Monday, June 11, 2007

National Security, Swiss-Style


Nick Bradley |
June 11, 2007

Contrary to popular belief, history has repeatedly shown that societies do not need full-time, government-funded militaries to defend themselves – a heavily-armed populace will suffice. Let us look at Switzerland. Since 1291, Switzerland has defended itself through the use of a heavily-armed populace and a robust militia. Throughout the past 800 years, the Swiss citizenry has defended their liberty against threats both foreign and domestic.

A Revolt against Taxes and Inflation

During the Thirty Years’ War, the Swiss Confederation was the only major power to abstain from hostilities. As a result, the Swiss economy boomed from the wartime drop in productivity, selling agricultural products at high prices to war-ravaged countries (similar to the US agricultural boom during World War One, with agricultural output almost doubling). However, Swiss cities spent much of their resources building fortifications, such as bastions, to protect from invasion. The redirection of resources away from productive, commercial endeavors towards security reduced the tax base for the Cantonal governments. Additionally, the war’s heavy financial burden caused France and Spain to suspend payment to the Cantons for mercenary services rendered.

In order to maintain revenue, the Cantonal governments began raising taxes. In order to keep wealth local, the city governments responded by debasing their currencies to reduce the real amount of tax payments to the Cantonal governments; Berne, for example, arbitrarily reduced the value of the copper Batzen by 50%, while other areas practiced coin clipping. At the same time, European agricultural prices plummeted with the economies of southern Germany returning to pre-war production levels. Swiss monetary authorities reacted to the price reductions by further debasing the currency.

In reaction, the Swiss peasantry demanded a return to previous levels of taxation and an end to inflation, which Swiss authorities refused to do. As a result, an armed Swiss peasant revolt swept through the country, forcing authorities to eventually accede to their demands.

The Helvetic Republic

During the French Revolution, radical French ideology infected much of the Swiss elite, particularly in the French-speaking Western Cantons. Swiss leadership acceded to French demands in 1798 and established the Helvetic Republic. The Radicals, backed by the occupying French Army, abolished the Cantonal governments and established a centralized state. The citizenry, particularly in the Catholic Cantons, rose up and challenged the centralized state and the French military presence through both armed and passive resistance. In 1803, Napoleon introduced the Act of Mediation, which restored the Cantons and removed all French troops from Switzerland.

20th Century

In the 20th Century, Switzerland deterred invasion and forced involvement in both World Wars with its rugged terrain, a heavily-armed populace, and a policy of relative non-intervention. Prior to WWI, the German Kaiser asked in 1912 what the quarter of a million Swiss militiamen would do if invaded by a half million German soldiers. In response a man from Switzerland replied: "shoot twice and go home".

During the Nazi invasion of France, the Luftwaffe violated Swiss airspace over 200 times; the Swiss responded by forcing down Luftwaffe aircraft and even shot down 11+ Luftwaffe aircraft. The Third Reich responded by sending in saboteurs to destroy Swiss airfields, an unsuccessful endeavor. Shortly thereafter, Hitler called the Swiss "the most despicable and wretched people, mortal enemies of the new Germany" and began immediate plans for the invasion of Switzerland, known as Operation Tannenbaum.

Hitler abandoned Operation Tannenbaum after it was realized that an invasion of Switzerland was untenable, with 20% of the civilian population voluntarily mobilized to defend the country – including old men and young boys, with Swiss women manning anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) pieces and running the civil defense corps. The Third Reich also realized that there was no central government to target, nullifying the strategy of blitzkrieg; most Swiss citizens did not even recognize the authority of the Federal President, and any surrender by the Federal Government would have been ignored in the Cantons.

The Swiss also defended their sovereignty against Allied aggression as well. After US aircraft began accidentally bombing Swiss towns near the German border, the Swiss Air Force enacted a policy of forcing down single Allied aircraft and shooting at Bomber Formations (some have speculated that the bombings were not accidental and were designed to force Switzerland in the Alliance; during the war, the Swiss flaunted Allied and Axis sanctions by smuggling to the surrounding Axis powers). As accidental bombings persisted, the Swiss government declared that any further accidental bombings would be declared acts of war. Although Switzerland never declared war on the Allies, the Swiss Air Force forced down 23 aircraft in a three-day period in July of '44. In total, 1,700 US airmen were interred during the War and a few US aircraft were even shot down (this chapter of WWII history is entirely missing from US textbooks).

The "Swiss Model", American Revolutionary Principles, and Private Antiterrorism

The Founding Fathers of the American Revolution were inspired Swiss freedom. John Adams praised the Cantonal system, which prevented a despotic central government from emerging, gave citizens the right to vote in local elections, and where every citizen had an inalienable right to bear arms. Patrick Henry applauded the Swiss militia system for preserving Swiss independence with the need for a "mighty and splendid president." In fact, some argue that the Swiss militia system was the inspiration for our own Second Amendment.

Impressive efforts by the Swiss public over the years just goes to show that voluntary self-defense efforts by a population can deter even the most aggressive of enemies. What if we applied Swiss-style defense here in the United States?

The US government could arm all 90 million adult males, age 18–64 with an M-16 and 1,200 5.56mm rounds (40 30-round magazines) for a one-time cost of about 1% (7 1/2 billion dollars) of the cost of our current annual combined security budget ($750B+). Terror threats could by quickly identified by private intelligence agencies such as Total Intelligence Solutions; voluntary civil defense corps would begin patrols of neighborhoods and offer assistance/protection to any victims if an attack actually occurred. If foreign retaliation was necessary after a terrorist or military attack, private military companies (PMCs), such as Blackwater USA or Triple Canopy, could rapidly expand their force strength by hiring local militia units and collecting financial contributions from corporations and patriots. Fourth-Generation Warfare expert and creator of the Global Guerillas blog, John Robb, envisions a future privatized security apparatus:

Then, inevitably, there will be a series of attacks on U.S. soil. The first casualty of these will be another institution, the ultrabureaucratic Department of Homeland Security, which, despite its new extra-legal surveillance powers, will prove unable to isolate and defuse the threats against us. (Its one big idea for keeping the global insurgency at bay – building a fence between Mexico and the United States, proposed in a recent congressional immigration bill – will prove as effective as the Maginot Line and the Great Wall of China.)

But the metaphorical targets of September 11 are largely behind us. The strikes of the future will be strategic, pinpointing the systems we rely on, and they will leave entire sections of the country without energy and communications for protracted periods. But the frustration and economic pain that result will have a curious side effect: They will spur development of an entirely new, decentralized security system, one that devolves power and responsibility to a mix of private companies, individuals, and local governments. This structure is already visible in the legions of private contractors in Iraq, as well as in New York's amazingly effective counterterrorist intelligence unit. But as we look out to 2016, the long-term implications are clearer.

Security will become a function of where you live and whom you work for, much as health care is allocated already. Wealthy individuals and multinational corporations will be the first to bail out of our collective system, opting instead to hire private military companies, such as Blackwater and Triple Canopy, to protect their homes and facilities and establish a protective perimeter around daily life. Parallel transportation networks – evolving out of the time-share aircraft companies such as

Warren Buffett's NetJets – will cater to this group, leapfrogging its members from one secure, well-appointed lily pad to the next. Members of the middle class will follow, taking matters into their own hands by forming suburban collectives to share the costs of security – as they do now with education – and shore up delivery of critical services. These "armored suburbs" will deploy and maintain backup generators and communications links; they will be patrolled by civilian police auxiliaries that have received corporate training and boast their own state-of-the-art emergency-response systems. As for those without the means to build their own defense, they will have to make do with the remains of the national system. They will gravitate to America's cities, where they will be subject to ubiquitous surveillance and marginal or nonexistent services. For the poor, there will be no other refuge.

