Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Completion of the fasting


Due to a bout of inhospitably cold weather, I ended up breaking the fast much earlier than I had hoped. I spent a total of about 3 and 3/4 days fasting this time; the decision was a difficult one, since I felt no necessity to eat, but I felt it was wise to wait and fast again when the temperature warms up in a couple of months.

Now that I have carefully retoxed my system and had a few days to carefully contemplate and observe the effects of the recent fast, I find that this fast has accomplished far more than I had envisaged.

My whole body feels a youthful radiance that, I believe, is even stronger than the last time I fasted. I can feel the blood and chi flowing through my body in such a way that, in comparison to how it was prior to the fast, the difference is like night and day.

I practiced Tai Chi and Yoga last night, and I was shocked by the increased level of responsiveness and greatly increased flexibility that I was able to achieve. During the Yoga class, for the first time since I started seriously studying the art, we practiced head stands; I had never even attempted a head stand and was actually able to do it with the help of a wall.

During the Tai Chi class I practiced by free styling Tai Chi for over an hour. With the help of a few excellent insight from my teacher, I felt great improvement in connectedness and fluidity of motion; I also felt the blood and chi flowing through me even more-so than it had when I was a few years younger and practicing Tai Chi for hours each day.

For me this is a great turning point. Once again it confirms that the information I have been reading about fasting, detox and diet is accurate. I can feel so many improvements in my overall state of mental and physical being that I now harbor in myself a deep sense of happiness and contentment; a sense that I have not felt in a long long time, if ever at this magnitude.


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

0% Trans Fat Labels are Often LIES: Dr. Mercola Exposes Food Manufacturer's Deceptions


This is a very short clip in which Dr. Mercola explains the method by which food manufacturers deceive you about trans-fat at the super-market. They use a small serving size and a loop-hole that allows them to leave certain amounts of the deadly fat unreported on food labels.

Mercola describes the ingredients that have trans-fat and are often deceptively labeled.


Monday, January 29, 2007

Great (new) Speech from George Galloway




Saturday, January 27, 2007

A Meditation on the Mind of a Host


By Chou Tung (Snow Reid)

Happiest of all are the guests
Sorriest are the servants
Half happy half sorry is the host.

Chunk upon chunk of meat,
Goblet after goblet of wine,
sent tumbling down their gullets,
Exhilirating to death the guests,
Worrying to death the host,
And tiring to death the servants.

Talking and joking,
Shaking hands, exhausting words;
Time flows by swiftly.
Does the host do all this just to please his guests,
or could it be that …

He’s just indulging in another grand celebration
of his own loneliness?
Or perhaps this is only an exercise,
to test the strength and stamina
of the servants.
No blame in killing two birds with one stone.

No wonder people love parties:
Eating heavy food,
Speaking hollow words,
Smiling frozen grimaces;
Hearts cold,
Brains blank,
Each guest aiming at a different mark.

There’s meat, there’s wine,
and sweet desserts,
And every form of pleasure.
We have not come here in vain:
Engaging in brief rencounters,
While filling our bellies full.

Say "Hello", say "Good night",
"Great party, good food,
Hate to run,
but have to go …"

Leaving behind a pile of rotting bones,
dirty dishes, and stale crumbs,
And the scowls on the frowning faces
of the servants.

Chiang Mai, Thailand 1992

This work by Chou Tung (Snow Reid) was first published in Chinese in the Feb 23, 1992
issue of The World Daily News in Thailand; The above is a translation by Daniel Reid,
sub-titled as “A Meditation on the Mind of a Host”


Friday, January 26, 2007

Water Fast: Day 3


I decided this Wednesday to do a water-only fast that, I hope, will last for a total of seven full days. I have a variety of reasons for doing this; the primary reason is the detox benefits that go along with starving the body of caloric intake for a prolonged period of time.

I can feel that my body has reached the end of the Liver's glycogen stores and is now resorting to ketosis (the burning of fats) for energy. This is signified by sluggishness due to the body's inability to obtain energy from stored glycogen. This process begins on the second day of the fast and will last for the remainder of this third day.

What the body is unable to obtain by ketosis it obtains by catabolizing, which is the process of breaking down muscle tissue and utilizing the amino acids therin. On day 2 of the fast, between 2 and 3 ounces of muscle tissue are utilized; after this the body begins to conserve the muscle fibers to such an extent that the body could go for a full month without food and only lose 1/4 pound of muscle.

If I can make it through the weekend without breaking the fast, I plan on doing an extensive detoxification regimen next week involving a colonic irrigation. Colonic irrigation is essential for the detoxification to continue unhindered, since the toxins of the colon block the exit of the toxins released by the ketosis process.

If this fast is anything like previous fasts, then I expect to have more energy and feel younger when all is said and done. There is no other process, that I know of, that is as effective as a water fast at accomplishing the cleansing, detoxification and renewal of the body.

For more information, please check out The Health Benefits of Water Fasting, an article which explains the specifics of what occurs during a fast and the benefits.


The "Wipe Israel Off The Map" Hoax


What Ahmadinejad really said and why this broken record is just another ad slogan for war

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet
Friday, January 26, 2007

Barely a day goes by that one can avoid reading or hearing yet another Israeli, American or British warhawk regurgitate the broken record that Iran's President Ahmadinejad threatened to "wipe Israel off the map," framed in the ridiculous context that Israeli's are being targeted for a second holocaust. This baseless rallying call for conflict holds about as much credibility as Dick Cheney's assertion that Saddam Hussein was planning to light up American skies with mushroom clouds.

Today it's the turn of would-be future British Prime Minister David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party, who repeated the "wipe Israel off he map" fraud in a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, using it to qualify his refusal to rule out a military strike on Iran under a Tory government.

Did Ahmadinejad really threaten to "wipe Israel off the map" or is this phrase just another jingoistic brand slogan for selling the next war in the Middle East?

The devil is in the detail, wiping Israel off the map suggests a physical genocidal assault, a literal population relocation or elimination akin to what the Nazis did. According to numerous different translations, Ahmadinejad never used the word "map," instead his statement was in the context of time and applied to the Zionist regime occupying Jerusalem. Ahmadinejad was expressing his future hope that the Zionist regime in Israel would fall, not that Iran was going to physically annex the country and its population.

To claim Ahmadinejad has issued a rallying cry to ethnically cleanse Israel is akin to saying that Churchill wanted to murder all Germans when he stated his desire to crush the Nazis. This is about the demise of a corrupt occupying power, not the deaths of millions of innocent people.

The Guardian's Jonathan Steele cites four different translations, from professors to the BBC to the New York Times and even pro-Israel news outlets, in none of those translations is the word "map" used. The closest translation to what the Iranian President actually said is, "The regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time," or a narrow relative thereof. In no version is the word "map" used or a context of mass genocide or hostile military action even hinted at.

The acceptance of the word "map" seemingly originated with the New York Times, who later had to back away from this false translation. The BBC also wrongly used the word and, in comments to Steele, later accepted their mistake but refused to issue a retraction.

"The fact that he compared his desired option - the elimination of "the regime occupying Jerusalem" - with the fall of the Shah's regime in Iran makes it crystal clear that he is talking about regime change, not the end of Israel. As a schoolboy opponent of the Shah in the 1970's he surely did not favor Iran's removal from the page of time. He just wanted the Shah out," writes Steele.

"It's important to note that the "quote" in question was itself a quote, writes Arash Norouzi, "they are the words of the late Ayatollah Khomeini, the father of the Islamic Revolution. Although he quoted Khomeini to affirm his own position on Zionism, the actual words belong to Khomeini and not Ahmadinejad. Thus, Ahmadinejad has essentially been credited (or blamed) for a quote that is not only unoriginal, but represents a viewpoint already in place well before he ever took office."

Professor Juan Cole concurs, arguing, "Now, some might say, "So he didn't say, 'wipe off the map,' he said 'erase from the page.' What's the difference? Anyway he's saying he wants to get rid of Israel. Ahmadinejad was not making a threat, he was quoting a saying of Khomeini and urging that pro-Palestinian activists in Iran not give up hope -- that the occupation of Jerusalem was no more a continued inevitability than had been the hegemony of the Shah's government. Whatever this quotation from a decades-old speech of Khomeini may have meant, Ahmadinejad did not say that 'Israel must be wiped off the map' with the implication that phrase has of Nazi-style extermination of a people. He said that the occupation regime over Jerusalem must be erased from the page of time."

Let's consider for a moment that Ahmadinejad really does wish to initiate a nuclear war on Israel, is this feasible? It would be like Paris Hilton picking a fight with Mike Tyson. The CIA's own estimates put Iran five to ten years away from being able to produce one nuclear bomb even if they were in the planning stages now, which is highly unlikely given that international inspectors have found no evidence of such a program and CIA satellite imagery also shows no proof of nuclear arms. Contrast this to an Israeli arsenal of anything up to 200 launch ready nukes allied to the might of the U.S. which has nearly 6,000 active warheads not to mention so-called "mini-nukes."

While it can be reasonably argued that Iran is seeking a nuclear weapon at some point in the future, to then claim that this means Ahmadinejad wishes to enact a second holocaust is an unfathomable leap of logic. The real reason for any nation in that region trying to acquire a nuclear weapon is for self defense, because they are surrounded by other hostile powers that already have the bomb.

