The warring spirits of Atlantean times...
According to the life readings given by Edgar Cayce, most of human history took place during the Atlantean civilization; for millions of years humans lived in Atlantis. This civilization was ripped apart by many of the same forces that divide our present civilization.
Cayce terms these forces the "Sons of Belial" and the "Sons of the Creative Force." The Sons of Belial are obsessed with materialism and have little concept of spiritual awareness. The Sons of the Creative Force are a very spiritual people who were said to have advanced spiritually to levels only dreamt of in our time.
"Hence we find there had been the separating into groups (as we would call them) for this or that phase of activity; and those that were against that MANNER of development. The Sons of Belial were of one group, or those that sought more the gratifying, the satisfying, the use of material things for self, WITHOUT thought or consideration as to the sources of such nor the hardships in the experiences of others. Or, in other words, as we would term it today, they were those without a standard of morality. The other group - those who followed the Law of One - had a standard. The Sons of Belial had no standard, save of self, self-aggrandizement." 877-26
"Their STANDARD (the Law of One) was that the soul was given by the Creator or entered from outside sources INTO the projection of the MENTAL and spiritual self at the given periods. THAT was the standard of the Law of One, but was REJECTED by the Sons of Belial." 877-26According to Cayce these factions, being in total war with one another, destroyed the continent of Atlantis and caused the Earth to change in such a way as the continent was swallowed into the ocean. Apparently the Atlanteans were experimenting with high energy weapons much like our present civilization and allowed the use of these weapons to cause irreperable harm to the earth.
300 years before the final cataclysm that buried Atlantis under the ocean, an exodus took place in which Atlanteans fled to Egypt and South America. Notice that both places are rich in advanced Atlantean architecture; they both have pyramids of a simmilar nature. The pyramids are actually comprised of the same meaasurement unit, the cubit.
The following readings are of interest when trying to understand the relationship between the two opposing forces; forces which Cayce says are at work in our own world. The readings are generally "life readings" in which Cayce would determine what the individuals had done of significance in their past lives.
"In Atlantis we find the entity, as there were those periods before the destruction - when there were being continually waged what may be termed war, but rather in the sense as would be considered in the present period when there is being a campaign by individuals or groups respecting the impulsive influence that is directing the activities of the man, the brother, the neighbor, the associate. Or, as would be termed, an evangelistic campaign. This was being waged between the followers of the patriarchs of old; of Alta, of Quoauda, and those that directed against the sons of Baalilal. [Belial? Deut. 13:13]" 378-13
"Entity was in the Atlantean period before the second of the turmoils that separated the islands or broke up the land into islands; and in the city of Eden in Poseidia did the entity then dwell. The entity was among the Atlan lands and peoples and of those that served in the temple during the building of the temple to the One, the law of the One, the understanding of the law of the One. Then the entity became enamored with those of of the house of Baalilal, and faltered in the experience; yet it was forgiven much through those sojournings in the understandings of that given through Quoauda in the land." 390-2
"(Q) What was the date of the Peruvian incarnation as given in Life Reading, and what was the disturbance in the earth as mentioned? Give such details as will clear up this period.
