Sunday, April 09, 2006

Is the Capitol Building Next?

Capitol Building Evacuation Black Out

After the power outage on Monday, they will bring in "Electricians" inside the Capitol Building, just like they did weeks before 9-11 inside both of the Twin Towers and WTC7.

Google the phrase "Doomsday Plan", it's very interesting.
It's about what to do in case the Capitol Building is destroyed while congress is in attendance, and everyone is killed.

Please get this message out to everyone you know. It won't shock and awe us if we already know it's going to happen.

Two smoking guns:

I saw this on multiple news stations, then it disappeared. The spokesperson said that the power outage was caused by people up the line, however, there's a whole power plant dedicated just to the government buildings. The government buildings can also use power from the main grid.

Listen to the whole radio address below.. and get this out to as many people as possible, even if it sounds hysterical, if it happens as predicted, suspicions will immediately arise.

And if we can convince senators to watch the Repulican leaders attendance, if they don't show up, get out.


Right click, save target as

Capitol Evacuated by Power Outage

(AP) -- The U.S. Capitol was evacuated shortly after noon Monday after the building briefly lost power.
The building was reopened about an hour later after power was restored.

1 comment:

Jude Cowell said...

Hey! Thanks for your comment on Stars Over Wash--I answered there, but wanted to thank you for the (Wiki) Power Plant info. My email reply to you was returned.

Thanks again!