Returning to the "wipe Israel off the map hoax," loathe are we to forget another of the commercial jingles concocted for hoodwinking Americans into attacking a certain other Middle Eastern country - "he used weapons of mass destruction against his own people," referring of course to Saddam Hussein's alleged role in the Halabja massacre where Iraqi Kurds were gassed. In reality, as former CIA analyst Stephen Pelletiere has revealed, Halabja came as a result of a battlefield exchange between the Iranians and the Iraqis after the Kurds had sided with the Iranians and allowed them to enter the city. According to the DIA's own report at the time, the type of gas that killed the Kurds was not used by the Iraqis but was used by the Iranians. The incident was a tragedy of war, not a directed program of genocide at the behest of Saddam Hussein.

Whenever Bush administration officials and others used Halabja as a pretext for war, the mass media routinely failed to mention the DIA report, just as they have failed to provide any balance on the real meaning of Ahmadinejad's statement, despite the fact that it is completely distorted almost every day and used as a call to arms as well as a propagandistic ploy to convince western populations that dark skinned invaders are hell-bent on their wholesale destruction.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Natural Remedies for Pilonidal Cysts


A Pilonidal Cyst is a blanket term for any type of skin infection near the coccyx. These are normally quite painful, occur somewhat more often in men than in women, and normally happen in early adulthood. Although usually found near the coccyx, this painful condition can be found in several places, including the navel or the armpit.

Development of the condition in a place other than the coccyx is exceedingly rare, however. It usually happens in young people, up to their thirties in age. Conditions in which it commonly occurs include obesity, body hair around the area in question, and a sedentary lifestyle. While a traumatic event is not believed to cause a pilonidal cyst, such an event has been known to inflame existing cysts.

Treatment Recommended by Edgar Cayce

The following was taken from the Edgar Cayce Health Database.

Castor oil packs seem to make a positive difference in a variety of conditions of human illness. Sometimes it doesn't make sense that these packs, applied in different places on the body, bring a healing influence to sore throats, pilonidal cysts, contusions and abrasions. But the following stories tell how patients and doctors have made effective use of this product of the Racinus communis plant:

"I had just begun coming out of a period of chronic sore throats which followed a bronchopneumonia-type syndrome that had been called, among other things, the Hong Kong flu. This was after two years of winter spells that left me bedfast every other weekend. I did not believe I would survive another year. After reading The Sleeping Prophet and just prior to the hay fever season, I began the back adjustments and used the inhalant recommended in the readings. The results were remarkable. I was still having regular bouts with sore throats, so one night I decided to try the heated castor oil pack on the abdomen. In 15 minutes the sore throat suddenly evaporated in what felt like a rush of running water. The next evening my wife came down with the same symptoms and applied the treatment with identical results." (Gene Jacobson)

"The patient is a 26-year-old male with a five-year history of episodic flare ups of a painful pilonidal cyst. It was never larger than an olive until the last week of October, 1975, when it reached the size of an egg. Sitting and walking became more difficult. He finally went for medical help and was scheduled for surgery on the 29th of November.

"I was visited by his mother who is my patient. She asked if there were anything I could suggest to relieve the pain since the doctor had only given him antibiotics. I recommended applying a four-inch gauze pad saturated in castor oil with a heating pad on high heat for one hour before bedtime. His wife was to give him a five-minute digital massage two inches from the border of the cyst, working in a circular motion towards the cyst but not directly on it. This was done and repeated the following morning. At 4 p.m. Sunday the pain returned, and his wife applied another compress. Within minutes he felt relief. The cyst opened and began to drain.

"He reported to his doctor on Monday for the scheduled surgery, but indicated that since the cyst was draining he wanted to cancel the surgery and let nature take its course. The doctor insisted that the sac had to be removed, but the patient refused.

"Within one week the cyst was down to the size of a pea, the smallest it had been in five years. He reported that with the first application he was able to sleep for the first time in ten days; now the cyst is barely palpable. He was instructed to continue the hot castor oil compresses for one additional week after cessation of the drainage." (Dr. Al Giaquinto)

"I have used the castor oil packs for a variety of conditions, from open abrasions to strained muscles, and all with great success. I have even converted my skeptical husband to the castor oil packs following an incident with our son. He had somehow managed to get his hand smashed between two rocks, not breaking any bones, but badly abrased and contused. Against my medical training and my husband's, we applied a warm castor oil pack to the hand. The next morning the results were dramatic. The swelling had completely subsided and the healing had occurred at an incredible rate. By the third day healing was complete... The remarkable thing other than the healing was the absence of pain after an hour following the application of the pack." (Georgia Van Wormer)

Treating Pilonidal Cysts with Diet and Detoxification
"As we find, many changes have taken place in the body since last we had same here. In the present we find tendencies towards an acute disturbance wherein there is an excess acidity through the body; causing lack of proper flow of those digestive forces through the liver and gall duct. These are causing the effects as indicated in the irritations on portions of the body, as well as sores or hurtings - and abrasions - in the mouth." [Edgar Cayce reading - 670-12]
In order to reduce or possibly eliminate Pilonidal Cysts without surgery it is necessary to re balance the body's PH using proper diet and detoxification procedures. These infections thrive when the body is plagued with acidity and poor eliminations so an alkaline diet rich in fresh vegetables and low in grains, sugars and processed foods will help eliminations and blood alkalinity.

Water fasting and colonic irrigations are an extremely effective combination for aiding the body's elimination processes. Water fasting enables the body to clean itself out and improve its ability to remove toxins as they accumulate and the colonic irrigation helps to remove built up toxins and allow the elimination of toxins that were previously unable to escape.

See Also: The Health Benefits of Water Fasting


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Major Gold Breakout!


Here's a closeup of what happened.

This longer term chart reveals the source of the trendline resistance.


Monday, January 22, 2007

N.H. Tax Evader Prepares for Raid



CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - A former militia man convicted of tax evasion prepared for a government siege Friday at his fortress-like home, but U.S. marshals gave no indication they were planning to confront him.

Ed Brown said he was ready for a swarm of federal agents to descend on his property to execute an arrest warrant issued after he failed to appear for the end of his trial. He and his wife contend that they did not have to pay income taxes, and his supporters say a conflict could be violent.

"If Mexico came up on my land and tried to take my land, would I not fight?" Brown said. "The United States is the same exact thing as Mexico in this state."

Brown, 63, and his wife, Elaine, 65, were convicted Thursday of plotting to conceal their income and avoid paying federal income tax. They argued the tax is illegitimate and they are not required to pay it.

U.S. marshals said negotiations with Brown continue and they have no plans to attack Brown's Plainfield home or act quickly on the arrest warrant. He has been holed up in his home with armed supporters for much of the trial.

"He wants attention. We're determined to keep this very low-profile," U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier said.

Brown said he has a stock of food and supplies and that his home can run on wind and solar generators.

"It's all set up for me to stay here forever," Brown said by phone.

Elaine Brown, a dentist who earned most of the couple's income, was staying at her son's home in Worcester, Mass., pending the couple's sentencing in April. She said she had no plans to return to Plainfield, where she fears there will be a violent confrontation.

The Browns' case has found support on the Internet from militia members to libertarians and anti-tax groups.

Rick Stanley, a Denver-based Web radio host and a militia leader, urged listeners to join Brown at his home.

"We are continuing to ask patriots to surround Ed Brown's property and life with a ring of armed Americans with firearms and video cameras to protect a fellow American," he said. "This is the flash point. This is the time of raised pitchforks."


Saturday, January 20, 2007

Is it 2007 or 1507?


Written by Ryan Dawson |

When I was younger, sitting in history class I often wondered how, just how such things like slavery and genocide could be justified by racism and bigotry. I wondered how people could be so stupid and crule and why everyone did not cry out about it. How could human beings change up Africans, cram them into tiny spaces in boats force them to be huddled in their own waste, sick, starving, beaten, and then subjected to animal like slavery. I sat in disgust wondering how a government of people intelligent enough to cross and navigate the Atlantic Ocean could be so blind and sick as to reward people with momey to murder American Indians and chop off the tops of their heads like trophies. It is 2007 and we still have indirect slavery and wage slavery but no longer can slavery be practiced just as open as selling a car or a horse as it once was. The age of ethnic cleanings and colonialism are behind us right? Well mostly. The rest of the world has ended colonial practices from a hundred years ago.

But not in Israel.

As Jimmy Carter put it, "...I equated the ejection of Palestinians from their previous homeswithin the State of Israel to the forcing on Lower Creek Indians from Georgia land where our family farm was now located; they had been moved west to Oklahoma on the "Trail of Tears" to make room for our white ancestors."-p27-28 Palestine Peace Not Apartheid.

Worst yet is how the media will not acknowledge this. Average Americans are totally in the dark about Israel's racial colonies and how Jews and Arabs cannot go to the same high schools or even drive on the same roads. A modern army can attack civilians, sometimes just randomly launching grenades into neighborhoods, sometimes helicopters shooting rockets into homes and automobiles. Palestinians have their homes demolished and are forced to leave or die, then their homes are replaced by US paid for Jew-only settlements (the meaning of the word Jew here being a concept of race not a religion although it overlaps). But if you point out fascism some how its you who is racist for not supprting the Zioist claim that ethnic cleansing is OK because you see "God" promised all the land of Israel to "His" people the Jews. Never mind Muslims controlling Jerusalem from 1187 to the end of World War one. They would go so far as to tell you Palestine never existed. This is the occupation but it is so horrible that Americans can not believe it. If it was true and so bad then they reason that there is no way it would be covered up. If it was true it would be on the news. Well it is on the news, just not American News. This attitude that "the news" can filter all of reality is very dangerous.