This is what the Founding Fathers envisioned when they called for a robust militia, strong protection of the right to bear arms, and warned against standing armies. With the removal of the false assurances provided by the security state, Americans will need to take responsibility for their own security – personal security; we should follow the fine example the Swiss have set, an example that inspired our own revolutionary founders.

Perhaps this is what Ron Paul–style national security would look like.


Saturday, June 09, 2007

Tax Protester Ed Brown Says Agents Came To Kill Him


Pay your taxes or the government will axe murder you. See Gordon Kahl

Brown Says Agents Came To Kill Him

June 8, 2007

PLAINFIELD, N.H. -- A Plainfield man who has been holed up in his house after being convicted of tax evasion said Friday that federal, state and local agents had come to kill him when they showed up near his property the day before.

Ed Brown and his wife, Elaine, were convicted in January of hiding nearly $2 million in income and not paying taxes on it because they insisted that federal income taxes are invalid. In April, they skipped their sentencing hearings and have been holed up in their house since.

Thursday, one of his supporters was taken into custody when heavily armed police arrived near the 110-acre property. Danny Riley posted a video online hours after he was released from custody that said he was shot at, police used a Taser on him, and he was questioned for hours.

"I was screaming at the top of my lungs, 'Don't shoot me! I'm unarmed!'" Riley said in the video.

Riley was sent home to New York after his release. He was staying with the Browns and was walking the family dog when he came across police, who said they were doing surveillance around the property.

"All of a sudden, a guy stood up said, 'Freeze!'" Riley said. "At that point, I turned and ran."

Riley said that a Taser gun left a mark on his chest. He said that he was shot at, but police said only non-lethal force was used.

Officers said they were setting up surveillance while the Browns' commercial property in West Lebanon was seized.

"The U.S. Marshals Office said they would not assault us on this land," Ed Brown said. "They lied."

Ed Brown said he thought the U.S. marshals were coming to kill him. The Browns said that they have not broken any laws, saying they don't believe there is any law requiring them to pay taxes.

"We've told them all along, show us the law where you pay taxes," he said. "So if the tax is a problem, there's no problem. We'll pay it. Show us the law."

Federal officials said they won't take the home by force, but they maintain regular contact.

Ed Brown said that he knows he's being watched, and he has even fired warning shots.

"If the dog indicates she sees something in the woods, I'll pop off a few rounds in the woods," he said.

Ed Brown wouldn't say how many supporters are helping him. A handful of supporters seen on the compound Friday were armed.

Federal officials said they could arrest those who help the couple avoid capture.


Friday, June 08, 2007

John Allegro Discusses the Dead Sea Scrolls


John Allegro was part of the original team of scholars who translated the Dead Sea Scrolls. While working with the team, he realized that the other researchers were intent upon leaving out the information which refutes commonly held notions held by Christianity.

Most of the Dead Sea Scrolls have been left unpublished. In fact, Allegro has published more than anyone else on the matter.

Within the scrolls, we can find the truth about our history, including the true nature of the "Christ" figure that is held so highly by the Christian faith.

Part I

Part II

Part III


Thursday, June 07, 2007




"They tell us, sir, that we are weak -- unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?

Sir, we are not weak, if we make a proper use of the means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.

The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable -- and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come!

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, "Peace! Peace!" -- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, GIVE ME LIBERTY, OR GIVE ME DEATH!"

-- Patrick Henry March 23, 1775


Thought Criminals Ed & Elaine Brown Under Seige


The U.S. Federal Government may be preparing another Waco-like event, directed at tax-protesters Ed and Elaine Brown, to stifle rational dissent amongst citizens who disagree with the legality of the so-called "Income Tax."

Police Assemble by Browns' Home

Plainfield – Federal authorities indicated Thursday they will not raid the home of two convicted tax evaders but would serve a warrant.

Dozens of heavily armed state police and federal agents have assembled near the rural Grafton County home of tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown.

The U.S. Marshals Service issued a brief statement after neighbors reported armed police and at least one armored vehicle near Ed and Elaine Brown's fortified compound early Thursday morning.

"We are here, in conjunction with authorities, from the Department of the Treasury, to serve that warrant," the statement said. "As we have said from the beginning, we will continue to communicate with Ed and Elaine Brown to convince them to surrender peacefully."

About 50 state troopers, some armed with high-powered rifles, along with a vehicle from the explosives unit gathered this morning in Plainfield, a small town where Edward and Elaine Brown have holed up in their home since being convicted of tax evasion and sentenced to lengthy federal prison terms.

The Browns have been aware of increased police activity all morning. In an audio file posted on a blog this morning, he said a silent aircraft at about 5,000 feet in the air flew over his home overnight.

And, he said, at about 7:45 a.m. this morning a fvisiting riend took his dog out for a walk but never returned. The dog, he said, came running up the driveway about an hour later.

He also said a neighbor called at 8:45 a.m. to let him know about 2 1/2 dozen state troopers were "coming down (Route) 12A heading in this direction."

The Browns were convicted in January in U.S. District Court in Concord for not paying more than $500,000 in taxes.

A correspondent was kept away from the Browns' compound by state police, who would not say why.

Susan Williams, who lives a mile or so away from the Browns on Center of Town Road, said she saw police officers, SWAT team members, a fire truck, ambulance, helicopter and at least one armored vehicle assembled in a field across from her driveway.

At the Browns' home, the Browns answered a telephone call from The Associated Press by saying: "This is the Lord's House. This is Sister Elaine and Brother Edward."

They said nothing was out of the ordinary at the house.

"It's very quiet. I have no idea. I don't see anything going on," said Brown, before hanging up.

The Browns insist federal income tax laws are invalid and have holed up in their hilltop home on 110 acres in Plainfield, which has a watchtower, concrete walls and the ability to run on wind and solar power. Brown said he has stockpiled food and supplies.

They were convicted in January of scheming to hide $1.9 million of income between 1996 and 2003. They also were convicted of using $215,890 in postal money orders to pay for their residence and for Elaine Brown's dental office. The money orders were broken into increments just below the tax-reporting threshold.

U.S. District Judge Steven McAuliffe sentenced them each to 5 1/4 years in prison. They skipped the April sentencing hearings, and Ed Brown has said he and his wife will refuse to surrender to authorities.

The couple has described the court as a "fiction" unworthy of their attention and returned government mail unopened. The federal judge who sentenced them in absentia has sent along their notice of appeal to an appellate court in Boston.


Medical Doctor Discovers Supernatural Abilities


Meditation taught Dr. Gibson about the world of spirits

Dr. Mitchell Gibson's story about his experiences/observations during his years of meditation is quite interesting.

His understanding sheds light on the yogi-like breakthroughs that each of us are capable of when we put significant effort towards rebuilding our minds with self-cultivation.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

This kind of testimony really makes me want to redouble my efforts and make meditation a focal point in my life.

I've done meditation too, mostly moving meditation such as Tai Chi and Yoga, and I can say from my experiences that it really makes a world of difference in one's sensitivity to the minutiae that are taking place in our bodies as well as all around us; details that are generally unseen and virtually forbidden to discuss in most interactions.


CNN's GOP "Debate" Rigged


Wolf Blitzer said that the CNN-controlled debate was going to give all candidates equal time to respond to each question. In-fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

Obvious media bias was geared towards the "top tier" demagogues like "Ghouliani", "double the size of Guantanamo Romney" and "torture is bad unless if I vote for it McCain."

