life-jeopardising incident involving their co-workers do so because they are afraid of losing their job or causing their malpractice premiums to rise. If this is the case, then we need to do some serious reform so that medical professionals can express their discontent when they see a patient put into jeopardy.

Majority of Health Care Workers Ignore Deadly Mistakes

source: mercola.com
Health Care Workers

Though patients might like to believe they are in good hands while being cared for at the hospital, findings show nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, hospital mistakes are a large contributor to the tens of thousands of deaths due to medical errors in the United States each year.

A major part of the problem: Doctors, nurses and other health care workers rarely challenge a colleague when they see a mistake being made in patient care.

Unfortunate Findings

To gather data, researchers spent more than 10,000 hours observing and interviewing more than 2,000 health workers at 19 hospitals across America. Among the disturbing evidence they found:

  • Doctors (84 percent) and nurses and other health care providers (62 percent) have seen co-workers repeatedly take shortcuts that could place patients in danger

  • Doctors (88 percent) and nurses and other health care providers (48 percent) work with people who show poor clinical judgment

  • Fewer than 10 percent of doctors, nurses and other caregivers said they directly confront colleagues about their concerns; one-fifth of those doctors have seen harm come to patients as a result of the behavior of those colleagues

One positive outcome researches encountered was that those who raised concerns observed better patient care by their peers and were more satisfied and committed to their jobs because of their honesty.

Some instances health workers were reluctant to talk to their colleagues about included matters concerning:

  • Competence
  • Broken rules
  • Mistakes
  • Teamwork
  • Lack of support
  • Disrespect and micromanagement from doctors or supervisors

Additionally, reasons for not speaking up included: lack of confidence in their own abilities, doubts that saying something would do any good and fear of retaliation.



Friday, January 27, 2006

The Bank of.... Wal Mart??


This nation is in trouble when retail giants like Wal-Mart try to set up their own bank. Even Federal Reserve lackey Alan Greenspan objects!

Wal-Mart maintains bank hopes despite Greenspan
By Lorrie Grant, USA TODAY

Fri Jan 27, 7:10 AM ET

Wal-Mart Stores remained confident Thursday about its effort to form a special type of bank, despite an appeal by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan for changes in the law allowing commercial entities to own such banks.

In a letter released late Wednesday, Greenspan urged Congress to close a regulatory loophole that lets businesses own an Industrial Loan Corporation (ILC), a type of bank operated for specific purposes, such as processing payments.

"Chairman Greenspan's lengthy letter is about the broader issue of regulation of Industrial Loan Corporations. We look forward to the (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) public hearing on our application to operate an industrial bank in Utah," says Wal-Mart spokesman Marty Heires.

The 12-page letter, responding to an inquiry from Rep. James Leach, R-Iowa, of the House Financial Services Committee, does not single out Wal-Mart. It raises concerns about regulation of all such banks, noting Wal-Mart's application, but also noting ILCs already are operated by companies including General Motors and General Electric.

The parent of a chartered bank must register as a bank holding company, which are regulated by the Federal Reserve. ILCs aren't defined as traditional banks, and the parent is exempt from Fed oversight, though the FDIC oversees applications and insures them. ILCs' combined assets have grown by more than 3,500% from $3.8 billion 1987, when the current rules were set, to $140 billion in 2004, Greenspan says in the letter.

Wal-Mart has said it wants to form an ILC to process the 140 million credit, debit and electronic check payments it gets monthly.

Wal-Mart's FDIC application has gotten more than 1,500 comments, mostly from opponents ranging from small banks to unions. Many welcomed Greenspan's letter.

"If they get their hands on an ILC and get into financial trouble, they could swamp the FDIC fund, and we could have a repeat of the savings and loan collapse," says Camden Fine, CEO of the Independent Community Bankers of America.

"The so-called Bank of Wal-Mart has been dealt another heavy blow," says union-backed Wal-Mart Watch.

The letter might affect Wal-Mart's application by flushing out the larger issue, says Edward Yingling, American Bankers Association CEO. He says the wall between banking and commerce had a small and somewhat inconsequential crack that has grown with more ILCs. Wal-Mart's application might spur action, he says. "We're at a point where if policymakers (regulators and Congress) don't act, you run a real risk that the wall will crumble," Yingling says.


Lie, Cheat and Steal


Veil of virtue hung to hide your method
while I smile and laugh and dance
and sing your praise and glory.
Shroud of virtue hung to mask your stigma
as I smile and laugh and dance
and sing your glory
while you
lie, cheat, and steal.
How can I tolerate you.

Our guilt,our blame ,
I've been far too sympathetic.
Our blood, our fault.
I've been far too sympathetic.

I am not innocent.
You are not innocent.
Noone is innocent.


A clear and present danger to America

DOUG THOMPSON / Capitol Hill Blue | January 27 2006

George W. Bush, the out-of-control despot who thinks the Presidency of the United States is a license to lie at will, wage war on a whim and break the law without recrimination, put on his “I am in charge” face Thursday and, for all practical purposes, told anyone who thinks his powers should be subject to review or oversight to go screw themselves.

Bush told reporters that he will assert his “presidential prerogatives” any damn way he pleases and will do so without apology, without question and without concern for the law, the Constitution or the rights of Americans.

His press conference was a frightening study of a madman on a tear, an insane, power-mad tyrant who believes he is above the law and cannot be questioned. Sadly, it appears no one has the balls to questions his lunacy.

“I'm going to continue do everything within my authority to protect the American people,” Bush told reporters. That’s Bushspeak for “I’m in charge here you dumb pukes and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it.”