I always thought how could things happen like this? How could so many people just not care and sit and do nothing. If I lived in the past I would have fought the slave trade, the nazis, the colonialists, etc. But if a person does not stand up to it today then they can not claim that for the past. People today who support the occupation would have supported the Nazis, the Indian killers, the slaver trade, the inquisition etc. The problem with people is authoritarianism. They do and think as the state or the "news" tell them to think.

Because the US media utterly refuses to explain this issue in any terms other than out right deceptions, much like they did the pre-invasion intelligence with the Iraq War, I feel it is necessary for me to spell it out. Israel is not defending itself any more than the US "defended" itself from the Apache Indians. Israel is an aggressive state which has set up racial colonies outside its borders by demolishing homes and murdering civilians under the pretext of fighting militants who they will not acknowledge are a response to their illegal military occupation and countless aggressions.

Israel has been caught spying on the US through AIPAC by using a mole in the DOD Larry Franklin who has already been sentenced to 12 years in jail. It was a group of Israeli firsters who formed the secretive Office of Special Plans run from under the office of Douglas Feith and Richard Perle two Neoconservatives who were authors of the Israeli Clean Break papers submitted to the Former Prime Minister of Israel Bejarmin Netanyahu. These policy papers pacifically call for a war with Iraq. They state:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right — as a means of foiling Syria's regional ambitions."

Furthermore, the Office of special plans was the source of the mistaken, pre-invasion intelligence on Iraq. I would go farther than saying it was more than just mistaken intelligence. I would say we have evidence to prove it was conscious fabrications.

Richard Perle was also part of the Zionist think tank known as PNAC which also called for a war in Iraq as a first step in a greater global ambition. PNAC authors included Perle and also the likes of Paul Wolfowitz and his former student who is on trial for the Plame Affair Lewis "scooter" Libby, Cheney's former Chief of Staff and OSP member. Libby is a key to taking this cabal down because he has been indicted for ousting a CIA agent something Perle was in trouble for back in the 70s when he and Wolfowitz worked for Senator Henry Jackson of Washington.

We know that Valarie Plame's team worked on tracking nuclear weapons proliferation. When she was uncovered so was her front company BJA and as a consequence so were the other agents using that front. Libby has already admitted to being ordered by Cheney and Bush to leak Plame's information to the press. (Judith Miller and Robert Novak.) David Wurmser has also already admitted that the orders came from Cheney and for the record Wurmser has also been questioned by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for his possible role in leaking U.S. security secrets to Israel. It's an air tight case and the trial starts Jan 2007 assuming the date isn't moved like the AIPAC trial dates has been moved (currenty 5 times). The motives for this scrable to blow the CIA agent's cover were of course to prevent her team from debunking a wild lie about Iraq's nuclear ambitions which were based on crude a crude forgery. The Niger Forgeries are a concrete case for impeachment, as it was well known that this intelligence was a fraud and yet Bush continued to parrot the fear mongering about yellowcake Uranium in his speeches well after the CIA knew that the claims were false.

The greater question is who forged the documents? Well we know who the documents were passed to and we know who made the cover up and that was the OSP. And we know who revealed Valarie Plame in order prevent her team from undermining the false claims about Iraq's WMD and alleged purchases of uranium.

We know that this bogus intelligence, the attempted cover up, and the outing of clandestine agents all came for the OSP which was formed by the same PNAC think-tank members who wrote policy papers for Israel as well as the US with the same goals, particularly the desire for regime change in Iraq which had nothing to do with 911 or the war on terrorism.

We can see Israel is still lying about Iran and the AIPAC shills in congress are parroting the orders of this massive lobby in a pathetic display of plutocracy. I will not support a country which recently invaded Lebanon and purposely targeted civilians and did billions in damage to Lebanese infrastructure.

Israel was the first country ever to use DU (depleted Uranium) which kills indiscriminately and even effects unborn children.

They have openly admitted to using it in Lebanon, it's in the Israeli papers, as well as the use of cluster bombs and landmines. I do not think that Israel is protecting its security interest by invading nations and committing their own acts of terrorism. The Gaza Strip has been reduced to prison like conditions thanks to Israel's collective punishment and total disregard for international laws.

Israel openly is building what senator Hillary Clinton calls a security fence, but is in reality an apartheid wall. First off, the wall, and it is certainly a wall, is not even on the Green line. It is not on Israel's boarder; it cuts deep into the West Bank, effectively creating a land grab by cutting off a portion of Palestine from the rest of it. They are sandwiching a swath or territory between the Israeli boarder and the apartheid wall which is already being peppered with racial/ethnic settlements of religious fanatics who hold the ridiculous belief that "God" gave then the land they are stealing and murdering people to take.
If there is to be security Israel should end its brutal occupation and we should return to the Oslo Accords and Two state solution. The US is not going to stop aid to Israel because it is too large of a cash-cow for the MIC. However Churches and Universities could divest from the companies involved in the occupation the same way we had a divestment campaign targeting the apartheid state of South Africa. The Christians in general overwhelmingly want to divest from Israel, but the leadership won't do it. They are making far too much money.

What I am asking of you, is to bring the dialog about Israel to the floor and force the issue beyond the pro-Israel mantras and baseless accusations of anti-Semitism. Talk with your family and friends. It is not wrong to oppose people who poison others with DU and who murder an indigenous population for the sake of land supposedly granted by god. It sounds a lot like what the US did to American Indians, killing people for land and claiming it was Manifest Destiny. The US needs to redeem itself of its most regretful and horrible history by supporting the Palestinian people.

We do not have to support militant groups or religious fanatics of the other side either. It is a false paradigm to see only the Zionists and the Islamic extremists as the options. Plenty of the people of Israel and Palestine stand against house demolitions and want an end to the occupation. There can be no peace so long as there is an occupation.

No country on earth welcomes an invading army that destroys their homes and shoots their children. Palestine should not react to state sponsored terrorism with terrorism however what can you expect from people who don't even have access to adequate drinking water and who have been ignored by the international community largely because the US will veto (in solo) resolutions against Israel.

Stop the war, and stop aid to Israel. Register AIPAC as a foreign agent, and investigate the criminals in the OSP who lied us into a war with Iraq.
This is what we need to tell our congress.


I do not understand those who are anti-war yet pro-zionist. The reason that the typical American is so in the dark about this issue is because of the US Media and its onwership's relations to the MIC. Is this really 2007? Can it really be 2007 and Yet Israel is building yet another "Settlement" in the West Bank.


Friday, January 19, 2007

Reporter Claims Israeli Nuke Strike On Iran Averted By U.S. Fighters


Sources say F16 suicide mission armed with 20-kiloton bomb recalled by Israelis under threat of U.S. Sidewinder missile shootdown

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, January 19, 2007

As escalation towards a war with Iran reaches fever pitch, an online journalist today breaks the astounding news that Israeli fighter jets have already attempted to bomb tactical locations in Iran with nuclear weapons nearly twice as powerful as the one dropped on Hiroshima in 1945, only to be turned back by U.S. warplanes over Iraq.

William Thomas, familiar to many for his work in ascertaining the true nature of chemtrails, cites two sources with U.S. and other military contacts who told him that on two recent occasions Israeli fighter bombers armed with both conventional and nuclear weapons were turned back by U.S. planes under threat of missile interception.

The latest incident occurred on January 7th, claims Thomas, in which jets trespassed beyond the authorized zone over Iraq "Before being recalled by Israeli authorities." Sources told Thomas that the attack squadron "Comprised three IAF F-16s. Each carried conventional munitions—as well as a single 20-kiloton nuclear bomb."

Thomas goes into great depth about the circumstances behind the attempted raid in a near 5,000 word article posted on his website.

According to Thomas' source, Israeli warplanes "Are routinely “topped off” by American aerial refueling tankers, but only on condition that the Israeli jets fly a “racetrack” holding pattern—and do not continue “downtown” toward Iran."

The target of the January 7 raid was purported to be Iran's 3rd Tactical Air Base at Hamadan, where Revolutionary Guard troops and substantial weapons deposits are stationed. The source even suggested that the attack was designed to be a one way kamikaze mission whereby, "Volunteer pilots are prepared to fly their nuclear bombs “into their targets” if necessary."

The news dovetails yesterday's scare, briefly provoked by a rumor that an Iranian missile had struck a U.S. naval vessel in the Gulf. "The bond market briefly pared losses on talk of possible military engagement between the United States and Iran, but turned back down after the Defense Department said the incident did not occur," reported Reuters.

This followed reports on Wednesday that Iran had shot down a U.S. drone near its border.

It also comes after Iranian officials condemned a U.S. raid on a consulate in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil, during which five Iranian diplomats were kidnapped. Many saw the raid, which was directly authorized by the White House, as an outright attempt on behalf of the U.S. to provoke a heavy handed Iranian response that would boost the Neo-Con's justification for war.

Republican Congressman and Presidential candidate Ron Paul recently expressed his fear during a speech on the House floor that the Bush administration could contrive a staged Gulf of Tonkin style incident to garner domestic and international support for an air strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

Over the last two weeks events have accelerated a seemingly inevitable path to conflict. American aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines are multiplying in the Persian Gulf and Bush recently appointed Adm. William Fallon, a Navy veteran, to oversee the ground war in Iraq, a contradiction many fear betrays preparation for an attack on Iran's uranium enrichment facilities which could take place as soon as next month according to several analysts.