Despite all of this, and in contravention to the "wisdom" of CNN's and other MSM "analysts," Ron Paul won almost every online poll, indicating that the public believes that he won the debate.

Analysis Shows Debate Was Rigged
Establishment candidates get double the amount of questions, triple the time

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet
Wednesday, June 6, 2007

A cursory analysis of last night's Republican presidential candidate's debate on CNN manifestly proves that, as in the case of the previous debates, the corporate media rigged the event in favor of establishment candidates while blacklisting underdogs like Ron Paul.

"I think we're a powerful dark horse and I think we're knocking right on the door and I think we've got some of the "top tier" candidates pretty nervous," Ron Paul's communications director Jesse Benton said today during an appearance on the Alex Jones Show.

Benton had one of his assistants calculate the figures, concluding that Ron Paul was asked eight questions and spoke for a total of 6-and-a-half minutes.

In comparison, Rudy Giuliani got 14 questions and spoke for 17 minutes - almost double the amount of questions and triple the amount of time - how can anyone claim that this is not a rigged debate when the establishment candidates are brazenly favored and lavished with attention?

This came to the fore last night when Wolf Blitzer asked a question about health care and Ron Paul - the only candidate on the podium who is also a medical doctor - was completely ignored.

In addition, after the debate Giuliani, Romney and McCain all got immediate interviews with either Wolf Blitzer or Larry King whereas Ron Paul was dismissed, despite the fact that he has been making headlines since the last debate after his confrontation with Rudy Giuliani and won CNN's own debate poll.

Debunkers can make excuses about Ron Paul not being a front-runner, but the fact remains that Paul has won nearly every post-debate poll. Industry forecasters like are now on record with the fact that the momentum of Ron Paul's campaign has propelled him from being an unknown also-ran to a strong contender - with seven months still left until the nomination. also confirm that the Texas Congressman's support in telephone polls is higher than first estimated and growing all the time.

Even aside from this, in the past debates were strictly time-controlled and one candidate was not given preference over another. If this is the way the corporate media chooses to run the show then fair enough - but don't pretend that these debates are anything other than undemocratic, staged and rigged theatre that are designed to cull underdogs while establishment-approved candidates are exalted.


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Reporter Arrested For Asking Tough Questions


Lee Rogers |

Here is video of the event in question. Matt Lepacek who is a reporter for Infowars.Com and a member of We Are Change had his Constitutional first amendment rights clearly violated. So much for free press. We are now living in the fourth reich.

The first amendment is under serious attack following an incident that took place at the GOP presidential debates up here in New Hampshire. Matt Lepacek a member of the activist/alternative
media group We Are Change was arrested for simply attempting to question Rudy Giuliani about different issues including the fact that he previously lied to the We Are Change group about his involvement in the events of 9/11. This event shows that we no longer have freedom of speech or freedom of press in this country.

Even though Mr. Lepacek was unable to specifically question Giuliani he was able to pepper one of Giuliani’s staff members with hard questions. Despite asking these questions in a respectful manner, Mr. Lepacek was escorted out of the building even though he was asking legitimate questions and had press credentials issued to him by the debate organizers. Mr. Lepacek protested his removal from the post-debate press area and demanded to know from police officers why his Constitutional rights were being violated. What made this even crazier was the fact that most of this was broadcast via a live web camera feed on the We Are Change web site. Hundreds of people witnessed Mr. Lepacek be arrested by the police officers even after he informed them that video of the events were being broadcast live on the Internet.

It would be one thing if he intentionally created a disruption during the debate itself or in the post-debate press area but he did nothing of the sort. All he wanted to do was ask Giuliani and other candidates the tough questions that the establishment media is afraid and unwilling to ask. What is really ridiculous is that he didn’t even get a chance to question Giuliani and yet he was still escorted out of the building. Do we really have a free press if certain members of the press are selectively escorted away from political figures on the orders of their staffers? We clearly have a situation where the establishment press is a lapdog for the government. A free press that is a watchdog of the government is one of the keys in having a free and open society. It appears clear from Lepacek’s arrest that we have neither a free or open society.

Details are still sketchy on these events, but I witnessed a good portion of the web feed by watching the live video feed in the We Are Change RV at the debate. I also got information about the incident from other We Are Change members and all information indicates that this is an extremely disturbing event. His removal from the building was unjustified and his arrest for criminal trespassing was a clear violation of his Constitutional rights.

Welcome to Nazi America. Judging from the early reports of this event, it appears as if we no longer have a free press in this country. We’ll provide an update on this event tomorrow as more details come available.

Be sure to also read this great article on the incident from Jones Report by clicking below.


Ron Paul at the June 4 NH GOP Debates


During Presidential Candidate Ron Paul's moments at the GOP debates, he expressed his discontent with the manner in which warfare is waged without the legal processes outlined by the Constitution. He also discusses the importance of leaving the authority to regulate religious activities in the hands of local government and not seeking "one-size fits all" Federal solutions.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ron Paul's Appearance on Jon Stewart's Daily Show


June 4, 2007

The much awaited appearance on the Daily Show went well. Jon Stewart was very supportive of Dr. Paul's ideas, and they discussed a variety of issues that most media shows tend to ignore.

They started the interview with the following discussion about Dr. Paul's positions and candidacy:

Stewart: You have accomplished no small feat. You're running for president, very much as an underdog, yet you've created a nice little buzz now about the Ron Paul candidacy. What do you attribute that to?

Paul: A good message, the philosophy of liberty, and people are still interested in being free people; living in a free country.

Stewart: Buy you're talking about America not spreading that liberty to other areas such as Canada.

Paul: Not by use of force. And I don't believe in trying to spread it. I think its a good message but I don't believe in spreading it with guns. We should spread it by setting a good example and getting others to emulate us, but not to try to force it on other people.

Ron Paul's Appearance on the Daily Show

In the interview they discuss the Dr. Paul's position on liberty in the Constitution, big government and the GOP.

Ron Paul Arrives at the Daily Show

New York Area supporters greet Congressman Ron Paul as he arrives for his appearance on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart Monday June 4, 2008


Monday, June 04, 2007

JFK Airport Plot Has All The Hallmarks Of Staged Terror


Near-retarded "ringleader", paid government provocateur mirrors legion of previous cases

Paul Joseph Watson |

An alleged plot to blow up fuel tanks, terminal buildings and fuel lines running beneath Kennedy International Airport has all the hallmarks of being another staged terror alert, having never advanced beyond a rudimentary planning stage while being prodded and provocateured by a paid government informant.

In every single major terror sting we have researched in the west since 9/11, not one single plot has been absent the ingredient of a government provocateur, save the cases that were outright manufactured by imaginative government propagandists in alliance with the corporate media.

In this case, the provocateur was "An informant with a criminal history including drug trafficking and racketeering agreed to work with investigators on the case, in exchange for payments and a reduced sentence," according to the New York Times.

Officials have refused to say how they became aware of the plot in the first place, but in every previous case of this nature we have found that it is the government agent provocateur who radicalizes the group and formulates the plot. The cover story is that the group is infiltrated by the informant having already planned the attack but as more details emerge, inevitably the plot always reveals itself as an artificial creation on behalf of the intelligence services.

What's the motive? The war on terror is the most politically exploited concept since the cold war. The propaganda boon from hoodwinking Americans into thinking they are constantly under threat from terrorists is unsurpassed. On the very day that this alleged plot was announced, Rudy Giuliani was already using it to inflate his presidential campaign.