“We'll continue our terrorist surveillance program against al Qaeda. Congress must reauthorize the Patriot Act so that our law enforcement and intelligence and homeland security officers have the tools they need to route the terrorists -- terrorists who could be planning and plotting within our borders,” he said. Translation: “I’ll spy on Americans, I’m use the Constitution to wipe my ass and I’ll declare marital law and run this country like the dictator I want so desperately to be.”

On his illegal actions authorizing the National Security Agency to spy on Americans, Bush said “If the attempt to write law …is likely to expose the nature of the program, I'll resist it.” What he is saying is “I’m above the law, goddamnit, and I’ll fight every attempt to make me obey the law.

On the Iraq war, Bush declared: “there is an act passed by Congress in 2001 which said that I must have the power to conduct this war using the incidents of war. In other words, we believe there's a constitutional power granted to Presidents, as well as, this case, a statutory power. And I'm intending to use that power -- Congress says, go ahead and conduct the war, we're not going to tell you how to do it.”

I worked on Capitol Hill for a number of years and wrote more than my share of legislation. I know a thing or two about how the government is designed to work and the checks and balances that are supposed to be built into the system. I’ve also read what Congress passed and nothing in that act or the Constitution gives Bush the authority he claims or the power he abuses. He’s not just a liar. He’s a god-damned liar.

The arrogance surfaced often as he faced the press. His eyes darted from side to side, blinking rapidly – a textbook example of a maniac on the loose. His temper threatened to erupt more than once because a couple of reporters actually had the gall to actually question his motives.

After too many years watching this man destroy what once was a great nation, I can only conclude that Bush is insane and his insanity is protected by a brain-dead populace and a power-mad political party that can’t possibly accept the sad fact that they helped put a madman in charge of our government and have kept him there.

I believe with all my soul that George W. Bush and the Republicans who rubber-stamp his actions represent a clear and present danger to the peace and security of the United States and all must be removed from office immediately if this nation is to survive.

And those are words I never, ever, thought I’d write about a President or other elected officials of this country. And I wish, with all my heart that I did not have to write them now.

But those who love this country and put patriotism above politics must act. America, if it wishes to remain America, must remove the cancer that threatens to destroy it.


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Our Nation's Fat Economy


Did you know, in 2004, Americans spent:

  • $37 billion on carbonated beverages
  • $3.9 billion on cookies ($244 million of which were Oreos)
  • $57.2 billion on meals at restaurants such as Denny's, Chili's and Outback Steakhouse
  • $6.2 billion on potato chips

Keeping those numbers in mind, you'll enjoy this first-person account that underscores the perplexing big-picture problem many of you encounter on the way toward losing weight and optimizing your health: America's economy is partly built on keeping you fat!

Simply put, "better" employment opportunities -- arguably high paying, high stress, high responsibility but less taxing (physically) jobs -- combined with "improved" food technology -- think the blight of fast food -- may have been the "biggie" combo that has ignited the world-wide obesity epidemic.

Another sector of the economy that has expanded along with the waistlines of Americans: The coffin business, with one Indiana company building them up to 52 inches wide!

Just know, you don't have to trade your health for a better job, if you're willing to make some simple lifestyle changes.

Washington Post January 22, 2006 Registration Required


Dietary Secrets That Devastate Diabetes


By Dr. Joseph Mercola

You are living in the midst of a diabetes epidemic.

By the year 2030, diabetes rates are predicted to double even if the rate of obesity remains steady. Researchers have estimated the total number of people with diabetes will rise from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million in 2030.

Diabetes is a devastating disease that destroys never every bodily system. Unfortunately, nearly every "expert" organization and professional is clueless about how to treat this disease.

This is most unfortunate as type 2 diabetes, or insulin and leptin resistance, is one of the easiest diseases to treat. It has been my clinical experience over the past 20 years that close to 100 percent of our compliant patients were able to radically improve, if not totally control, their diabetes.

There are a number of key solutions to controlling diabetes but they boil down to two simple lifestyle adjustments:

  • Restricting carbs to "slow" carbs
  • Optimizing exercise to improve insulin and leptin sensitivity

Diabetes is rampant on my father's side of the family, and my dad and all of his siblings have diabetes and one has already died from it. I have been exercising for nearly 40 years, and since that is one of the two keys to controlling diabetes I have been able to avoid it.

However, in the late '90s when the book "Eat Right For Your Type" was out, I tried using this approach, as it seemed to make sense. Since I am blood type A, that called for me to increase my grains and decrease my exercise from running to walking.

Well, folks, that experiment was an unmitigated disaster. I gained about 25 pounds and actually had a fasting blood sugar over 125, which would formally diagnose me as a diabetic. I instantly realized that the Eat Right for Your Type approach was not right for me (and for most people) and I immediately switched my diet back.

Since that time I have never had an abnormal blood sugar and it is typically between 80 and 90.

It has become crystal clear that most of us benefit from choosing "slow" carbs that release their sugars over time into your bloodstream. This would mean radically reducing or eliminating grains, sugars, breads, pastas, rice, potatoes, corn and popcorn.

The amount of carbs you can eat varies widely and is determined by your metabolic type.

Over the last eight years I have run hundreds of articles on diabetes in the newsletter. My staff has helped update them, and I recently organized them to make them more useful for you.

In addition to the basic principles I outlined above, there are a number of dietary "secrets" that I have covered in the past eight years that are not obvious when you use our search engine. So I have compiled them all in one easy page and encourage you to review them.

If you haven't picked up my latest book, Total Health Program, you will want to seriously consider doing that, as it is an incredibly practical guide to implementing many of the most important principles.

Related Articles:

Dietary Secrets That Devastate Diabetes


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Mexican-American border is collapsing


It looks as if the days of the old republic are numbered. The United States has been overrun by drug-running profiteers with connections in the government. Prepare yourselves America; prepare for a steep descent into tyrrany.