A bipartisan group of lawmakers in Congress is attempting to rush though legislation that would bar President Bush from authorizing an attack on Iran without House approval but it all seems to be too little too late. Bush's entire Presidency has characterized itself as a unitary dictatorship and his administration has proven itself time and time again perfectly willing to completely ignore the will of Congress and the people in pursuing its preset agenda. In addition, Bush could avoid having to go to Congress by simply providing tacit support for an Israeli strike portrayed as a lone action, as happened this past summer in Lebanon.

The most interesting aspect of such an attack if it does take place will undoubtedly be the response of Russia. Having taken measures to protect their investment in the growth of Iranian nuclear facilities by providing state of the art missile defense systems, the Russians have received severe condemnation from both the U.S. and Israel.

The Turkish Weekly quoted a senior Israeli official in Jerusalem who took a bold swipe at Russia by stating, "We hope they understand that this is a threat that could come back to them as well."


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Blood of Eden


I caught sight of my reflection
I caught it in the window
I saw the darkness in my heart
I saw the signs of my undoing
They had been there from the start

And the darkness still has work to do
The knotted chord's untying
The heated and the holy
Oh they're sitting there on high
So secure with everything they're buying

In the blood of Eden lie the woman and the man
With the man in the woman and the woman in the man
In the blood of Eden lie the woman and the man
We wanted the the union oh the union of the woman, the woman and the man

My grip is surely slipping
I think I've lost my hold
Yes I think I've lost my hold
I cannot get insurance any more
They don't take credit, only gold
Is that a dagger or a crucifix I see
You hold so tightly in your hand
And all the while the distance grows between you and me
I do not understand

In the blood of Eden lie the woman and the man
With the man in the woman and the woman in the man
In the blood of Eden lie the woman and the man
We wanted the the union oh the union of the woman, the woman and the man

At my request you take me in
In that tenderness I am floating away
No certainty, nothing to rely on
Holding still for a moment
What a moment this is
Oh for a moment of forgetting
A moment of bliss

I can hear the distant thunder
Of a million unheard souls
Of a million unheard souls
Watch each one reach for creature comfort
For the filling of their holes

In the blood of Eden lie the woman and the man
I feel the man in the woman and the woman in the man
In the blood of Eden lie the woman and the man
I feel the man in the woman and the woman in the man

In the blood of Eden we have done everything we can
In the blood of Eden, so we end as we began
With the man in the woman and the woman in the man
It was all for the union, oh the union of the woman, the woman and the man


Monday, January 15, 2007

The Beast as Saint: The Truth About "Martin Luther King, Jr."


WHEN THE COMMUNISTS TOOK OVER a country, one of the first things that they did was to confiscate all the privately-held weapons, to deny the people the physical ability to resist tyranny. But even more insidious than the theft of the people's weapons was the theft of their history. Official Communist "historians" rewrote history to fit the current party line. In many countries, revered national heroes were excised from the history books, or their real deeds were distorted to fit Communist ideology, and Communist killers and criminals were converted into official "saints." Holidays were declared in honor of the beasts who murdered countless nations.

Did you know that much the same process has occurred right here in America?

Every January, the media go into a kind of almost spastic frenzy of adulation for the so-called "Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr." King has even had a national holiday declared in his honor, an honor accorded to no other American, not Washington, not Jefferson, not Lincoln. (Washington and Lincoln no longer have holidays -- they share the generic-sounding "President's Day.") A liberal judge has sealed the FBI files on King until the year 2027. What are they hiding? Let's take a look at this modern-day plastic god.

Born in 1929, King was the son of a Black preacher known at the time only as "Daddy King." "Daddy King" named his son Michael. In 1935, "Daddy King" had an inspiration to name himself after the Protestant reformer Martin Luther. He declared to his congregation that henceforth they were to refer to him as "Martin Luther King" and to his son as "Martin Luther King, Jr." None of this name changing was ever legalized in court. "Daddy" King's son's real name is to this day Michael King.

King's Brazen Cheating

We read in Michael Hoffman's "Holiday for a Cheater":

The first public sermon that King ever gave, in 1947 at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, was plagiarized from a homily by Protestant clergyman Harry Emerson Fosdick entitled "Life is What You Make It," according to the testimony of King's best friend of that time, Reverend Larry H. Williams.

The first book that King wrote, "Stride Toward Freedom, - -was plagiarized from numerous sources, all unattributed, according to documentation recently assembled by sympathetic King scholars Keith D. Miller, Ira G. Zepp, Jr., and David J. Garrow.

And no less an authoritative source than the four senior editors of "The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.- - (an official publication of the Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc., whose staff includes King's widow Coretta), stated of King's writings at both Boston University and Crozer Theological Seminary: "Judged retroactively by the standards of academic scholarship, [his writings] are tragically flawed by numerous instances of plagiarism.... Appropriated passages are particularly evident in his writings in his major field of graduate study, systematic theology."

King's essay, "The Place of Reason and Experience in Finding God," written at Crozer, pirated passages from the work of theologian Edgar S. Brightman, author of "The Finding of God."

Another of King's theses, "Contemporary Continental Theology," written shortly after he entered Boston University, was largely stolen from a book by Walter Marshall Horton.

King's doctoral dissertation, "A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Harry Nelson Wieman," for which he was awarded a PhD in theology, contains more than fifty complete sentences plagiarized from the PhD dissertation of Dr. Jack Boozer, "The Place of Reason in Paul Tillich's Concept of God."

According to "The Martin Luther King Papers", in King's dissertation "only 49 per cent of sentences in the section on Tillich contain five or more words that were King's own...."!

In "The Journal of American History", June 1991, page 87, David J. Garrow, a leftist academic who is sympathetic to King, says that King's wife, Coretta Scott King, who also served as his secretary, was an accomplice in his repeated cheating. ("King's Plagiarism: Imitation, Insecurity and Transformation," The Journal of American History, June 1991, p. 87)

Reading Garrow's article, one is led to the inescapable conclusion that King cheated because he had chosen for himself a political role in which a PhD would be useful, and, lacking the intellectual ability to obtain the title fairly, went after it by any means necessary. Why, then, one might ask, did the professors at Crozer Theological Seminary and Boston University grant him passing grades and a PhD? Garrow states on page 89: "King's academic compositions, especially at Boston University, were almost without exception little more than summary descriptions... and comparisons of other's writings. Nonetheless, the papers almost always received desirable letter grades, strongly suggesting that King's professors did not expect more...." The editors of "The Martin Luther King Jr. Papers" state that "...the failure of King's teachers to notice his pattern of textual appropriation is somewhat remarkable...."

But researcher Michael Hoffman tells us "...actually the malfeasance of the professors is not at all remarkable. King was politically correct, he was Black, and he had ambitions. The leftist [professors were] happy to award a doctorate to such a candidate no matter how much fraud was involved. Nor is it any wonder that it has taken forty years for the truth about King's record of nearly constant intellectual piracy to be made public."

Supposed scholars, who in reality shared King's vision of a racially mixed and Marxist America, purposely covered up his cheating for decades. The cover-up still continues. From the "New York Times" of October 11, 1991, page 15, we learn that on October 10th of that year, a committee of researchers at Boston University admitted that, "There is no question but that Dr. King plagiarized in the dissertation." However, despite its finding, the committee said that "No thought should be given to the revocation of Dr. King's doctoral degree," an action the panel said "would serve no purpose."

No purpose, indeed! Justice demands that, in light of his willful fraud as a student, the "reverend" and the "doctor" should be removed from King's name.

Communist Beliefs and Connections

Well friends, he is not a legitimate reverend, he is not a bona fide PhD, and his name isn't really "Martin Luther King, Jr." What's left? Just a sexual degenerate, an America-hating Communist, and a criminal betrayer of even the interests of his own people.

On Labor Day, 1957, a special meeting was attended by Martin Luther King and four others at a strange institution called the Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tennessee. The Highlander Folk School was a Communist front, having been founded by Myles Horton (Communist Party organizer for Tennessee) and Don West (Communist Party organizer for North Carolina). The leaders of this meeting with King were the aforementioned Horton and West, along with Abner Berry and James Dumbrowski, all open and acknowledged members of the Communist Party, USA. The agenda of the meeting was a plan to tour the Southern states to initiate demonstrations and riots.

From 1955 to 1960, Martin Luther King's associate, advisor, and personal secretary was one Bayard Rustin. In 1936 Rustin joined the Young Communist League at New York City College. Convicted of draft-dodging, he went to prison for two years in 1944. On January 23, 1953 the "Los Angeles Times" reported his conviction and sentencing to jail for 60 days for lewd vagrancy and homosexual perversion. Rustin attended the 16th Convention of the Communist Party, USA in February, 1957. One month later, he and King founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, or SCLC for short. The president of the SCLC was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The vice-president of the SCLC was the Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth, who was also the president of an identified Communist front known as the Southern Conference Educational Fund, an organization whose field director, a Mr. Carl Braden, was simultaneously a national sponsor of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, of which you may have heard. The program director of the SCLC was the Reverend Andrew Young, in more recent years Jimmy Carter's ambassador to the UN and mayor of Atlanta. Young, by the way, was trained at the Highlander Folk School, previously mentioned.

Soon after returning from a trip to Moscow in 1958, Rustin organized the first of King's famous marches on Washington. The official organ of the Communist Party, "The Worker,- - openly declared the march to be a Communist project. Although he left King's employ as secretary in 1961, Rustin was called upon by King to be second in command of the much larger march on Washington which took place on August 28, 1963.