In addition, the new head of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan, told a reporter this past weekend that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.

Once again we learn that "the plot was only in a preliminary phase and the conspirators had yet to lay out detailed plans or obtain financing or explosives," and yet the event is reported by a jingoistic and frothing media as if an imminent attack on the scale of 9/11 has been averted.

But as always, the devil is in the details, because even if the group had managed to acquire the financing and explosives to enact the plot, it would have been unsuccessful, due to "safety shut-off valves would almost assuredly have prevented an exploding airport fuel tank from igniting all or even part of the network."

The sum of the group's planning for the alleged attack amounts to nothing more than visiting Google Maps and printing off photographs.

It appears that part of the agenda in hyping the alleged plot is to undermine Hugo Chavez, since the ringleader, Russell Defreitas, has links to Jamaat al-Muslimeen, a Muslim group headed up by Imam Yasin Abu Bakr, and in turn Bakr has been affiliated with Chavez.

As Kurt Nimmo writes, Neo-Con websites are already exploiting these tenuous links to demonize Hugo Chavez, who - whatever you think of his domestic policies - has been a constant thorn in the side of the Globalists and was subject to an attempted CIA coup in 2002.

Defreitas is described by one law enforcement official as “a sad sack” and “not a Grade A terrorist,” who would have been incapable of carrying out any attack. A friend described him as "not smart enough" to have carried out the attack.

In several other cases, we see a pattern where near-retarded individuals are used as patsies for terror plots orchestrated by intelligence agencies because they are easily manipulated and cannot defend themselves after the fact.

From out of nowhere, Defreitas goes from embracing American culture and enjoying jazz music to dressing in traditional Muslim garb and referring to himself as Mohammed while planning a devastating attack due to his supposed hatred of the west.

The basic tenet that the terror threat has been overhyped and magnified a thousand-fold for political propaganda is proven alone by documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act that show only 0.0015 percent of the total number of cases filed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security were terrorism related, despite the fact that the Bush administration has repeatedly asserted that it is the primary focus of the DHS.

As more details leak out, there seems little doubt that the JFK airport plot will dissipate into nothing more than another hyped terror alert - coddled, molded, and directed by the government, before being unleashed on an increasingly skeptical American public in another vain attempt to prop up the flagging legitimacy of the "war on terror".


GOP Head would be pleasantly surprised if America attacked


In the classic neo-con style of uneducated, special-ed rants, the head of the Arkansas GOP stated that he believes we need more "attacks on American soil" so that him and the other neo-con blow-hards will have the appearance of being right about terrorism.

Its bizarre how the neo-cons think that getting attacked will mean that they were some-how right. This is similar to the reasoning that Rudy Giuliani, the mayor who failed, on two occasions, to prevent the attacks on the world trade centers, is the best man to protect America.

Gop Head: We Need More 'attacks On American Soil', so people appreciate Bush

Josh Catone Raw Story
Monday June 4, 2007

In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.

"At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001]," Milligan said to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country."

Milligan, who was elected as the new chair of the Arkansas Republican Party just two weeks ago, also told the newspaper that he is "150 percent" behind Bush in the war in Iraq.

In his acceptance speech on May 19th, Milligan told his fellow Republicans that it was "time for a rediscovery of our values and our common sense."

The owner of a water treatment company, Milligan was a relative unknown in Arkansas politics until last week's vote. He had previously served as the party's treasurer and the Saline County Republican chair.


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Michael Tsarion - Akhenaton and the Dark Side of the Sun


"If we are to answer the question of how evil has really come into the world and if it is correct to state that it did so because of alien interaction, then the question appropriately arises as to how we are still battling with the problem of evil today. Why is it not all over and done with given that the conflict began in pre-diluvian times? Surely, if "evil" had conquered, then today there would be no question of "good" being an alternative or a presence in the world. And if "good" had triumphed, then today we would all be living in peace and harmony."

~ Michael Tsarion - Akhenaton & the Dark Side of the Sun

During the course of this long and in-depth discussion, Michael Tsarion discusses the forbidden knowledge of the ancient Egyptians and the deliberate cover-up of knowledge about it, by prominent academic organizations. This has left many so-called "educated" people with a complete void of knowledge regarding our connections to the ancient world.

Akhenaton and the Dark Side of the Sun [Part 1]

Akhenaton and the Dark Side of the Sun [Part 2]


Friday, June 01, 2007

Ron Paul & Joe Bannister Discuss Internal Revenue Illegality on CNBC


Former IRS Special Agent Joe Bannister and Congressman Ron Paul discuss the illegality of Internal Revenue.


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ron Paul appears on Fox News & CNN Discusses His "Educating Rudy" Campaign


More good press for Dr. Paul recently as mainstream television news sources are starting to debate the foreign policy issues that had been so taboo prior to recent developments during the GOP debates.

Ron Paul Appears on Fox News

Discussion on CNN's "Situation Room" about Ron Paul

Here's an interesting video in which CNN discusses Rudy Giuliani's reading assignment from Ron Paul's on the history of U.S. foreign policy. You would think that the man who was given the keys to New York City would know these things, but he's been too busy making money off 9/11 to do any reading.


Why Rudy beats Ron Paul Hands Down


I just don't understand all of this attraction to Ron Paul. I much prefer the simplicity of Rudy Giuliani. Rudy is a man who has it all figured out, I think he firmly believes in the slogan "you're either with the neo-cons, or you're with the terrorists." This kind of black and white reasoning is exactly what we should have if we are to get the world government that we so desperately need.

Rudy wants to make sure that the law-abiding citizens don't have any guns, this way we can all be certain that only the government and the criminals have guns.

I like that in a candidate, because we all know that the only one you can trust is the government, and the government will protect each and every one of us from cradle to grave. We must also keep in mind that the government would never lie to us or abuse their powers, especially if the citizens weren't permitted to carry guns.

In order to help recruit more support to our great 911 hero, please watch this powerful documentary about "Rudy the Great Hero of the 911."

Without Rudy's administration ignoring the warnings on 9/11, its likely that such a great day would never have occurred and all of those heroes wouldn't have been made. Also, it is likely that the united States of America wouldn't have confronted the network of evil terrosts who "want to kill you and your family."

Rudy knows a thing or two about "protection." Since his family was part of the NYC mob, he has first hand experience at protection rackets. This makes him one of the most fitting candidates for the Oval Office.

The documentary examines Giuliani’s rise to power, his policies and his so-called turnaround of New York City. Interviewing journalists, activists, legal experts, and many of the city’s poor, “Giuliani Time” reveals that while the Mayor touted his Broken Windows, Quality of Life and Zero Tolerance policies, the reality on the streets was police brutality, violations of the First Amendment and racist actions.


Neo-CONs Spewing Hatred and Fear


The neo-cons have been relentlessly milking 9/11, especially individuals like Rudy Giuliani, who receives over $100,000 per mind-numbing speech to spew his hateful and demagogue-embracing message. All of this, in spite of the fact that he was the one who fucked up and ignored the intelligence about the coming event; as mayor, he was responsible for the city, after-all.

One of my favorite neo-con-isms is, "They want to kill you and your family." And, of course, we need profiteers like Giuliani, Bush, and McCain to protect us from evil. The best way that I know of for them to "protect us from evil" is to get their traitorous asses out of the seat of power and stop blocking people who want to enact meaningful change from representing the people.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Flagging in public sentiment, Neo-Cons resort to splogs.


