Monday, March 27, 2006

Chinese Military Handed No-Bid Contract On Key US Security Infrastructure

Media omit fact that Hutchinson Whampoa is an arm of the red dragon

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison | March 27 2006

The Associated Press reported last week that Hutchison Whampoa Ltd was given a no-bid contract by the US government to take over radiation detecting security just 65 miles away from Freeport in the Bahamas with no oversight. Hutchinson Whampoa is admittedly a holding of the Chinese navy and the People's Liberation Army.

The US government has handed a no-bid contract directly to the Chinese military machine to handle key security infrastructure right as that country gears up for a future confrontation with America.

From Newsmax, "According to a 1999 investigative report by the American Foreign Policy Council, "Hutchison Whampoa, through its Hutchison International Terminals [HIT] subsidiary or Panama Ports Company, has substantial links to the Chinese communist government and the People's Liberation Army.

"The Panama Ports Company is 10 percent owned by China Resources Enterprise [CRE], which is the commercial arm of China's Ministry of Trade and Economic Co-operation. In its investigation into China's attempts to influence the 1996 U.S. presidential campaign, the U.S. Senate Government Affairs Committee identified CRE as a conduit for ‘espionage - economic, political and military - for China.’ Committee Chairman Senator Fred Thompson said that CRE has ‘geopolitical purposes. Kind of like a smiling tiger; it might look friendly, but it's very dangerous.’”

Sen. Trent Lott has described the Hong Kong firm as "an arm of the People's Liberation Army."

"The company is headed by a Li Ka-Shing (pictured below) , the chairman of Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. Intelligence sources say he has deep connections with the Chinese Communist government."

Hutchison Whampoa owns ports all over the world and many charge that the Chinese are using the company to encircle the world in preparation for retaliation to opposition of China's intended invasion of Taiwan.

In 1997 the Communist Chinese government took over the Long Beach Naval Air Base, the only major deep water port that can take large ships on the west coast. In 2000, the Communist Chinese, Hutchinson Whampoa which is run by the PLA, took over the Panama Canal and has stationed between 15,000 and 30,000 troops at the facility.

In 1997 the Chinese were caught bringing in heroin, RPG's and 3,000 AK-47's via Long Beach.

We remind our readers that top Chinese generals continue to threaten nuclear attacks on America.

Alex Jones' first documentary film America: Destroyed By Design, made in 1997, warned Americans that the sell-out to the Chinese was the first step on the road to the sacking of the American economy and pulling the plug on key US infrastructure.

Click here to view a segment where Alex Jones discusses the Chinese sell-out.

It is a stated goal of the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and the CFR to promote what they call 'interdependence' and to lobby governments to sell off key infrastructure such as roads, lakes, ports, and highways to international corporations so that corporations can grow to be bigger in size than government.

As a country we are not just being robbed of our ability to create wealth, we are being robbed of our infrastructure, our land and our capacity to work the land. Your currency, your future and your sovereignty is systematically being dismantled, looted and sold to the highest bidder.

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