Texas-Mexico Border Standoff Reported

Jan 25 9:41 AM US/Eastern


Texas law enforcement officers faced off with men dressed as Mexican Army soldiers and apparent drug suspects near the U.S.-Mexican border Tuesday, after three SUVs attempted to flee state authorities, officials said.

Andrea Simmons, an agency spokeswoman in El Paso, told The Associated Press that Texas Department of Public Safety troopers chased three SUVs, believing they were carrying drugs, to the banks of the Rio Grande during Monday's incident.

Men dressed in Mexican military uniforms or camouflage were on the U.S. side of the border in Texas, she said.

Simmons said the FBI was not involved and referred requests for further details to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin of Ontario, Calif., reported Tuesday that the incident included an armed standoff involving the Mexican military and suspected drug smugglers. The incident follows a story in the Bulletin on Jan. 15 that said the Mexican military had crossed into the United States more than 200 times since 1996.

In a news conference, Rick Glancey of the Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition, said three Hudspeth County deputies and at least two Texas Department of Public Safety troopers squared off against at least 10 heavily armed men from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande.

U.S. officials who pursued three fleeing SUVs to the Mexican border saw what appeared to be a Mexican military Humvee help one of the SUVs when it got stuck in the river, he said.

When that didn't work, a group of men dressed in civilian clothes started unloading what appeared to be bundles of marijuana from the SUV, and the stuck vehicle was then torched, he said. A second SUV had a flat tire and was left behind in the United States and its occupant ran across the border, he said.

Glancey said he could not confirm whether the armed men seen at the site were Mexican Army, police officers, or drug dealers, and would not detail what markings deputies may have seen on the men's uniforms or the Humvee.

Chief Deputy Mike Doyal of the Hudspeth County Sheriff's Department said that Mexican army personnel had several mounted machine guns on the ground more than 200 yards inside the U.S. border, the Daily Bulletin newspaper reported earlier.

"It's been so bred into everyone not to start an international incident with Mexico that it's been going on for years," Doyal said. "When you're up against mounted machine guns, what can you do? Who wants to pull the trigger first? Certainly not us."

Hudspeth County Sheriff Arvin West, whose officers were involved in a similar incident last year, said he is certain that Mexican authorities know who was involved.

After the newspaper reported on Mexican military crossings earlier this month, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the report was overblown and most of the incursions were just mistakes.

In eastern California, Arizona and New Mexico, the U.S.-Mexico border is largely unmarked. But in Texas, the Rio Grande separates the two countries and even when dry, is a riverbed about 200 feet wide.

In November, Doyal said Border Patrol agents in the border town of Fort Hancock called for help after confronting more than six men dressed in Mexican military uniforms. The men allegedly were trying to bring more than three tons of marijuana across the Rio Grande, Doyal told the newspaper.

Mexican migrants to get US maps

A Mexican government agency is to issue some 70,000 maps marking main roads and water tanks for people wanting to cross illegally into the US.

The National Human Rights Commission says the maps will be aimed at cutting the death toll among migrants.

US advocates of tougher border controls have criticised the move, saying it will encourage illegal immigration.

Relations between the US and Mexico have cooled recently over US plans to build a fence on parts of the border.

The map plan is backed by Humane Borders, a US-based organisation which operates about 70 emergency water stations near the 3,200-km (2,000-mile) border.

'Not helpful

Launching the project in Mexico City, officials from Mexico's Human Rights Commission (HRC) flatly denied they were trying to encourage greater migration.

"The only thing we are trying to do is warn them of the risks they face and where to get water, so they don't die," said Mauricio Farah of the HRC.

But a spokesman for the US homeland security department said maps would not improve safety for those trying to cross the border.

"It is not helpful for anyone, no matter how well intended they might be, to produce road maps that lead aliens into the desolate and dangerous areas along the border, and potentially invite criminal activity, human exploitation and personal risk," said Russ Knocke.

Each year thousands of Mexicans breach the frontier and attempt to cross the parched Sonoran Desert.

Some 500 died last year while making the journey, the HRC said.

Last year the Mexican government issued comic-book style pamphlets warning of the dangers of illegal migration, while also giving advice on how to stay safe.


Monday, January 23, 2006

The Collapse of the United States of America is Imminent



January Saturday 21st 2006 (01h49) :
Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent

In its attempt to establish a world empire dominating every nation on the planet, the U.S. has exhausted its ability to finance the expansion and the country now faces imminent financial collapse. From all indications, it looks like 2006 will spell the end for America.

Consider these five important points:

Point ..1 The U.S., Great Britain and Israel are preparing to attack Iran. As it appears the main reason for invading Iraq was to stop it from selling oil in Euros, likewise Iran has plans to dump the dollar come March 2006.

Point ..2 U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow issued a warning recently that the U.S. Government is on the verge of collapse - as the statutory debt limit imposed by Congress of $8.184 trillion dollars would be reached in mid-February - the government would then be unable to continue its normal operations. Considering the current total U.S. debt stands at $8.162 trillion dollars, once the official debt ceiling ($8.184 trillion) is reached, the U.S. government's credit abroad (its borrowing power) is gone. Those countries (mainly China) who presently keep America afloat by holding U.S. Treasury Notes, will most likely no longer continue doing so.

Point ..3 Bank Of America and Compass Bank managers (probably all other U.S. banks too) have been instructing their employees in the last few weeks on how to respond to customer demands in the event of a collapse of the U.S. economy - specifically telling the employees that only agents from the Department Of Homeland Security will have authority to decide what belongings customers may have from their safe deposit boxes - and that precious metals and other valuables will not be released to U.S. citizens. The bank employees have been strictly prohibited from revealing the banks' new "guidelines" to anyone. (however, employees have been talking to friends and family)

The next time you visit your bank, ask them about it - then ask yourself, why is this information being kept secret from customers and the public - what's really going on?