Bayard Rustin's replacement in 1961 as secretary and advisor to King was Jack O'Dell, also known as Hunter Pitts O'Dell. According to official records, in 1962 Jack O'Dell was a member of the National Committee of the Communist Party, USA. He had been listed as a Communist Party member as early as 1956. O'Dell was also given the job of acting executive director for SCLC activities for the entire Southeast, according to the St. Louis "Globe-Democrat - -of October 26, 1962. At that time, there were still some patriots in the press corps, and word of O'Dell's party membership became known.

What did King do? Shortly after the negative news reports, King fired O'Dell with much fanfare. And he then, without the fanfare, "immediately hired him again- - as director of the New York office of the SCLC, as confirmed by the "Richmond News-Leader - -of September 27, 1963. In 1963 a Black man from Monroe, North Carolina named Robert Williams made a trip to Peking, China. Exactly 20 days before King's 1963 march on Washington, Williams successfully urged Mao Tse-Tung to speak out on behalf of King's movement. Mr. Williams was also around this time maintaining his primary residence in Cuba, from which he made regular broadcasts to the southern US, three times a week, from high-power AM transmitters in Havana under the title "Radio Free Dixie." In these broadcasts, he urged violent attacks by Blacks against White Americans.

During this period, Williams wrote a book entitled "Negroes With Guns." The writer of the foreword for this book? None other than Martin Luther King, Jr. It is also interesting to note that the editors and publishers of this book were to a man all supporters of the infamous Fair Play for Cuba Committee.

According to King's biographer and sympathizer David J. Garrow, "King privately described himself as a Marxist." In his 1981 book, "The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr.", Garrow quotes King as saying in SCLC staff meetings, "...we have moved into a new era, which must be an era of revolution.... The whole structure of American life must be changed.... We are engaged in the class struggle."

Jewish Communist Stanley Levison can best be described as King's behind-the-scenes "handler." Levison, who had for years been in charge of the secret funnelling of Soviet funds to the Communist Party, USA, was King's mentor and was actually the brains behind many of King's more successful ploys. It was Levison who edited King's book, "Stride Toward Freedom." It was Levison who arranged for a publisher. Levison even prepared King's income tax returns! It was Levison who really controlled the fund-raising and agitation activities of the SCLC. Levison wrote many of King's speeches. King described Levison as one of his "closest friends."

FBI: King Bought Sex With SCLC Money

The Federal Bureau of Investigation had for many years been aware of Stanley Levison's Communist activities. It was Levison's close association with King that brought about the initial FBI interest in King.

Lest you be tempted to believe the controlled media's lie about "racists" in the FBI being out to "get" King, you should be aware that the man most responsible for the FBI's probe of King was Assistant Director William C. Sullivan. Sullivan describes himself as a liberal, and says that initially "I was one hundred per cent for King...because I saw him as an effective and badly needed leader for the Black people in their desire for civil rights." The probe of King not only confirmed their suspicions about King's Communist beliefs and associations, but it also revealed King to be a despicable hypocrite, an immoral degenerate, and a worthless charlatan.

According to Assistant Director Sullivan, who had direct access to the surveillance files on King which are denied the American people, King had embezzled or misapplied substantial amounts of money contributed to the "civil rights" movement. King used SCLC funds to pay for liquor, and numerous prostitutes both Black and White, who were brought to his hotel rooms, often two at a time, for drunken sex parties which sometimes lasted for several days. These types of activities were the norm for King's speaking and organizing tours.

In fact, an outfit called The National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee, which is putting on display the two bedrooms from the Lorraine Motel where King stayed the night before he was shot, has declined to depict in any way the "occupants - -of those rooms. That "according to exhibit designer Gerard Eisterhold "would be "close to blasphemy." The reason? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spent his last night on Earth having sex with two women at the motel and physically beating and abusing a third.

Sullivan also stated that King had alienated the affections of numerous married women. According to Sullivan, who in 30 years with the Bureau hadáseen everything there was to be seen of the seamy side of life, King was one of only seven people he had ever encountered who was such a total degenerate.

Noting the violence that almost invariably attended King's supposedly "non-violent" marches, Sullivan's probe revealed a very different King from the carefully crafted public image. King welcomed members of many different Black groups as members of his SCLC, many of them advocates and practitioners of violence. King's only admonition on the subject was that they should embrace "tactical nonviolence."

Sullivan also relates an incident in which King met in a financial conference with Communist Party representatives, not knowing that one of the participants was an infiltrator actually working for the FBI.

J. Edgar Hoover personally saw to it that documented information on King's Communist connections was provided to the President and to Congress. And conclusive information from FBI files was also provided to major newspapers and news wire services. But were the American people informed of King's real nature? No, for even in the 1960s, the fix was in "the controlled media and the bought politicians were bound and determined to push their racial mixing program on America. King was their man and nothing was going to get in their way. With a few minor exceptions, these facts have been kept from the American people. The pro-King propaganda machine grinds on, and it is even reported that a serious proposal has been made to add some of King's writings as a new book in the Bible.

Ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of this radio program is far greater than to prove to you the immorality and subversion of this man called King. I want you to start to think for yourselves. I want you to consider this: What are the forces and motivation behind the controlled media's active promotion of King? What does it tell you about our politicians when you see them, almost without exception, falling all over themselves to honor King as a national hero? What does it tell you about our society when any public criticism of this moral leper and Communist functionary is considered grounds for dismissal? What does it tell you about the controlled media when you see how they have successfully suppressed the truth and held out a picture of King that can only be described as a colossal lie? You need to think, my fellow Americans. You desperately need to wake up.


1. The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.- - (an official publication of the Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Social Change).

2. "King's Plagiarism: Imitation, Insecurity and Transformation," The Journal of American History, June 1991, p. 87) David J. Garrow

3. New York Times" of October 11, 1991, page 15.

4. "The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr.", David J. Garrow, (1981).

5. "And the walls came tumbling down," Rev. Ralph Abernathy (1989)


Waco: A New Revelation


Waco: A New Revelation is the film that triggered a new Congressional investigation of the Waco tragedy, and caused the Justice Department and the FBI to reverse their long-held positions on Waco. It has generated a firestorm of events unprecedented in the history of documentary filmmaking.

After six years of painstaking investigation, the complete story of the tragedy in Texas is finally coming to light. This compelling feature-length documentary presents new revelations about the events that led up to the deaths of 79 men, women and children at Mount Carmel on April 19, 1993.

In the spring of 1998, under the Freedom of Information Act, investigators from MGA Studio’s film division became the first private citizens to gain access to the Waco investigation evidence lockers. What they found was shocking. Upon examination, the evidence gathered under the supervision of federal officials appeared to contradict the FBI’s congressional testimony, raising serious and disturbing questions about events surrounding the siege at Mt. Carmel and the deaths of the Davidians.

Gene CullenSince 1993, former members of the FBI, former Special Forces and CIA operatives have come forward with new evidence to suggest that the FBI’s claim is inaccurate.


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Due to imbalances in the grain markets, Food prices are about to have a MAJOR increase


Dan Norcini |

See the chart below.

Something that should be of interest to our readers is the current developments in the grain markets.

As you know, during most of the commodity-wide rally that has taken place over the last few years, the grain sector has been a relative laggard when compared to the extent of gains we have witnessed in some of the other sectors. Several market analysts have commented on the fact that when grain prices were compared to the commodity sector as a whole, they were actually quite cheap in historical terms.

Today the USDA issued a report which sent shockwaves through the entirety of the grain complex but especially the corn market. The report on crop output and usage estimated that old crop corn ending supplies in August of this year will be roughly the equivalent of three weeks of corn usage. That is simply staggering! Corn immediately responded by opening at limit bid and as of the close today, there remains an estimated 90,000 or better bids to buy at the limit price. That suggests corn will open limit up this coming Tuesday barring any unforeseen developments over the weekend.

The reason I mention this to our readers is that the rally in the grain complex is the market attempting to adjust to the new source of additional demand for corn in ethanol production – something which is not a flash in the pan kind of demand that comes and goes but rather a wholesale change in the supply/demand structure of the corn market. There is a spillover effect that has caused both soybean and wheat prices to rally as well.

The implications for this are enormous on the food chain here in the US. Corn is the primary feed source for the broiler and the livestock sector. Along with feed wheat and soymeal, the increase in price has a significant effect on the profitability of chicken, hog and cattle producers. Simply put, those guys are in direct competition with ethanol plants for available corn. The rising cost of corn has taken a huge toll on their profit margins and threatens the livestock and broiler industries. The only way they are going to be able to maintain current levels of production is to receive higher prices for their finished product since the cost of the grains to feed them is at a new higher level which looks to be here for some time. That in turn is going to require the packers being able to get higher prices for meat and chicken at the wholesale level so that they can offer more money to the producers. Of course, it goes without saying that prices must rise at the retail level to keep grocer margins profitable as well. In other word, brace yourself for higher meat and chicken prices in the months ahead.

Additionally, cereal makers, bread makers and anyone else that uses grain to make a baked or finished product of some sort faces the same predicament. They are going to have to charge higher prices to compensate for the increase in their input costs.

All of this is going to feed through into the food sector and translate into higher prices at grocery stores and restaurants. Consumers are going to see higher food bills – Period! The pencil pushers at the Commerce Department can massage and manipulate the data used to concoct the worthless CPI and will attempt to hide it, but real world experience is going to impact directly on the pocketbooks and wallets of Americans visiting the grocery store.