Neo-Con Splog "" Says
His and your fantasy is that Ron Paul will be president well keep dreaming and i say this to his one supporter and you know who you are. So its time to pick a winner and not Ron Paul. He is an embarrassment to the united states with his of the wall comment which has done nothing to join the American public together but to tear it apart.

Notice how they made their own blog just to spam against Ron Paul Tis a shame...

I posted them a comment, gee, I wonder if it will be posted...

I know what you mean! Shame on Dr. Paul for citing the 9/11 commission report findings during the debate.

It is also a darn shame that Dr. Paul is always voting with the Constitution during his last few decades in congress. That is just un-American, its not like he and all other lawmakers took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution.

Why America would ever want someone who supports liberty is beyond me. I'd much rather have the government utilizing military tribunals and abolishing habeus corpus than to use the antiquated system of "due process," whatever that is.

The same poster "bloggershaven" also threw up another splog titled "" in order to get phony PageRank and Technorati authority.


Immigration ‘Compromise’ Sells Out Our Sovereignty


by Congressman Ron Paul
May 28, 2007

The much-vaunted Senate “compromise” on immigration is a compromise alright: a compromise of our laws, a compromise of our sovereignty, and a compromise of the Second Amendment. That anyone in Washington believes this is a credible approach to solving our immigration crisis suggests just how out of touch our political elites really are.

The reality is that this bill will grant amnesty to virtually all of the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in the country today. Supporters use very creative language to try and convince us that amnesty is not really amnesty, but when individuals who have entered the United States illegally are granted citizenship – regardless of the fees they are charged – what you have is amnesty.

What is seldom discussed in the immigration debate, unfortunately, is the incentives the US government provides for people to enter the United States illegally. As we know well, when the government subsidizes something we get more of it. The government provides a myriad of federal welfare benefits to those who come to the US illegally, including food stamps and free medical care. Is this a way to discourage people from coming to the US illegally?

Additionally, one of the most absurd incentives for people to come to the US illegally is the promise of instant US citizenship to anyone born on our soil. That is why when Congress returns next week I will be re-introducing my Constitutional amendment to deny automatic citizenship to individuals born on US soil to parents who are not US citizens or who do not owe permanent allegiance to the United States .

There are many other very troubling items buried deep in the Senate’s immigration compromise. The bill explicitly calls for an “acceleration” of the March 2005 agreement between the US president, the president of Mexico , and the prime minister of Canada , known as the “Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America .” This somewhat secretive agreement – a treaty in all but name – aims to erase the borders between the United States , Canada , and Mexico and threatens our sovereignty and national security. The SPP was agreed by the president without the participation of Congress. It should be eliminated, not accelerated!

According to the pro-Second Amendment Gun Owners of America, the legislation also makes it easier to target gun dealers for prosecution. Even gun clubs could find themselves targeted under this immigration reform legislation.

Immigration reform should start with improving our border protection, yet it was reported last week that the federal government has approved the recruitment of 120 of our best trained Border Patrol agents to go to Iraq to train Iraqis how to better defend their borders! This comes at a time when the National Guard troops participating in Operation Jump Start are being removed from border protection duties in Arizona , New Mexico , and Texas and preparing to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan ! It is an outrage and it will result in our borders being more vulnerable to illegal entry, including by terrorists.

I will continue to oppose any immigration bill that grants amnesty to illegals or undermines our liberty and sovereignty.


Ron Paul on the Dennis Miller Show


Here is an audio recording of Ron Paul on the Dennis Miller Show on May 30, 2007. During the interview, they discuss abortion, eminent domain, and the Iraq war.

Dennis says that he agrees with Dr. Paul on most of the issues except for the war. On that subject Dennis holds the arcane and debunked neo-con view that "we have to kill them or they will kill us." Which is simmilar to the line of blarney used by war-mongers during the Vietnam war.


Shrouding all the ground me, is this holy crow above me...


Its black as holes within a memory
Blue as our new second sun
I stick my hand into the shadow
To pull the pieces from the sand
Which I attempt to re-assemble
To see just who I might have been

But I do not recognize the vessel
Though the eyes seem so familiar
Like phosphorescent desert buttons
singing one familiar song...

...A child's rhyme stuck in my head
it said that life is but a dream
i've spent so many years in question
to find i've known this all along...


Image of the Day



Hundreds boo former Bush chief of staff at University of Massachusetts commencement ceremony


Adam Doster | Raw Story
Sunday May 27, 2007

In video, booing is at 1:52 remaining in the video

Andrew Card, President George W. Bush's former Chief of Staff, was showered with a chorus of boos and catcalls from students and faculty of the University of Massachusetts while receiving an honorary degree Friday. Protesters, who caught the embarrassing scene on video, attached anti-Card signs to their robes and drowned out Provost Charlena Seymour's remarks about Card's "public service." Even faculty sitting on stage joined in on the action, screaming their disapproval while holding signs that read "Card: No Honor, No Degree."

Card, obviously shaken by the commotion, managed a slight grin while Seymour spoke. He later raised his hand in recognition but sat down without speaking at any length.

After the ceremony, he refused to acknowledge the protests, only saying, "It was a great honor and a privilege to be here."

The university community was upset with the school's decision to award Card an honorary degree, given his involvement in spinning intelligence in the lead up to the war in Iraq. Even before the ceremony began, 100 faculty members and students sang anti-war songs, handed out leaflets and waved signs outside the arena where commencement was held.

A graduate of the University of South Carolina, Card was a supporter of UMass in his days as a Massachusetts lawmaker. He served as Bush's chief of staff from the president's first inauguration through 2006.

The video was created by the protesters.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Security approval


Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse here in the united States of America, the government makes a move to show that it can get far worse. In a dastardly move, the U.S. Senate passed an "immigration reform" bill that will require all Americans to gain "approval" from the Department of Homeland Security in order to work.

This means that the government and DHS are now vested with the power to decide who does or doesn't work in this nation!


US citizens who apply for a job will need prior approval from Department of Homeland Security under the terms immigration bill passed by the Senate this week.

American Civil Liberties Union pointed out that the DHS's Employment Eligibility Verification System (EEVS) is error plagued and if the department makes a mistake in determining work eligibility, there will be virtually no way to challenge the error or recover lost wages due to the bill’s prohibitions on judicial review.

Even current employees will need to obtain eligibility approval from the DHS Within 60 days of the Immigration Reform Act of 2006 becoming law.

"EEVS would be a financial and bureaucratic nightmare for both businesses and workers," said Timothy Sparapani, ACLU Legislative Counsel. "Under this already flawed program no one would be able to work in the U.S. without DHS approval - creating a ‘No Work List’ similar to the government’s ‘No Fly List.’ We need immigration reform, but not at this cost."

The act allocates US$400 million for the implementation of the EEVS, but the Congressional Budgeting Office estimates the system to cost in excess of a billion dollars.


Giuliani Confronted By 9/11 Truthers, Lies About WTC Collapse


Former New York Mayor flip-flops for third time on foreknowledge of tower's implosion

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

9/11 truthers are making headlines again today after confronting Rudy Giuliani in New York on his foreknowledge of the collapse of the twin towers. Amazingly, just weeks after saying the opposite, Giuliani now claims he had no idea the towers were going to fall.

Although 1 in 3 Americans believe in a 9/11 cover-up, they continue to refer to concerned citizens as "radicals" while war mongering demagogues like Giuliani are alright.

Here's the media "spin" that resulted from the encounter.

"A radical group at a Bronx fundraiser confronted Rudolph Giuliani on Tuesday morning, accusing him of being one of the "criminals of 9/11," reports WNBC.