Point ..4 FEMA has activated and is currently staffing its vast network of empty internment camps with armed military personnel - unknown to most Americans, these large federal facilities are strategically positioned across the U.S. landscape to "manage" the population in the event of a "terrorist" attack, a civilian uprising, large-scale dissent ,or an insurrection against the government. Some of these razor-wired facilities have the capacity of detaining a million people.

Point ..5 The Patriot Act and the US Senate's vote to ban habeas corpus (Nov 14th) - along with George W. Bush having signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law, suspend habeas corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act, have together pretty much destroyed any notions of freedom and justice for Americans.

Summary: The U.S. economy is broken, the United States is bankrupt - the unchecked spending by this administration, the illegally waged wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, the cost of unprecedented weapons and military build-up - have all contributed to an irreversible emergency which is threatening our nation's existence and our very lives.

Hospitals are closing, major corporations are declaring bankruptcy and/or moving their companies overseas, the monopolized news media spews nothing but lies, and our fearless leaders have turned out to be only ruthless criminals hell-bent on destabilizing our country and robbing us all.

Be aware - we stand at the threshold of total ruin - the international bankers and war profiteers care little for our lives and families - these demons worship money and all things vile and evil - they have very much to gain from war, misery, disease, famine, chaos and death (our deaths).

We are right on the edge - the Treasury is already overextended - the U.S. government cannot (and will not) care for its own citizens' needs, nor secure our borders against illegal aliens - plus, the whole "terrorist" thing is a cruel hoax perpetrated against a trusting citizenry - and only designed to instill fear and garner support for the genocide taking place in Iraq.

Should America (along with British & Israeli forces) launch a war against Iran, or another country, without yet paying for, or even recovering from the current losses in Iraq and elsewhere - the costs of such of an invasion will overwhelm an already crippled economy and push the U.S. over the edge into oblivion.

Question: Considering the U.S. Treasury Notes that China currently holds (which keeps the U.S. economy going)...

Do you think China will continue to support a country's economy (the U.S.) whose military launches a nuclear strike against its neighbor (Iran) - thus delivering a blanket of radioactive fallout over western Chinese provinces - killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions of its citizens?

I think not.

Factoring in the aforementioned points of "preparation" engineered by U.S. authorities, I'd say there's a stinking rat in the woodpile ...can you smell it too?


Friday, January 20, 2006

Alex Jones Interview on Coast To Coast AM


Here's an excellent interview with Alex Jones in which he discusses many of the recent developments in the globalist conspiracy.

Topics covered include:

  • Trade publications bragging about their contributions to the 1984-like surveillence and control grid.
  • Patriot Act based legislation allowing medical and other sensative information to be uploaded to the Federal Government without warrant.
  • Former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski calling Americans "slaves" and calling for "helpful Pearl Harbor events."
  • Texas authorities randomly placing RFID tags and tracking devices into automotive tags; using these tags to enforce draconian laws, tolls, insurance regulations.
  • New information from a Bohemian Grove employee.
Download the interview here!

Alex Jones Interview - Part I
Alex Jones Interview - Part II
Alex Jones Interview - Part III


"Call Boys" took midnight tour of Whitehouse


Homosexual Prostitution Ring Ensnares Whitehouse


Gold to reach $682 soon: + $110 from current levels


From: http://www.jsmineset.com/

The burnt to a crisp naked shorts are all that remains after today’s rise in the gold price directly off $529 plus 3% or $544.87.

It is a compliment of sorts to know that the opposition reads this site which is one of the greatest risks of being too specific.

This is the same kind of action that has existed at every key bull point in my gold trading experience. I am now even more convinced that gold is in the process of going to $682 very soon regardless of anyone who has not given their blessing and permission to the market to achieve that milestone.

You talk about gloaters. The top callers were ecstatic yesterday. Now look at today as these egocentric goofballs have once again made fools of themselves.

Monty and I reviewed an excellent discussion that was in the publication “Market Intelligence Report.” This publication is an institutional strategy report and a "must subscribe" if you can afford it. This one is not a give away.

They have correctly given us the next major HAMMER to hit the US dollar squarely on head even thought that is my conclusion, not theirs. They do not argue against it but focus their comments elsewhere.

The ultimate straw that will break the camel’s back is the outrageous increase of 331/3 percent in the last fiscal quarter for the cost of interest on the national debt!

Fiscal mismanagement has finally reached the level of no return. The US can simply NOT afford either higher interest rates or any turndown in business activity that would kill US Federal tax receipts. Anyone that entertains the theory that Professor Bernanke is going to be a real inflation fighter is bonkers in my opinion.

Gold has $682 written all over it. I reiterate that once gold has risen above $529 you hold your position and cease your trading activities. The key number after that becomes $544.87. Now that we have had two manipulative assaults on that price fail miserably, the naked shorts will be running for cover given any opportunity.

Turn off your Financial TV channel or approach it as if it was on the comedy channel were gold is concerned - maybe where everything is concerned these days.

I love to hear the gravel voiced traders that are dragged out of the trading pit by Financial TV to interpret every market event. The amazing thing is that some of you really listen to these knuckle draggers and believe they known anything. They are geniuses in knowing what markets will do in the next 30 seconds but "economic experts" - give me a break!

The only rational voice on Financial TV is my former partner, Ira Harris. Listen to him. His favorite saying concerning a market is not to oppose its natural direction. That means that standing in front of a financial locomotive is dangerous to your material wealth.

As I see it, gold is locomotive ..682 coming down the track at the naked shorts.

Click here for today’s action in the gold and the US dollar.


