Thursday, December 22, 2005

Please watch this if you care, at all, what is happening...

This video covers issues that should have each and every freedom-loving individual blocking the streets of America in protest. In the video, Jones cites reports from mainstream media outlets throught the country; these reports detail everything from military-run public schools to the systematic evisceration of the bill of rights with random federal searches of citizens and additions to the "patriot" act.

Alex Jones Report: December 22, 2005

I don't see how anyone can watch this and see these reports without being angry and feeling that we are indeed reaching a breaking point. We are at a point where the people of the world must stand up to the globalists who are now overtly taking over our lives.

It is now time for us to refuse to cooperate with militarized public schools, manditory vaccinations, terror drills and all other manner by which these elite are systematically devaluing human life and liberty and conditioning us for the new global police state.

I am disgusted with those of you who are ignoring what is going on and labeling people like myself and Alex Jones; calling us mere propegators of liberal hogwash. I know that we've been saying it for years, but now more than ever, it is time to do something about all of this.

The plans of the global elite are NO LONGER A SECRET; the plans and activities of these elite are reported daily in the newspapers. If any of you think I'm full of a bunch of liberal propaganda, then go ahead and ignore me, GO BACK TO WATCHING YOUR TV and BUYING YOUR GOODS AND SERVICES. If enough of you do this, WE WILL BE ENSLAVED. There's no question about it anymore, it is irrefutable. I am not joking, I'm being dead fucking serious; the time has come to act...

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