"The Republican nominee for president was outside City Island's Sea Shore restaurant in the Bronx, speaking with's Adam Shapiro about his fundraising in New York."

"Afterward, a young woman claiming to be the relative of a Sept. 11, 2001, firefighter who died when the towers collapsed, asked Giuliani why he allegedly told Peter Jennings the towers would not fall that day, but did not stop the rescue efforts of firefighters and police officers."

"The woman claims Giuliani knew the towers would fall, and allowed rescuers to go to their deaths. She asked him, "How do you sleep at night?"

"Giuliani was extremely polite, telling the young woman she was wrong and that he never said what she claimed. At that point, another protester from her group, a young man, interrupted Giuliani with the same allegations."

"Giuliani replied by saying, "I didn't realize the towers would collapse." He later added, "No one that I know of had any idea they would implode. That was a complete surprise."

Giuliani was confronted by Infowars reporters led by 9/11 truth movement warrior Luke Rudkowski, head of the group, and the story has since garnered national attention, appearing on the Drudge Report early this afternoon.

In claiming that he had no idea that the towers would collapse, Giuliani has now flip-flopped on this issue for a third time.

"We were operating out of there when we were told that the World Trade Center was gonna collapse," Giuliani told ABC's Peter Jennings during a phone interview on 9/11. Giuliani has never identified the source of this warning, unprecedented as it is that modern steel framed buildings would collapse from fire damage for the first time in history, and it completely contradicts his assertion today that he "didn't realize the towers would collapse."

The ABC clip is included in the video below.

In addition, during an April 19th event held at the Oklahoma City Museum and National Memorial, Giuliani said "It occurred to us all that they might ultimately collapse," in referring to the twin towers.

He was also caught in a bizarre lie when he claimed that WTC 7 collapsed in stages over a period of time when in reality it fell within just eight seconds.

Though Giuliani is attempting to make a distinction of the fact that he expected the towers to fall after a period of time, this still doesn't explain who gave him the warning and why he seems to flip-flop on this issue every time he is asked about it, while wearing a strange broad grin across his face.

it also underscores the notion that the sudden implosion of the twin towers was an unnatural event and even Giuliani acknowledges this fact.

The 9/11 truth activists led by Rudowski also confronted David Rockefeller at his home as well as the CFR at their main headquarters. Reports and video footage on those events will be forthcoming.


Watching fate as it flows down the path we have chosen


This is an interesting music video from Nine Inch Nails titled "We're in This Together."

I've become impossible
Holding on to when
When everything seemed to matter more
The two of us
All used and beaten up
Watching fate as it flows down the path we have chose

You and me
Were in this together now
None of them can stop us now
We will make it through somehow
You and me
If the world should break in two
Until the very end of me
Until the very end of you

Awake to the sound as they peel apart the skin
They pick and they pull
Trying to get their fingers in
Well they've got to kill what we found
Well they've got to hate what they fear
Well they've got to make it go away
Well they've got to make it disappear

The farther I fall I'm beside you
As lost as I get I will find you
The deeper the wound I'm inside you
For ever and ever I am a part of

You and me
Were in this together now
None of them can stop us now
We will make it through some how
You and me
If the world should break in two
Until the very end of me
Until the very end of you

All that we were is gone we have to hold on
When all our hope is gone we have to hold on
All that we were is gone but we can hold on

You and me
Were in this together now
None of them can stop us now
We will make it through somehow
You and me

Even after everything
You're the queen and I'm the king
Nothing else means anything


Monday, May 28, 2007

A Tribute to Communism


Although the greatest mass murderers in human history were done by Communist regimes, Communism is still glorified as the alternative to Capitalism. This video is a tribute to the real blood curdling legacy of the communist regimes.


Animal protein (meat and dairy) causes cancer


The Standard American Diet (SAD) has an excessive level of animal protein in it and a major lack of whole plant-based foods. Experimental evidence taken from studies conducted worldwide indicate that cultures which consume primarily animal-based foods are far more likely to develop cancer than cultures which consume primarily plant-based foods.

In the video, Professor T. Colin Campbell (PhD) shares his data and observations, from his observations over decades of studying the effects of proteins and other dietary factors on health.

Dr. Campbell was once a staunch advocate for the consumption of animal protein, but the data that he encountered is clear and undeniable.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

DynCorp & Haliburton Sex Slave Trade Scandal


Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | January 1 2006

Almost a year after Representative Cynthia McKinney was told by Donald Rumsfeld that it was not the policy of the Bush administration to reward companies that engage in human trafficking with government contracts, the scandal continues to sweep up innocent children who are sold into a life of slavery at the behest of Halliburton subsidiaries , Dyncorp and other transnational corporations with close ties to the establishment elite.

On March 11th 2005, McKinney grilled Secretary Rumsfeld and General Myers on the Dyncorp scandal.

“Mr. Secretary, I watched President Bush deliver a moving speech at the United Nations in September 2003, in which he mentioned the crisis of the sex trade. The President called for the punishment of those involved in this horrible business. But at the very moment of that speech, DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children. While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox and anthrax vaccines, and is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program. Mr. Secretary, is it [the] policy of the U.S. Government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?”

The response and McKinney’s comeback was as follows.

Rumsfeld: “Thank you, Representative. First, the answer to your first question is, is, no, absolutely not, the policy of the United States Government is clear, unambiguous, and opposed to the activities that you described. The second question.”

McKinney: “Well how do you explain the fact that DynCorp and its successor companies have received and continue to receive government contracts?”

Rumsfeld: “I would have to go and find the facts, but there are laws and rules and regulations with respect to government contracts, and there are times that corporations do things they should not do, in which case they tend to be suspended for some period; there are times then that the - under the laws and the rules and regulations for the - passed by the Congress and implemented by the Executive branch - that corporations can get off of - out of the penalty box if you will, and be permitted to engage in contracts with the government. They’re generally not barred in perpetuity.”

McKinney: “This contract - this company - was never in the penalty box.”

Rumsfeld: “I’m advised by DR. Chu that it was not the corporation that was engaged in the activities you characterized but I’m told it was an employee of the corporation, and it was some years ago in the Balkans that that took place.”

Rumsfeld’s effort to shift the blame away from the hierarchy at Dyncorp and onto the Dyncorp employees was a blatant attempt to hide the fact that human trafficking and sex slavery is a practice condoned by companies like Dyncorp and Halliburton subsidiaries like KBR.

What else are we to assume in light of recent revelations cited in the Chicago Tribune that Halliburton subsidiary KBR and Dyncorp lobbyists are working in tandem with the Pentagon to stall legislation that would specifically ban trafficking in humans for forced labor and prostitution by U.S. contractors?

Three years has now elapsed since President Bush’s promise to bring an end to this disgrace and the Pentagon is still yet to actually bar the practice.

And the employees themselves that are burned for blowing the whistle, like Kathryn Bolkovac who was sacked for reporting on Dyncorp officials who were involved in the Bosnian sex trade.

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is one of very few representatives in high office aside from Cynthia McKinney to demand answers on this issue.

We applaud Blagojevich’s eforts. The iron curtain of official denial and soft-peddling is falling down.

What has happened to the children who were sold into slavery and forced to satisfy the demands of sick pedophiles working on behalf of the US government?

Where were the investigations and convictions in other cases of establishment orchestrated child slavery and prostitution? Like the NATO officials responsible for the mushrooming of child prostitution in Kosovo?

What happened to UN officials identified as using a ship charted for ‘peacekeepers’ to bring young girls from Thailand to East Timor as prostitutes?