While the recent setback in the energy sector has taken some of the burden off of consumers from the high gasoline and heating oil prices seen earlier this year, higher food costs are on their way. Once the temporary surplus in gasoline and distillate stocks gets worked off and energy prices resume their uptrend or we get another surge in prices due to some sort of “10 sigma event”, a double hit is going to be felt here at home.

Either way, it certainly has my attention.

Best wishes from your pal,

Click here to view today’s Corn chart from Trader Dan Norcini


Friday, January 12, 2007

The one who taught us to love


30 Years ago was the last time that A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (September 1, 1896 – November 14, 1977), graced this dying planet with his love for all life. He sought to enlighten us and teach us all how to love God and prepare for the great journey that awaits us in our future lives.

At the ripe old age of 69 Prabhupada sailed to New York City in 1965. He had almost no money and very few possessions; nonetheless, before his death, he was able to inspire over 10,000 people to dedicate their lives to spiritual awakening.

By July 1966 he had brought Hare Krishna to the West, founding the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in New York City. Srila Prabhupada became well known as one who truly practiced what he preached; leading by example he expanded the movement from a small group of people in New York in 1966, to an international movement incorporating many thousands of people. By the time of his death in Vrindavan eleven years later (1977), ISKCON was a widely known expression of Vaishnavism in the West.

In the twelve years from his arrival in New York until his final days he:

  • circled the globe fourteen times on lecture tours that took him to six continents.
  • introduced Vedic gurukul education to a Western audience.
  • directed the founding of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, the world's largest publisher in the field of Vedic religious texts and commentary.
  • founded the religious colony New Vrindaban in West Virginia
  • authored sixty books (many available online here) on Vedantic philosophy, religion, literature and culture (including four in Bengali)
  • watched ISKCON grow to a confederation of more than 100 schools, temples, institutes, farm communities, and ashrams.

Through his mission, Prabhupada followed and communicated the teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and introduced bhakti yoga to an international audience. Within Gaudiya Vaishnavism this was viewed as the fulfillment of a long time mission to introduce Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's teachings to the world.

I hope that many of you will take some time, if you haven't already, to study the incredible life of this man. Although I have only studied him for a short period of time, I am already convinced that his teachings have much to offer us and will benefit everyone if properly understood and adhered to.

Videos about A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Mossad murdered 530 Iraqi scientists


5/9/2006 1:30:00 PM GMT |

Numerous reports for many months have stated that with collaboration from American occupation forces, Israel’s espionage apparatus, Mossad, slaughtered at least 530 Iraqi scientists and academic professors.

Persistent Israeli hit squads against Iraqi scientists had been active in Iraq since April 2003, but the latest chapter was uncovered on Tuesday, 14 June 2005 by the Palestine Information Center which, citing a report compiled by the United States Department of State and intended for the American President, stated that Israeli and foreign agents sent by Mossad, in cooperation with United States, to Iraq, killed at least 350 Iraqi scientists and more than 200 university professors and academic personalities .

According to the report, which was referred to the U.S. president George W. Bush, Mossad agents had been operating in Iraq with the aim of liquidating Iraqi nuclear and biology scientists, among other scientists, and prominent university professors.

That was after the U.S. failed to persuade those scientists to cooperate with or work for it.

"Israeli commandos had been operating on Iraqi territory for more than a year, the focus of their activities being the assassination of Iraqi scientists and intellectuals. The Zionists resorted to the large-scale assassination campaign after the failure of American efforts that started immediately after the American occupation of Iraq, aimed at attracting a number of Iraqi scientists to cooperate and go to work in the United States,” The Palestine Information Center quoted the report as saying.

"Some Iraqi scientists were forced to work in American research centers; however, the majority of them refused to cooperate in certain fields and fled the U.S. to other countries", it further stated.

The Pentagon agreed with the suggestion of Mossad, which believed that the best way to get rid of those scientists was to "physically eliminate them".

The American security service provided Israel with complete biographies on the Iraqi scientists and academics to facilitate killing them, the report said, adding that the Mossad campaign targeting Iraqi scientists is still underway.

“Plight of Iraqi Academics”

Below is a presentation by Dr Ismail Jalili titled “Plight of Iraqi Academics”, in which he details Mossad crimes against the Iraqi scientists.

The presentation was made during Madrid International Conference on the Assassinations of Iraqi Academics on 23-24 April 2006.

Dr. Jalili notes that:

- Many assassination attempts resulted in the death of other family members and escorts which have not been included or referred to in this study.

- Multiple assassination attempts are ongoing.

- Repeated threats to life are made to force people to leave Iraq.

- Considerable numbers of threats to life go unreported.

- In the last week of April 2006, a mass campaign was reported in Mosul of threats to doctors calling on them to leave Iraq.

- Assassinations of Iraq academics is a new phenomena in Iraq, that never existed prior to April 2003.

- The pattern indicates a sinister campaign and motives.

- The assassinations, kidnaps and threats to life forcing academics and doctors to leave Iraq do not follow any religious or sectarian pattern.

- The only dominant pattern is that the absolute majority of victims are ethnically Arabs.

The presentation affirms the following:
- The defence of Iraqi academics and medical professionals should begin by condemning the illegal war and occupation that created the situation in Iraq where assassinations are endemic and go unpunished.

- Occupying powers and their collaborators are responsible for the protection of the lives of Iraqi civilians and imputable under international law for the failure to do so.

- The assassination of Iraqi academics and health professionals is part of a conscious attempt to prevent Iraq from regaining its just independent and sovereign status.

- Defending Iraqi academics and health professionals is not separate from the necessity of being in solidarity with the Iraqi people and their national anti-occupation movement.

- Iraqis, like all people, have a right to science and education and to enjoy the inalienable rights of freedom of thought, expression, research and innovation.

- The right of families of assassinated health professionals and academics to have the killing of their loved ones investigated by an independent and competent body, and compensation paid, must be assured in all cases.

Delegates who attended the seminar reaffirmed their commitment to work with determination to raise at all levels the issue of the criminal destruction of Iraq’s professional and intellectual wealth.

In particular, delegations committed to:

- Demand that UNESCO act in defence of Iraq’s intellectuals and professionals.

- Demand that the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights fulfill its duty to protect the lives and human rights of Iraqi doctors and academics, and all Iraqi civilians.

- Spread awareness of the issue of the assassination of Iraqi academics and doctors with the appreciated commitment of Autonomous University.

- Madrid to transmit the key concerns of this campaign to Spanish universities, the International Federation of Universities and the Association of Arab Universities of the Arab League.

- Call upon the world’s media to understand that the killing of Iraqi academics and health professionals is a result of the occupation, not sectarian civil war.

- Continue working to build an international solidarity campaign linking Iraqi academics in exile and in Iraq with their peers in universities worldwide.

- Press national and regional parliaments to raise and discuss the criminal destruction of Iraq’s intellectual and professional class.

- The undersigned affirm that they will continue to cooperate in their denunciation of the occupation and its numberless crimes and always stand in solidarity with the people of Iraq.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Kali Yuga, The Problems and the Solution


The cycle of life on earth is divided into different Yugas (or phases). Currently we are existing in the Kali Yuga. In the lowest phase, Kali Yuga, most people are aware only of the physical aspect of existence, the predominant emphasis of living is material survival, and power is mostly in the hands of men. People's relationship with the spiritual is governed predominantly by superstition and by authority.

The age of Kali is the most condemned age due to its quarrelsome features. Kali-yuga is so saturated with vicious habits that there is a great fight at the slightest misunderstanding. Those who are engaged in the pure devotional service of the Lord, who are without any desire for self-aggrandizement and who are freed from the effects of fruitive actions and dry philosophical speculations are capable of getting out of the His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (03-10-06)

Also, for more information on the nature of the Yuga cycles and why they occur, check out The Great Year. This explains how our Sun is, most likely, in a binary orbit around another star; an orbit which creates the repetitive cycle of the Yugas and the wax and wane of civilization.


"Evolution And Elevation"


This is an interesting discussion between Srila Prabupadh and his disciples.

Los Angeles, May 13, 1973

Prabhupada: stop him for taking another Nobel Prize. Where is? (laughter) I am giving him notes that life is not from matter. Matter is from life. So he is going to write thesis on this.

Paramahamsa: Jaya. Vedanta-sutra.

Prabhupada: This is the fact. The so-called scientists, they are going on a wrong theory. Krsna says, aham sarvasya prabhavah: [Bg. 10.8] "I am the origin of everything." So Krsna is life. Krsna is not dead stone. Svarupa Damodara?

Svarupa Damodara: Prabhupada?

Prabhupada: Krsna says that "I am the source of everything." He is life.

Svarupa Damodara: Yes.

Prabhupada: He is not a dead stone. Then how matter can be the cause of life?

Svarupa Damodara: Matter is caused by life.

Prabhupada: Yes, matter grows upon life. Just like why this body has grown upon me? I am the spirit soul. This is maya. Just like, this is... I have explained in Bhagavad-gita. I am putting on this overcoat. The overcoat is made according to the size of my body, but I am thinking, "I am overcoat." This is foolishness. Just like I got my hand, therefore this overcoat is made of warm cloth. It has got a hand also. Because originally I have got hand, therefore the overcoat has got a hand. Similarly, originally I am spirit soul, I have got my spiritual body, and the material body has grown, cut according to the body.

Paramahamsa: Srila Prabhupada, what about in mineralogy? Scientists have proven that, for example, mountains are growing by sedimentary activity.