Thursday, January 19, 2006

"The American public have not heard who is the real culprit behind 9/11"


Most Gagged Whistleblower in US history Sibel Edmonds joins Alex Jones on air, says there are strong criminal elements within all three branches of Government.

Prisonplanet | January 19 2006

Last Tuesday nationally syndicated radio host Alex Jones was joined on air by FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds for an in depth interview

Edmonds was hired shortly after Sept. 11 to translate intelligence gathered over the previous year related to the 9/11 attacks. She says the FBI had information that an attack using airplanes was being planned before Sept. 11 and calls Condoleezza Rice's claim the White House had no specific information on a domestic threat or one involving planes "an outrageous lie."

Although Edmonds is officially barred from revealing the specifics of what she found out, she has revealed that she was hired to find and cover up the prior knowledge intercepts. She refused to go along with the cover up. Of course only small criminal elements of the government were involved on 9/11, the majority of those working for the FBI, the CIA and the NSA are good people who would have picked up on the pre-intelligence.

Edmonds has also previously gone on record with revelations of government run drug shipping and other organized crime operations.

Firstly Edmonds was keen to stress that information relating to pre 9/11 terrorist activity was intentionally blocked by elements of the intelligence agencies.

"I started reporting these cases together with documents and other witnesses in the department, within two months after I started working for the bureau, around November/December 2001. I went to my superiors, to their superiors and even all the way to the top of the chin, to Director Mueller himself within the FBI headquarters. Initially they were asking me not to push through this and in return they offered to give me a raise... When I did not continue reporting these issues, in about February 2002, they accused me of reporting these issues to the Congress via email."

At this time Sibel was not attempting to do this, she was attempting to raise the issues internally. The FBI then sent several agents to her house and confiscated her home computer and took it apart to check exactly who Edmonds had ben contacting.

They then forced her to take a polygraph test to determine whether she had been speaking to anybody outside the agency. This was the last straw for edmonds who decide it was time to blow the case wide open and go to Congress with her vital information.

"So I went to these people within the Senate Judiciary Committee, I briefed their staff who had clearance, I went inside the secured facility and gave them documents, and about two weeks after that I was terminated without any reason being cited, in fact the letter I received from the Department of Justice said that 'your contract is being terminated as of this date purely for the convenience of the Government."

Ms Edmonds went on to talk about the specifics of what elements of the Government are now doing and covering up.

Starting with the revelation that forces inside the Congress and the FBI confirmed that House Speaker Dennis Hastert was illegally receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash bribes from foreign lobbying organizations in exchange for political favors.

Other Senators and Congressmen have also been exposed in the activity of taking illegal cash.

She then went on to talk about former Attorney General John Ashcroft who in an unprecedented move officially gagged the Congress over her case in order to "protect certain diplomatic relations of the United States and to protect sensitive US-foreign business relations."

Ashcroft did not elaborate at all and many have come forward to suggest that the gagging order was wholly illegal.

Edmonds then made an analogy, as she often does when she cannot reveal specific facts. She suggested that there could be a so called "war on drugs" but it is an unwritten rule that you only go after the lower end drug dealers and leave alone the middle men and those at the top because the government can directly profit from their activity. This is how things were handled with terrorism in the lead up to 9/11.

"Intentionally, I and I want to underline this, intentionally they are not going after the middlemen and the people at the top. So to this day the American public have not heard who is the real culprit behind 9/11. There is money laundering, and certain narcotic and weapons procurements involved."

Ms Edmonds went on to reveal that the criminal elements are active within all three branches of Government. Plus there are those who are working outside government towards the same agenda. She suggests that we should look towards lobbying groups who are registering as agents of foreign governments, such as International Advisors Inc, the lobbying company set up by arch Neo-Con Richard Perle, which is registered with the State Department as "agents of Turkey."

These groups, with weighty influences upon the foreign policy of the US Government, some, including Perle, Pentagon architects of the Iraq war, are operating with elements of the Government in a nexus like fashion, moving around vast amounts of money and arms and profiteering from directing world events.

Edmonds suggested that this information would become more widespread should more people demand that the media cover these issues. There are simply too many people who are not concerned by such revelations or who simply take no notice.

"Our founders repeatedly stressed eternal vigilance because we can't say we have separation of powers, we have our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, they're going to take care of themselves and they are going to last, no, it does take eternal vigilance." Edmonds commented.

Visit Sibel Edmonds' websites at http://www.nswbc.org and http://www.justacitizen.com/


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

76 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health


76 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health

Articles like this are good motivators for an improvement of one's health. If this article moves you as much as it did me, you may want to check this out:

Dr. Joseph Mercola's Nutrition Plan

Contributed by Nancy Appleton, Ph.D
Author of the book Lick The Sugar Habit

In addition to throwing off the body's homeostasis, excess sugar may result in a number of other significant consequences. The following is a listing of some of sugar's metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals and other scientific publications.

  1. Sugar can suppress your immune system and impair your defenses against infectious disease.1,2

  2. Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in your body: causes chromium and copper deficiencies and interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium. 3,4,5,6

  3. Sugar can cause can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.7,8

  4. Sugar can produce a significant rise in total cholesterol, triglycerides and bad cholesterol and a decrease in good cholesterol.9,10,11,12

  5. Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function.13

  6. Sugar feeds cancer cells and has been connected with the development of cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, rectum, pancreas, biliary tract, lung, gallbladder and stomach.14,15,16,17,18,19,20

  7. Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose and can cause reactive hypoglycemia.21,22

  8. Sugar can weaken eyesight.23

  9. Sugar can cause many problems with the gastrointestinal tract including: an acidic digestive tract, indigestion, malabsorption in patients with functional bowel disease, increased risk of Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.24,25,26,27,28