In addition, we received an E mail from a person claiming to be a Dyncorp employee stating that a high level Dyncorp official is breaking the law by accepting payment from the US government and in turn the American taxpayer by falsifying timesheets and claiming pay for hours not worked.

The contact states that this was repeatedly brought to the attention of DynCorp program managers by Dyncorp employees but they were told it was “none of their business.”

It is important to stress that at the moment these are allegations and we have no proof of this other than the validity of the e mail.

The e mail is a reminder that we should always consider the fact that the vast majority of Dyncorp employees are just doing their jobs and have nothing to do with this scandal. It is a small faction at the head of the hydra that have authorized and engaged in these horrors.

We have a government that says it doesn’t advocate torture and yet tries to block a law that would end torture. We have a government that repeatedly burns lower level minions to wash its hands of every major scandal that encompasses policies directly administered by the government itself, as in the case of Abu Ghraib and the Dyncorp sex scandal.

A government that covers-up for those who force children into prostitution and slavery is a clear danger to our very way of life. We must demand answers and finally put an end to a process that exploits and wreaks terror on the lives of the most innocent and vulnerable members of society, whether they be in the Balkans, East Timor or here at home.

Our own children.


Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health


Expert links additive to cell damage

Martin Hickman |
Published: 27 May 2007

A new health scare erupted over soft drinks last night amid evidence they may cause serious cell damage. Research from a British university suggests a common preservative found in drinks such as Fanta and Pepsi Max has the ability to switch off vital parts of DNA.

The problem - more usually associated with ageing and alcohol abuse - can eventually lead to cirrhosis of the liver and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's.

The findings could have serious consequences for the hundreds of millions of people worldwide who consume fizzy drinks. They will also intensify the controversy about food additives, which have been linked to hyperactivity in children.

Concerns centre on the safety of E211, known as sodium benzoate, a preservative used for decades by the £74bn global carbonated drinks industry. Sodium benzoate derives from benzoic acid. It occurs naturally in berries, but is used in large quantities to prevent mould in soft drinks such as Sprite, Oasis and Dr Pepper. It is also added to pickles and sauces.

Sodium benzoate has already been the subject of concern about cancer because when mixed with the additive vitamin C in soft drinks, it causes benzene, a carcinogenic substance. A Food Standards Agency survey of benzene in drinks last year found high levels in four brands which were removed from sale.

Now, an expert in ageing at Sheffield University, who has been working on sodium benzoate since publishing a research paper in 1999, has decided to speak out about another danger. Professor Peter Piper, a professor of molecular biology and biotechnology, tested the impact of sodium benzoate on living yeast cells in his laboratory. What he found alarmed him: the benzoate was damaging an important area of DNA in the "power station" of cells known as the mitochondria.

He told The Independent on Sunday: "These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it: they knock it out altogether.

"The mitochondria consumes the oxygen to give you energy and if you damage it - as happens in a number if diseased states - then the cell starts to malfunction very seriously. And there is a whole array of diseases that are now being tied to damage to this DNA - Parkinson's and quite a lot of neuro-degenerative diseases, but above all the whole process of ageing."

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) backs the use of sodium benzoate in the UK and it has been approved by the European Union but last night, MPs called for it to investigate urgently.

Norman Baker, the Liberal Democrat chair of Parliament's all-party environment group said: "Many additives are relatively new and their long-term impact cannot be certain. This preservative clearly needs to be investigated further by the FSA."

A review of sodium benzoate by the World Health Organisation in 2000 concluded that it was safe, but it noted that the available science supporting its safety was "limited".

Professor Piper, whose work has been funded by a government research council, said tests conducted by the US Food and Drug Administration were out of date.

"The food industry will say these compounds have been tested and they are complete safe," he said. "By the criteria of modern safety testing, the safety tests were inadequate. Like all things, safety testing moves forward and you can conduct a much more rigorous safety test than you could 50 years ago."

He advised parents to think carefully about buying drinks with preservatives until the quantities in products were proved safe by new tests. "My concern is for children who are drinking large amounts," he said.

Coca-Cola and Britvic's Pepsi Max and Diet Pepsi all contain sodium benzoate. Their makers and the British Soft Drinks Association said they entrusted the safety of additives to the Government.


Saturday, May 26, 2007

Heavy Heated Ron Paul Debate on CNN's Paula Zahn Now


This debate goes to show you how brainwashed many American's are. How on earth did this guy "Ben" get on this panel? He has ZERO knowledge on the middle east. He states 100% opinion yet he is asked to debate real life issues. Come on CNN, do better than this!


Ron Paul Appears on Bill Maher Again


Trevor Perry | The T.R.U.T.H. Project

Whether it’s in front of his Republican base or a left of center audience like Real Time With Bill Maher, Ron Paul is getting accustomed to warm greetings and a rowdy applause every occasion he is allowed to speak. Dr. Paul whistled a familiar tune when he reiterated his beliefs on foreign policy and the state of the Republican Party, as well as a prediction that Rudy “I survived 9/11 and got rich off of it, how you like me now?” Giuliani would apologize as long as he did the homework prescribed by the Doctor.

After a cynical first encounter with the Bill Maher in late March, the TV host had a chance to catch Dr. Paul in action during the first Presidential Debate at the Reagan Library. Paul’s shining performance and brief encounter with Giuliani changed Maher’s attitude the second time around, referring to Ron Paul as his hero and giving him almost eight minutes of airtime on tonight’s broadcast. Our next President received no rebuttal as he asserted a message of peace and non-intervention.

Paul again referred to the potential of ‘blowback’ from operations carried out by criminal elements cloaked in the name of the United States, such as the overthrowing of Mohammad Mossadeq, the pro-American, democratically elected leader of Iran, in 1953. He rebutted theattack against him in the federal media which attempted to spin his words into a belief that American’s had caused or possibly even deserved the attack, by making it clear that foreign policy was to blame.

Ron Paul made a reference to hypocrisy in the Neo-Republican Party, saying they only speak about small government and classical conservative values, while executing an almost imperialistic foreign policy. Referring to himself as the peace candidate, Dr. Paul stated that only by example could the neo-con mantra of spreading democracy be effectively carried out.

Although he could have taken it one step further by saying what the empirical evidence clearly shows, that his party is being destroyed by design, Ron Paul plays ball and merely says it has lost it’s way, when questioned, ‘what has happened to the Republicans?’ by Maher. A wise strategy on the part of the doctor, stating the truth while still working within the paradigm of a sleepy nation.

A pile of support on either end of the political spectrum is a boost of hope in the effort to defeat whatever figurehead is chosen by the multinational goon-squad, aka the New World Order.


Friday, May 25, 2007

Giuliani Hates National Sovreignty, the Bill of Rights and the Founders of America


Since 1980, "Ghouliani" has been a proponent of gun control. As mayor of New York City, he had the city sue gun manufacturers for "making too many guns." He believes that guns are only to be used for "hunting and law enforcement," which indicates that he is ignorant of the advice of the founders, or he just doesn't care about Constitutional values.

He also harbors the bizarre belief that gun confiscation leads to a decrease in crime. This is bizarre because history shows that the OPPOSITE is actually true. When guns are illegal all manner of crime increase dramatically, as is evidenced in Australia's recent gun grab.

One of Giuliani's many conflicts of interest is his law firm, Bracewell & Giuliani, which represents globalist interests intent upon merging the united States of America with Mexico and Canada as the North American Union.