(A) As indicated from that just given, the entity was in Atlantis when there was the second period of disturbance -which would be some twenty-two thousand, five hundred (22,500) before the periods of the Egyptian activity covered by the Exodus; or it was some twenty-eight thousand (28,000) before Christ, see? Then we had a period where the activities in the Atlantean land became more in provinces, or there were small channels through many of the lands. And there were those, with the entity and its associates or companions, who left the activities to engage in the building up of the activities in the Peruvian land. For the Atlanteans were becoming decadent, or being broken up owing to the disputes between the children of the Law of One and the children of Belial. " 470-22
"The entity's activity was again as one in authority, the desires and the expressions of the entity made for the use of energies gathered through activities of Law of One and Belial to DESTROY those that had withdrawn, or made attempts to induce the people to become adherents to the desires of the material forces in their activities." 956-1
"The children of the Law of One were giving periods to the concentration of thought for the use of the universal forces, through the guidance or direction of the saints (as would be termed today). There are few terms in the present that would indicate the state of consciousness; save that, through the concentration of the group mind of the children of the Law of One, they entered into a fourth-dimensional consciousness - or were absent from the body. Thus they were able to have that experience of crystallizing, through the Light, the speech from what might well be termed the saint realm, to impart understanding and knowledge to the group thus gathered. To be sure, there were those influences apparent in which the children or sons of Belial sought more and more the use, or the interpreting of that spiritual unity into individuals or material things for self-aggrandizement or indulgences without due consideration for the freedom of choice or decision by those who were then, in the physical experience, in that state of evolution of developing their mental abilities for single or separate activity. Thus the great conflicting problems that arose in the experiences of the entity through that period of activity. Among those of the entity's own group that division had come in which there had arisen the separation of the sexes. There were those who had listened, and who were inclined to listen to the tempting applications made by the sons of Belial. These had made some impressions upon the companion, upon the workers - together with the entity in its choice of the representatives, in the activity among the peoples of that period. Something of the consciousness of the individuals that were in that state of evolution or development might well be interpreted in the language of today, if there is to be a proper interpreting of that influence to be applied by the entity in its choice of companion, of associations, in this present experience. A comparison might be made, that is not a full interpretation but gives something of an idea of the beings that have in some experiences advanced to that activity as may be implied in present day terms. Those individuals who had through their sojourns in the earth as souls pushed into matter as to become separate entities, without the consideration of principle or the ability of self-control, might be compared to the domestic pets of today, - as the present development of the horse, the mule, the dog, the cat. This is not intended to indicate that there is transmigration or transmutation of the soul from animal to human; but the comparison is made as to trait, as to mind, and as to how those so domesticated in the present are dependent upon their masters for that consideration of their material as well as mental welfare, - yet in each there is still the instinct, the predominant nature of that class or group-soul impregnation into which it has pushed itself for self-expression. Hence those interpretations are implied by the characteristics indicated in the name itself, as to the relationships to its group and its dealing in sexual relationships. Hence the terms, - as docile as the horse, as catty as the cat, as stubborn as the mule, or the like. These, then, are merely the indications of the groups that were being used through that period for the activities of the individual entity, as to its application of spiritual and mental universal laws in materiality; the same as in every realm of today. The entity then was the high priestess in authority, or the interpreter to the groups of the messages attained or gained from the periodical meetings with those from the universal realm, for instruction, for direction, for understanding in those periods of activity. Being influenced by the groups or individuals about same, there were those disputations with them as to the purposes of the children of Belial; that these were to be exploited rather than to be made equals with those thus endowed with the spiritual understanding. For, as it remains in the present day: That declaration made and those influences entertained, whether for construction or destruction, depend upon that force upon which the declaration by the entity was made, or that spirit with which the declaration was made or the influences entertained. In other words, with what spirit do ye declare thyself? That in conformity with the universal consciousness, the law of love? Or that of hate, dissension, contention - which brings or produces burdens upon thy fellow associates? For, the law of love is unchangeable; in that as ye do it to the least of thy fellows, ye do it to thy Maker. These are the problems with which the entity was confronted in its activity, in its sojourn through that particular phase of its experience; being tempted by that entity who favored less and less the law of One and became more and more favorable to the sons of Belial.The correlations to our own time are quite evident, if you consider the fact that most of our religious and economic traditions arose from Egypt then it is clear that we are continuing the traditions of the Atlanteans after their demise. The Atlanteans spread their traditions into Egypt and from Egypt into Europe and Asia. Many of their priests were thought to have gone to Tibet. From Tibet they formed the roots for most of the ancient belief systems of our time.
(Q) Describe in detail the entity's work with the White Stone, and present urges from this.
(A) This may be well implied from that indicated. The entity as the high priestess was the interpreter of the messages received through the concentration of the group upon the stone from which the oracle spoke from the realm of the saints (as would be termed today), or impressed upon those of that period - the group - the messages of hope, encouragement, endearment, and the necessity of keeping the oneness of purpose." 2464-2
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