  10. Sugar can cause premature aging.29

  11. Sugar can lead to alcoholism.30

  12. Sugar can cause your saliva to become acidic, tooth decay, and periodontal disease.31,32,33

  13. Sugar contributes to obesity.34

  14. Sugar can cause autoimmune diseases such as: arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis.35,36,37

  15. Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infections)38

  16. Sugar can cause gallstones.39

  17. Sugar can cause appendicitis.40

  18. Sugar can cause hemorrhoids.41

  19. Sugar can cause varicose veins.42

  20. Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users.43

  21. Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.44

  22. Sugar can cause a decrease in your insulin sensitivity thereby causing an abnormally high insulin levels and eventually diabetes.45,46,47

  23. Sugar can lower your Vitamin E levels.48

  24. Sugar can increase your systolic blood pressure.49

  25. Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.50

  26. High sugar intake increases advanced glycation end products (AGEs)(Sugar molecules attaching to and thereby damaging proteins in the body).51

  27. Sugar can interfere with your absorption of protein.52

  28. Sugar causes food allergies.53

  29. Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.54

  30. Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.55

  31. Sugar can cause atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.56,57

  32. Sugar can impair the structure of your DNA.58

  33. Sugar can change the structure of protein and cause a permanent alteration of the way the proteins act in your body.59,60

  34. Sugar can make your skin age by changing the structure of collagen.61

  35. Sugar can cause cataracts and nearsightedness.62,63

  36. Sugar can cause emphysema.64

  37. High sugar intake can impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in your body.65

  38. Sugar lowers the ability of enzymes to function.66

  39. Sugar intake is higher in people with Parkinson's disease.67

  40. Sugar can increase the size of your liver by making your liver cells divide and it can increase the amount of liver fat.68,69

  41. Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney such as the formation of kidney stones.70,71

  42. Sugar can damage your pancreas.72

  43. Sugar can increase your body's fluid retention.73

  44. Sugar is enemy #1 of your bowel movement.74

  45. Sugar can compromise the lining of your capillaries.75

  46. Sugar can make your tendons more brittle.76

  47. Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.77

  48. Sugar can reduce the learning capacity, adversely affect school children's grades and cause learning disorders.78,79

  49. Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha, and theta brain waves which can alter your mind's ability to think clearly.80

  50. Sugar can cause depression.81

  51. Sugar can increase your risk of gout.82

  52. Sugar can increase your risk of Alzheimer's disease.83

  53. Sugar can cause hormonal imbalances such as: increasing estrogen in men, exacerbating PMS, and decreasing growth hormone.84,85,86,87

  54. Sugar can lead to dizziness.88

  55. Diets high in sugar will increase free radicals and oxidative stress.89

  56. High sucrose diets of subjects with peripheral vascular disease significantly increases platelet adhesion.90

  57. High sugar consumption of pregnant adolescents can lead to substantial decrease in gestation duration and is associated with a twofold increased risk for delivering a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infant.91,92

  58. Sugar is an addictive substance.93

  59. Sugar can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol.94

  60. Sugar given to premature babies can affect the amount of carbon dioxide they produce.95

  61. Decrease in sugar intake can increase emotional stability.96

  62. Your body changes sugar into 2 to 5 times more fat in the bloodstream than it does starch.97

  63. The rapid absorption of sugar promotes excessive food intake in obese subjects.98

  64. Sugar can worsen the symptoms of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).99

  65. Sugar adversely affects urinary electrolyte composition.100

  66. Sugar can slow down the ability of your adrenal glands to function.101

  67. Sugar has the potential of inducing abnormal metabolic processes in a normal healthy individual and to promote chronic degenerative diseases.102

  68. I.V.s (intravenous feedings) of sugar water can cut off oxygen to your brain.103

  69. Sugar increases your risk of polio.104

  70. High sugar intake can cause epileptic seizures.105

  71. Sugar causes high blood pressure in obese people.106

  72. In intensive care units: Limiting sugar saves lives.107

  73. Sugar may induce cell death.108

  74. In juvenile rehabilitation camps, when children were put on a low sugar diet, there was a 44 percent drop in antisocial behavior.109

  75. Sugar dehydrates newborns.110

  76. Sugar can cause gum disease.111



    Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    Lost for words


    I was spending my time in the doldrums
    I was caught in a cauldron of hate
    I felt persecuted and paralysed
    I thought that everything else would just wait

    While you are wasting your time on your enemies
    Engulfed in a fever of spite
    Beyond your tunnel vision reality fades
    Like shadows into the night

    To martyr yourself to caution
    Is not going to help at all
    because ther'll be no safety in numbers
    When the right one walks out of the door

    Can you see your days blighted by darkness?
    Is it true you beat your fists on the floor?
    Stuck in a world of isolation
    While the ivy grows over the door

    So I open my door to my enemies
    And I ask could we wipe the slate clean
    But they tell me to please go fuck myself
    You know you just can't win

    ~pink floyd


    Monday, January 16, 2006

    International Banksters have a new collection scheme


    The evilarchy that controls this nation has a plan to collect taxes with private contractors; this is how the international bankers will collect the interest on the massive United States debt as the country's infrastructure starts to buckle. Just think of all of the injustices that we are to see in the future.

    IRS Plan To Outsource Tax Collection Raises Security Concerns

    By Larry Greenemeier, InformationWeek
    11:00 AM EST Fri. Jan. 13, 2006

    The Internal Revenue Service by March expects to award contracts to three private-sector companies to help the agency improve its ability to track down deadbeat taxpayers. Yet despite carefully worded security stipulations written into the IRS's request for quotes from prospective contractors, concerns remain regarding the government and the business world's ability to adequately protect sensitive information.