Prabhupada: Yes, that is also growing on spirit soul, Supersoul.

Paramahamsa: In the mountain?

Prabhupada: Yes, everything. Mountains have been described in the Bhagavata as the bones of God. These grasses are described as hairs on the body of God. These holes, there are holes, we saw that. They have been described as oceans. So in this way, this virat, the biggest body. As the smallest body is producing chemical, similarly the biggest body also, producing chemical. A small tree, lemon tree, how many pounds of the citric acid it is produced?

Paramahamsa: I do not know.

Prabhupada: No, producing, you know.

Paramahamsa: Yes.

Prabhupada: So if the tree can produce so much chemicals, how much the body of God can produce chemicals, we can imagine only. They are giving the theory that "From these chemicals life begins, or evolution begins." But wherefrom that chemical developed? That they do not know. That explanation is here, Krsna: "I am the source."

Paramahamsa: Srila Prabhupada, in the Srimad-Bhagavatam or the Krsna Book, you state that even clouds have souls. But then again they dissipate, in the rain they dissolve. Does that mean they die?

Prabhupada: No. Just like your body dissolves. Does it mean you die?

Paramahamsa: So that means the life span of a cloud is very minute or very short. Is that so?

Prabhupada: Yes, there are many living entities.

Svarupa Damodara: Srila Prabhupada, my understanding of the evolution and the transmigration is that evolution is uni-directional, only in one direction.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Svarupa Damodara: Whereas the transmigration can be both, in both directions. They can go up or can go down.

Prabhupada: No. Both ways. When you say "trans," "trans" does not mean stereotyped. For lower animals, that is one side, and for human being, both sides. Because after all, the body is made according to your desire. The lower animals, they have got one kind of desire, but the human being, he has got thousands and millions of desires.

Svarupa Damodara: So the platform of transmigration from the human platform, so it works, either it can go down or it can go up.

Prabhupada: No, transmigration (is) going on. They are coming automatically, animals, to the upper level of human form. But when you come to human form, if you don't cultivate Krsna consciousness, you remain as cats and dog, then you become again cat and dog.

Svarupa Damodara: But the evolution stops when the spirit soul reaches the eternal abode in the spiritual...

Prabhupada: Yes, when he is no more entangled by a material body. Hare Krsna.

Svarupa Damodara: The scientists have no information that there is evolution after human platform.

Prabhupada: That is their rascaldom. Therefore I say they are rascals. They have no knowledge; still, they proclaim they are scientists.

Paramahamsa: They think that evolution is continuing. They think that the human species will...

Prabhupada: Yes, evolution... That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita: yanti deva-vrata devan pitrn yanti pitr-vratah [Bg. 9.25]. Progress is going on. That progress, the ultimate progress is yad gatva na nivartante tad dhama paramam mama [Bg. 15.6]. That where you're going, you do not return, that is the supreme progress. Samsiddhim paramam gatah. That is the highest perfection. You read Bhagavad-gita. Everything is there. Mam upetya kaunteya punar janma na vidyate. Duhkhalayam asasvatam, napnuvanti mahatmanah samsiddhim paramam gatah [Bg. 8.15]. They have no idea what is the highest perfection of human life.

Svarupa Damodara: They are saying that the material body started from elements, the chemical elements.

Prabhupada: That we admit also. That we also admit. But on what basis?

Svarupa Damodara: And when the spirit soul, when the living entity reaches the human platform, then again goes back to the...

Prabhupada: Do the rascals believe in the living entity?

Svarupa Damodara: No, they don't say living entity. Bodies.

Prabhupada: Then?

Paramahamsa: Something akin to Buddhism.

Prabhupada: Yes. Yes.

Paramahamsa: The Buddhists also say that the body is like a house. You put the house together, you put the body together with chemicals. And when the bodies die, just like you take the house apart, all the wood, and then there is no more house... no more soul, no more life.

Prabhupada: Yes. That is called nirvana. And with the chemicals you can build another house. Buddhists they do not give any information of the soul. That is Buddhism. What...? Oh, wet? (the ground?)

Svarupa Damodara: No, it's dry.

Paramahamsa: There's another very interesting factor that scientists, they state that matter is, or that there is, they dispute the fact that there's one soul within the body. There's a special kind of worm, it's an earthworm, that if you cut it in half, both parts will live.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Paramahamsa: So they wonder how is it possible that if there is soul, that there could be two souls within one body?

Prabhupada: Yes, why not. Souls takes the opportunity.

Paramahamsa: Oh, it takes the opportunity of the other body, the fertile...

Prabhupada: Yes, yes.

Svarupa Damodara: The spirit soul must necessarily have a body, either spiritual or material.

Prabhupada: He has got already spiritual body. Material body is his covering. It is unnatural. Real body is spiritual. Just like your coat, this is unnatural. But your real body is natural. Otherwise how transmigration is possible? I am accepting different unnatural bodies. Unnatural means to my constitution. My real constitutional body is servant of Krsna. So, so long I do not come to that position, I remain servant of nature and I get so many bodies. According to the nature's direction I am getting body, I am giving it up, again I am desiring something, I am getting another body. This is going on. Prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah, ahankara-vimudhatma [Bg. 3.27]. He is a rascal. He is thinking, "I am this body." Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati, bhramayan sarva-bhutani yantrarudhani mayaya [Bg. 18.61]. This is a yantra, machine. And we are traveling many species of life, all riding on this car, given by nature. Yantrarudhani mayaya. Maya has given this vehicle, anywhere wandering, up and down, sometimes demigod, sometimes dog. This is going on. And in this wandering process, if he gets in touch with a devotee, then his real spiritual life begins. Otherwise he has to go on, rotating.

ei rupe brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva

guru-krsna-krpaya paya bhakti-lata-bija

[Cc. Madhya 19.151]

Svarupa Damodara: Mahaprabhu?

Prabhupada: Yes, Caitanya Mahaprabhu. By mercy of spiritual master, the mercy of Krsna, he gets the seed of devotional service, and if he cultivates, then his life becomes successful. Otherwise he has to rotate, sometimes up, sometimes down. Sometimes this grass, sometimes lion.

Paramahamsa: But ultimately if we come to Krsna, there's no return. But nevertheless, Jagai, and..., the two gatekeepers, they returned?

Prabhupada: There is return, that is voluntary. Return there is.

Paramahamsa: If we want.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Paramahamsa: So we can come to the spiritual world and return?

Prabhupada: Yes.

Paramahamsa: Fall down?

Prabhupada: Yes. As soon as we try, "Oh, this material world is very nice," "Yes," Krsna says, "yes, you go." Just like nobody is interested in Krsna consciousness. Do you think everyone is interested? So. They want to enjoy this material world. Otherwise what is the meaning of free will? Every living entity has got a little free will. And Krsna is so kind, He gives him opportunity, "All right, you enjoy like this." Just like some of our students, Krsna conscious, sometimes go away, again come back. It is free will, not stereotyped. Just like one goes to the prisonhouse, not that government welcomes, "Come on. We have got prisonhouse. Come here, come here." He goes out of his free will; again comes out, again goes. Like that. Krsna-bahirmukha hana bhoga vancha kare, nikata-stha maya tare japatiya dhare (Prema-vivarta). The police is there. Just like the police car was there. We have nothing to do with it. But if you do anything criminal, immediately you will be arrested, under police custody. The maya may be there, but maya captures him who is not a devotee of Krsna. That's all. Therefore, mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te: "Anyone who surrenders unto Me, maya does not interfere anymore."

Paramahamsa: So our desire to enjoy, we achieve these bodies; and our desire to achieve Krsna brings us to our natural position.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Paramahamsa: But then again there's this constant struggle with our lower nature? We are constantly fighting our desires even though we want to serve Krsna? This continues?

Prabhupada: What is that? I do not follow.

Paramahamsa: Well, like, many devotees, they experience the difficulty that although they sincerely want to love God and serve Him, yet their body is almost like another dictator within them.

Prabhupada: Yes. That means he is strongly under the grip of maya.

Paramahamsa: Even though the desire exists.

Prabhupada: Yes. Just like a thief, he knows that "If I steal, I will be arrested. I will be put into jail." And he has seen that one thief, he has stolen, he is arrested. Still he commits theft. He knows everything. Why does he commit theft?

Paramahamsa: Why?

Prabhupada: Yes.

Paramahamsa: Ignorance?

Prabhupada: Yes.

Svarupa Damodara: Srila Prabhupada gives the example of the elephant.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Svarupa Damodara: Takes shower again and...

Prabhupada: Yes. Hasti-snana. Therefore, knowledge giving, that is the beginning of spiritual life. Krsna gives Arjuna, knowledge giving, that "You are not this body." This is the beginning of knowledge. What is that knowledge, all over the world? Where is that university? This preliminary knowledge which Krsna begins, Bhagavad-gita, where is that university? Svarupa Damodara, where is that chemical laboratory or university?

Svarupa Damodara: There is none in the universities.

Prabhupada: Yes. So this is the position of your education. There is no knowledge, and you are simply advertising, "Advancement of knowledge, university, PhD's, Nobel Prize holder." But they are all rascals. Fools' paradise. It is called, fools' paradise.

Svarupa Damodara: If the scientists know that we are not this body, then definitely the whole outlook will be changed.

Prabhupada: Yes. That we want to do.

Paramahamsa: They don't want to admit their failure.

Prabhupada: That is another foolishness. If you are a fool and if you want to pose yourself as intelligent, that is another foolishness. You cannot make progress. Stubborn dogs. If you are seeking after knowledge, you must take the right knowledge. That is intelligence. And if you want to remain in ignorance and advertise yourself that "I am man of knowledge," how much cheater you are! You are cheating yourself and cheating others. That is going on. We want to stop this.

Paramahamsa: Just like many of our devotees, we experienced when we tried to preach to our parents, because they are much older, to admit that Krsna consciousness is the right path in life, means to also admit that they have wasted their entire life.

Prabhupada: Real knowledge is to be given to the younger section. Older section, it is not possible. They will have to forget first of all, what they have learned. That they cannot. Therefore it is impossible. Therefore knowledge begins from the school children, not from the man who is going to die. (laughing) That is not... Impractical. Therefore Prahlada Maharaja said kaumara acaret prajno dharman bhagavatan: [SB 7.6.1] "Krsna consciousness should be taught from the very childhood." Not that at the time of death. That is not possible. Therefore our students, they are all young generation, they capture. These rascals, they cannot. Old fools, they cannot. There was a practical examination. One father and one daughter, both appeared for BA examination in India. The daughter passed and the father failed. It was in the newspaper. In old age they cannot take any lessons. They forget.

Krsna-kanti: Because of sense gratification or mind...

Prabhupada: Anyway, they say all... Yes. The bodily functions, intelligence...,

Svarupa Damodara: Blunt, intelligence becomes blunt.

Prabhupada: Yes, blunt. When the knife is sharp, it can cut, but if it is become blunt, then you cannot cut.

Paramahamsa: Or worn by age.

Prabhupada: Yes. They have all been described as mayayapahrta-jnanah: [Bg. 7.15] "Their real knowledge is taken away by maya." Therefore we don't give any credit to all these rascals. Although we are very small, but we don't give any credit. We frankly say, "These are rascals, fools."

Paramahamsa: After the 20th...During the Industrial Revolution in the western world....

Prabhupada: The Industrial Revolution means revolution of the sudras. That is Industrial Revolution. Increasing the number of sudras. These scientists, they are also sudras. Because they have no real knowledge. Brahmana means one who has got real knowledge. Brahma-janatiti brahmanah. And this industrial development means technologists; they are sudras.

Krsna-kanti: But they have taken the position of brahmanas in the society.

Prabhupada: No, no. They are never as... They are always working. How they can take the position of the brahmana? Brahmana's position is to teach brahmana knowledge, brahma-jnana. That is brahmana.

Paramahamsa: Prior to the growth of technology...

Prabhupada: Yes. No, there was technology. But not in such large scale. Village technology. There was a blacksmith. You want a knife. You take one piece of steel, and he will do it, phut phut phut phut, and he'll put in the fire, and everything do. And now you are manufacturing these cutleries, cutleries, in larger scale. So they are sudras. Similarly any factory, it is a combination of sudras. Kalau sudra-sambhavah: "In this age, all are sudras." Only we are trying to become brahmana. Otherwise all sudras. So therefore there is no adjustment. Just like if you have got only legs, no arms, no mouth, so what is this body?

Paramahamsa: Corpse.

Prabhupada: Corpse, yes. You require everything, full body. You require head, you require arms, you require belly, you require legs. But if you have got simply the belly and legs, then it is a dead body. It cannot work properly. The brain is lost; therefore they are mad after so much advancement of civilization. They are exactly like cats and dogs. As soon as you enter some country, dog, watchdog: "Wowf! Wowf! Why you have come? What is your position?" ("Where is your visa?"?) This is dog's business. This is dog's business. (laughter) And they have set up immigration department. But it is a dog's business, watchdog. I say it is watchdog's business. A first-class gentleman is being searched out pocket, whether you have got revolver. Cannot be trusted, all these educated rogues and thieves. So what is this advancement of civilization? It is civilization? No sober man, no intelligent man, all cats and dogs, thieves, rogues. Is that civilization? It is not civilization.

Paramahamsa: The question I have, Prabhupada is that before scientific advancement, many people would listen to, like, scriptural knowledge.

Prabhupada: Yes. That means sudras. That I have already said.

Paramahamsa: But now they listen more to scientists.

Prabhupada: That means sudra. Sudras are interested to hear from sudra.

Paramahamsa: For example in the Bible they quote that the world is flat. So therefore when they found out the world is round, they say, "Oh, scripture is false."

Prabhupada: Yes.

Paramahamsa: Scientists, they have proven the truth that the world is round. Therefore scientists...

Prabhupada: Yes. That must be, therefore the scriptures must be transcendental. Nonsense scripture, and people become nonsense. So except Vedic literature, all nonsense scripture. They are not scripture. Manufactured. This Bible was manufactured by the saint, this saint, that, according to their imagination. It was not spoken by Lord Jesus Christ. What was spoken by Jesus Christ, that they ignore: "Thou shalt not kill." They kill. Nobody is following Christian principle; neither Bible is perfect. But that, if we say, we will be shot. (laughter)

Paramahamsa: That is what they do now in the Vietnam. For God they are killing.

Prabhupada: Huh?

Paramahamsa: One of the reasons that the Vietnamese war was beginning was because Communists, being atheists, it was a fight between the theists and the atheists. This was an excuse given.

Prabhupada: Yes. But that is quite all right. We also prepare to kill atheists.

Paramahamsa: But preach first.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Paramahamsa: They don't preach.

Prabhupada: That is, killing is also preaching. If I kill your ignorance, that is also killing. That is also killing. Not... Killing does not mean that everyone has to take the sword.

Paramahamsa: A new method of warfare.

Prabhupada: Yes, it is always there. By argument, by knowledge.

Svarupa Damodara: It's a little wet.

Paramahamsa: Srila Prabhupada, when you are not present with us, how is it possible to receive instructions, for example, on questions that may arise?

Prabhupada: Well, the questions... Answers are there in my books.

Paramahamsa: Other than that, for example, that we would ask you in...

Prabhupada: Yes.

Paramahamsa: Do you direct us also through the heart? Besides the Paramatma?

Prabhupada: If your heart is pure. Everything depends on purity. Whether there. What is this? Sacrificial arena? (laughter)

Paramahamsa: For children, I think. No? For cooking, yeah. (pause)

Prabhupada: (About tennis players) How people are kept into ignorance. Life is so valuable, and they are wasting time in that way. Life is valuable, how life should be utilized, what is the object of life -- they do not know anything.

Svarupa Damodara: Without knowing that the soul is eternal, everybody would be acting like this.

Prabhupada: Yes. That is... Bodily concept of life means animal life. The animal does not know. Sa eva go-kharah [SB 10.84.13]. Go-kharah. Go means cows, and kharah means ass. One who is in the, under bodily concept of life, he is no better than animals. So when the animal talks of knowledge, an intelligent man laughs. That is our position. The animals, they are talking of knowledge.

Paramahamsa: At least, the animals live by certain codes. They do not kill unless necessary. They only eat when necessary, whereas man, he kills unnecessarily, eats unnecessarily. So forgetting God, we are even lower than animals.

Prabhupada: Yes. Therefore we suffer also, more than the animals. (pause) So Krsna consciousness movement is not a bogus religious sentimental movement. It is a scientific movement. So now it is up to you to prove this. Then you will be actually Krsna conscious. (pause) [break]

Svarupa Damodara: So they were saying that everything in the universe is just happening by chance.

Prabhupada: So you are writing book by chance. Then what is the value of your book?

Karandhara: The book is also by chance.

Prabhupada: Yes. Everyone can write chance, so what is your credit? Anything nonsense can be written.

Svarupa Damodara: Monod is his name. He got Nobel Prize in 1965 from... He is Frenchman, physiologist. And his, chance and necessity about life, he said everything started by chance. So he is saying that by chance these chemicals combined together, forming these molecules, the basic molecules...

Prabhupada: But wherefrom the molecules came?

Svarupa Damodara: According to him it is simply by chance.

Prabhupada: Chance. So everything is chance. So what is the necessity of your writing book?

Svarupa Damodara: Then necessity arises, so these molecules re-orient, change as a fashion because of necessity.

Prabhupada: Why? If everything is by chance, where is the necessity? What is the meaning? Let the chance take place. Why necessity?

Paramahamsa: He is hoping for another Nobel Prize by his chance.

Prabhupada: All fools' paradise. That's all. Why do they send their children to school? Why not let them grow by chance? Is there any excuse if I say, "By chance I have violated this rule?" Is that the cause of excuse?

Svarupa Damodara: That's because of my ignorance.

Prabhupada: That is chance. That is chance. Because I am ignorant, therefore there is chance.

Paramahamsa: It would be just as stupid as saying a beautiful instrument like a car was made by chance.

Prabhupada: Yes. Yes. That is the most regrettable condition, that these rascals are getting recognition; talking all foolish, and they are getting recognition.

Svarupa Damodara: It's so strange. When I read that book. He defines the difference between the living and the non-living by a term called teleonomy. I tried to find out in the dictionary and I couldn't find any word like that. But I understood that what he meant was...

Prabhupada: Hyerpolosvel. (Prabhupada's mythical scientific word) (laughter)

Krsna-kanti: He invents his own word jugglery.

Svarupa Damodara: He was trying to present the difference between organic beings and the non-organic beings. So he goes in such a round about fashion just to differentiate.

Prabhupada: Petitio principii. This logic is called petitio principii. He has to prove something, but he is taking his premises from that something. (end)

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk At Cheviot Hills Golf Course -- May 13, 1973, Los Angeles