    President Bush gave the IRS the power to use private-sector contractors when he signed the American Jobs Creation Act in October 2004. The act created Section 6206 of the Internal Revenue Code permitting contractors to be used to help collect taxes in cases where the tax owed is not in dispute. The IRS, which started looking for contractors last October, says using them for debt collection will help increase the amount of tax liabilities collected each year, leading to an estimated additional $1.4 billion dollars in tax revenue over the next 10 years.

    "Taxpayer information on file with the IRS is and will remain private and secure," an IRS spokeswoman said Thursday. Contractors will only be able to communicate with taxpayers via telephone or written correspondences, except under special circumstances.

    The contractor program will run on a trial basis for a year after the contracts are awarded, with the option for another year if all goes well. Full program implementation is planned for January 2008. The contractors will help the agency collect a portion of the estimated $12 billion in taxes individuals have acknowledged they owe but have not paid. The contractors stand to receive up to 25% of the tax money they help to collect.

    Due to the extreme sensitivity of tax data, the IRS, which expects to process about 135 million individual tax returns in 2006, is requiring all work done by contractors to be performed within the United States. Contractors also have to agree to purge taxpayer financial information from their IT systems once their work on a given taxpayer account is completed. If the contractor isn't able to immediately purge this data, they are responsible for protecting that data from unauthorized inspections or disclosures. Contractor IT systems must meet Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 standards and track the location of tax returns and return information at all times.

    But both the Government Accountability Office and the National Treasury Employees Union, which represents 94,000 employees of the Treasury Department as well as another 60,000 employees in other federal agencies and departments, have questioned the IRS's ability to properly manage contracted employees in the past.

    The GAO, which is Congress's investigative arm, has criticized the IRS over its diligence in contractor background investigations. In an April 27, 2005 letter to IRS Commissioner Mark Everson, GAO Financial Management and Assurance director Steven Sebastian identified a number of internal control issues at the IRS that "adversely affected safeguarding of tax receipts and information, refunds to taxpayers, and lien resolutions."

    Sebastian's letter also notes that at three IRS service centers his group investigated, some contractors were granted staff-like access to restricted areas, including IRS-owned or controlled facilities, information systems, security items and products, or sensitive but unclassified information, despite not having undergone background investigations. This increased the risk that "taxpayer receipts and information could be lost, stolen, misused, or destroyed," Sebastian wrote. During his team's fiscal year 2004 audit, they found the IRS didn't submit new security clearance paperwork for 10 contractors until four years after the contractors had already been granted staff-like access.

    In response to the GAO report, the IRS stated that it has "implemented steps" to monitor and enforce existing requirements related to background checks for contractors.

    The IRS also is getting pressure from the Treasury Department's employee union to use government employees rather than contractors. The National Treasury Employees Union, unsurprisingly, believes that IRS employees could do the same job cheaper and better. The union is pushing for passage of H.R. 1621, a House of Representatives bill sponsored by Rep. Rob Simmons, R-Conn., that would revoke the IRS's authority to hire private debt collectors.

    Concerns over the government's ability to protect sensitive citizen data extends to other federal agencies as well. The Justice Department failed to remove several Social Security numbers from its Web site, www.usdoj.gov. For example, the Social Security number of a woman involved in a 2003 immigration-review case was included in documentation about the case. Additional site searches yielded other peoples' numbers in a half-dozen other places.

    The business world's track record of protecting customer data does little to improve the public's confidence. People's Bank has joined the unenviable, but growing, list of companies that have mishandled customer data. The financial institution acknowledged Thursday that a backup tape containing personal information on 90,000 customers was lost while being transported by UPS to credit reporting bureau TransUnion. The tapes contained names, addresses, and bank account and Social Security numbers for customers who have a form of checking account overdraft protection called personal credit lines.

    Membership in the "Oops, I lost your data" club continues to grow. Hopefully, the IRS and other handlers of sensitive information will learn from their predecessors.


    Friday, January 13, 2006

    Breaking of the fast: the feeling begins


    The fast was broken on Tuesday night. After seeing that my body temperature seemed to be dropping I decided to end earlier than planned. Four days is, however, not a bad length of time for a fast. This is, undoubtedly, one of the most powerful life changing experiences I've ever had.

    The fasting experience has taught me a variety of lessons about human nature as well as the workings of the physical body. After such an experience, one cannot help but be attuned to the needs of their body; I have no doubt that cellular detoxification and digestive cleansing are the keys to living a long and healthy life in a youthful state.

    The mind/body/spirit complex simply does not have any other method of staying youthful. If one fails to still their racing mind with meditation, eat the proper food combinations, fast regularly with colonics and/or enimas, and drink primarily purified water, then it is very difficult to avoid the chronic diseases which plague the modern world.

    With the body cleansed of so many accumulated toxins and the mind purified of self-absorbed egos of desire, It feels like the next great journey is beginning.

    This is a spiritual journey; I have no expectations as to where it will lead for I know that the purification of mind, body and spirit leads to oneness with the cosmos and thence to the purification of others driven by loving compassion.

    What more can we do to create a better world? A better world starts with each and every one of us.

    Now that the rate of change has accellerated to the point that it has, it is time for each and every one of us to make a choice. Are we going to continue being driven by mindless pre-ordained ritual or are we going to hear the loving compassion within ourself?

    tool - flood

    Here comes the water.

    All I knew and all I believed
    are crumbling images
    that no longer comfort me.
    I scramble to reach higher ground,
    some order and sanity,
    or something to comfort me.

    So I take what is mine,and hold what is mine,
    suffocate what is mine, and bury what's mine.
    Soon the water will come
    and claim what is mine.
    I must leave it behind,
    and climb to a new place now.

    This ground is not the rock I thought it to be.

    Thought I was high, and free.
    I thought I was there
    divine destiny.

    I was wrong.
    This changes everything.

    The water is rising up on me.
    Thought the sun would come deliver me,
    but the truth has come to punish me instead.

    The ground is breaking down right under me.
    Cleanse and purge me
    in the water.


    Tuesday, January 10, 2006

    Fasting: Day 4


    After four days of eating nothing and drinking only a small glass of vegetable juice and large amounts of water, things are going pretty well. I had many thoughts about self-indulgent foods, especially carb rich junk foods, but I no longer contend with such thoughts at this stage. This is a great spiritual advancement for me since it has helped eliminate many egos of desire.

    My digestive system is completely shut down, since it only needs to process liquids, so I would imagine that it is in a much needed state of repair. The rest of my body is autodigesting the damaged parts of itself and utilising that material to rebuild. In the process many toxins have been released into the blood stream and thence into the urine. It is quite a noticeable effect indeed.

    My body feels a little different than normal, I've lost some weight and my heart rate is up a little bit; but I am able to go about my day unrestrained provided I don't do too much physical activity. I've been drinking about 150 ounces of water each day in order to help cleanse myself down to the cellular level.

    I have not drank any juice today and don't plan on doing so for the remainder of the fast unless I find myself unable to go to work. At this juncture, I plan on doing this for at least one more day. If I feel up to it, then I will break the fast on Friday morning instead of tomorrow.


    Monday, January 09, 2006

    An open letter to Bud Cramer, Democratic congressman from Alabama


    Jan 9, 2006

    Representative Robert Cramer
    United States House of Representatives
    2368 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515-0001

    Representative Cramer,

    The Bush administration lied to the people and Congress about the justifications for going to war in Iraq. This administration also lied about almost every aspect of 9/11 and failed to properly investigate why norad stood down and many other questionable things that occured on that fateful day.

    President Bush has failed to uphold the constitution of the United States on many occasions, the least of which is his warrantless wiretaps. These are serious offenses indeed; offenses which should not be taken lightly and should be delt with sternly in order to preserve this great republic.

    Bushs misdeeds constitute High Crimes and Midemeanors. I urge you to support impeachment immediately, in order to save the Constitution.

    I also would like to see a complete investigation into 9/11 in order to uncover who in the United States government was involved.

    It is time to stand up for our republic before tyrrany takes hold.


    Sunday, January 08, 2006

    Time to fast.


    I've been reading alot about health and diet lately. Last November, I came across a book titled The Tao of Health Sex and Longevity. The book caused a drastic change in my perception of the body and how it is best maintained and improved.

    Since I've been delving into this subject for a few months, I decided that the time has come to purge my body of the evils of my earlier years, the time has come to fast.

    I am now on a journey, one that is more bold than any journey I've embarked upon before. The purposes of this journey are many: cleanse and purge the body of accumulated toxins, relenquish the enslavement to material cravings for food and burn up the dead or weak parts of my body.

    The fast that I am undergoing consists of eathing nothing at all and drinking a glass of fresh vegetable juice in the morning followed by water throught the day. This is said to allow the digestive system to rest and, in the process, cleanse itself; it also causes the rest of the body to "autodigest" the dead and malformed parts of itself. I plan on doing this juice fast until friday evening.

    At this point, I feel that I've gotten over the worst of the material cravings for food that I've contended with my whole life. My digestive system is giving me no signals to eat food; I would imagine that it is quite content repairing and upgrading itself since it has had no previous opportunity during my lifetime.

    After the first day or two of such a fast the toxins are to begin pouring into the blood from the various organs. The toxin level is to reach levels 10x higher than what is normal. Were I not to begin this fasting regiment, which I plan on doing once every three months from now on, these toxins would remain in my body and cause eventual misery if not an untimely death.

    I will update this blog as the hour progress. I will also be writing more on the benefits of fasting and the methods by which someone can fast.


    Friday, January 06, 2006

    Bush: lying about his authority to conduct warrantless wiretaps...


    Looks like the constitutional republic is finally being realized as the empire that it has become over the last hundred or so years. Even establishment press figures, such as the Washingon Post, are delving into this once forbidden area of intrigue. Are we being prepared for something?

    The following is a short video which gives a summary of the recent Bush lies regarding his powers. The page also contains a link for a video (7 minutes long) which shows other related questions as well as some congressional reactions.


    What we have in this society is an executive with unchecked powers; an individual who implements executive orders, both secret and overt, which defy the very foundation of the American republic.

    I wonder how long it took the Romans to realize that they were no longer in a republic. How much longer will the Americans continue to pretend that voting and elected officials really matter? Are we going to do anything about it or will we allow our children to be enslaved?


    Thursday, January 05, 2006

    More Videos!


    I would highly recommend the following videos, all of which are listed on the site menu. The videos detail key pieces of information in an effort to uncover the reality of our current situation.

    Many of us think that there is no way to know what is really going on. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is out there and can be acquired by anyone willing to dig through all of the information.

    Please review these videos so that you can see what is happening.


    Tuesday, January 03, 2006

    Video: Inner World of the Occult


    download: Inner World of the Occult [details/reviews]

    Jordan Maxwell delivers an interesting lecture in which he delves deeply into the occult and its role in the control of the western world and its leaders through the Faustian financial fraternity. He also shows, in detail, the role and significance of the attacks of September 11, 2001; how they help to bring forth the New World Order.

    Jordan Maxwell has spent 44 years studying conspiracy and the occult. In the video, Inner World of the Occult, Jordan Maxwell delves deeply into the occultic forces which play a major role in our lives.

    He is the foremost expert when it comes to research on the occult; on those images that we see all around us and the pictures which few of us understand, which are subliminal. The video has slides, pictures and stories and makes much clearer, the significance of what we are seeing happen in the world today.