Giuliani Linked to "NAFTA Superhighway"
May 14, 2007

By Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy In Media

Brit Hume said on the Fox News Sunday program that it is possible that Republican frontrunner Rudy Giuliani could overcome his convoluted posturing on abortion and secure the Republican presidential nomination in 2008. But Giuliani has some other major problems. These include foreign clients, one of whom is constructing part of the "NAFTA Superhighway" project that has people in Texas and around the nation up in arms.

Hume, the moderator of Tuesday night's Republican presidential debate in South Carolina, will be in a position to ask Giuliani about it. Questions will also be posed by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace and White House correspondent Wendell Goler.

Evidence shows that NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement involving the U.S., Canada and Mexico, is being expanded without congressional approval or oversight as part of a plan to create an economic and political entity known as the North American Union (NAU). Federal documents uncovered by Judicial Watch quote participants in the scheme as saying that an "evolution by stealth" strategy is being used to put the pieces into place. Documents also speak of developing a common security perimeter and a common identification card for citizens of the three countries.

With the exception of Lou Dobbs of CNN, our national media have ignored not only the process that is well underway but the growing outcry over what is happening. Resolutions against the NAU have been introduced in 14 state legislatures-and have passed in two-and thousands of people have turned out in Texas to protest a Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC) highway system, which will link the U.S., Mexico and Canada. Critics say the project is being funded by foreign interests, could run roughshod over private property rights, and could facilitate illegal activities, such as the trafficking of people and drugs, from Mexico.

The TTC, which is viewed as being part of the "NAFTA Superhighway," is only part of a much larger process of integrating the three nations. This writer attended and covered a February 16, 2007, conference sponsored by the Center for North American Studies at American University (AU) that was devoted to an emerging "North American Community," which is what conference organizer Robert Pastor, a former Carter Administration official, prefers to call it. Academic literature distributed to conference participants discussed a common legal framework for the U.S., Canada and Mexico and proposals for a North American Court of Justice (with the authority to overrule a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court), a North American Trade Tribunal, and a Charter of Fundamental Human Rights for North America. One of Pastor's students at AU suggests that he even favors a North American Parliament.

The conference organizers and participants believe NAFTA, which promised economic integration, has to be expanded into the legal, social, political and even cultural areas. Pastor, though a Democrat, succeeded in persuading Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn to introduce a "North American Investment Fund" bill to send more U.S. tax dollars to Mexico. Both political parties are seen favoring the process of bringing the three countries together into an entity like the European Union that now governs Europe and supersedes the sovereignty of member governments.

One obvious problem is corruption in and illegal immigration from Mexico. Public sentiment in the U.S. forced Congress to pass-and President Bush to sign-a law creating a fence on the U.S. southern border. Nevertheless, Bush and the Democrats continue to press for amnesty for illegal aliens and ways to increase the flow of foreign workers into the U.S.

The Giuliani connection to this controversial process is through Bracewell & Giuliani, a law firm he joined as senior partner in 2005. Bracewell has already come in for criticism because it represents Citgo, the oil company controlled by Venezuela's anti-American and terrorist-supporting ruler Hugo Chavez.

Freelance columnist Dianne M. Grassi broke the story of Giuliani's law firm acting as the exclusive legal counsel for Cintra, the Spanish firm that has been granted the right to operate a toll road in the Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC) project. Grassi comments, "Most interesting to the whole story is not only has Mr. Giuliani's involvement in the NAFTA Superhighway not ever having been publicly addressed, but how a foreign company is awarded the building of a mass highway system, versus maintaining it, for the first time in U.S. history, and negotiated by the law firm of the top Republican candidate running for President of the United States. And truly disturbing is how such will not only have national and homeland security and sovereignty implications but how it is deliberately being kept away from the Halls of Congress."

Grassi's revelations are easily confirmed by checking the websites of Bracewell and Cintra. Bracewell calls the deal "the first privatization of a Texas toll road."

Terri Hall, founder and director of Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom (TURF), notes that Giuliani clients with an interest in acquiring Texas roads and infrastructure have also invested in his presidential campaign. She comments, "This could explain why Giuliani has spent so much time fundraising in Texas. The monied proponents of the Trans-Texas Corridor, of which there are many, would like to see this man become President."

Ironically, Ryan Sager of the New York Sun reports that Giuliani, before he became a private businessman with global clients, opposed NAFTA

It turns out that Cintra is a financial partner with an Australian company, Macquarie, on a toll-road project in Indiana, and that Macquarie acquired the business and assets of an investment bank known as Giuliani Capital Advisors.

Sunday's Washington Post notes that Giuliani Capital Advisors "was sold for an undisclosed amount as Giuliani was preparing his run for president."

The Post article also discloses that Giuliani's secretive lobbying firm, Giuliani Partners, has made more than $100 million over the last five years and that its clients "are required to sign confidentiality agreements, so they do not comment about the work they receive or how much they are paying for it. Though now running for president, Giuliani refuses to identify his clients, disclose his compensation or reveal any details about Giuliani Partners. He also declined to be interviewed about the firm." The paper provided some details, based "on a review of corporate, government and court records, along with scores of interviews with clients and government officials who have interacted with Giuliani Partners."

Many questions remain about Giuliani's controversial work for foreign interests. But his connection to the Trans-Texas Corridor is already a matter of public record and cries out for scrutiny. Will Fox News personalities ask him about it on Tuesday night?


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ron Paul to be on the Daily Show

May 23, 2007

Presidential candidate, Congressman Dr. Ron Paul (R-TX) continues to be a "hot ticket" on nightly newscasts. On Friday, May 25, he is appearing on the Bill Maher program, "Real Time" and sources say that he may also appear on Comedy Central's The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and maybe The Colbert Report as well.

"The Daily Show seems to be wrapped up," said one source close to the campaign. "They just have to pick a date. Colbert may be happening as well."

The programs, on Comedy Central, have proven most popular in the last few years, spawning a kind of new media genre, "comedy news." The hosts deal with newsworthy topics of interest, and even interview serious newsmakers, but do so in a way that makes light of the news content, treating some or much of it "for laughs."

The programs score especially well with young people. Some polls even seem to indicate that adolescents and young adults receive more information about news and current events from such shows than from more serious venues.

The Daily Show describes itself as follows:

One anchor, five correspondents, zero credibility.

If you're tired of the stodginess of the evening newscasts, if you can't bear to sit through the spinmeisters and shills on the 24-hour cable news networks, don't miss The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, a nightly half-hour series unburdened by objectivity, journalistic integrity or even accuracy.

The Emmy and Peabody Award-winning Daily Show takes a reality-based look at news, trends, pop culture, current events, politics, sports and entertainment with an alternative point of view. In each show anchorman Jon Stewart and a team of correspondents, including Dan Bakkedahl, John Oliver, Rob Riggle, Jason Jones and Samantha Bee and Lewis Black, comment on the day's stories, employing actual news footage, taped field pieces, in-studio guests and on-the-spot coverage of important news events.

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - it's even better than being informed.


Ron Paul: The Smarter Politician


When looking at recent actions of the Republican hopefuls, one really has to wonder what is going through their heads, whether it be theirs or their campaign staff. John McCain has made somewhat of a rebound, but he sank quite a bit in the polls after placing number two to Guiliani, undeclared name Fred Thompson was even ahead of him at one point in some polls. Is there any mystery to this? John McCain is the John Kerry of the Republican’s this year. I don’t even want to get in to his flops, but one thing is for certain with him, he will follow the Bush foreign policy to the very end. McCain and about 20% of the population, not much of a base to get elected president.

Then there is current front runner Rudy Guiliani, who is only on stage because he happened to be mayor during a terrorist attack, making him the perfect candidate of the security party…I mean the Republican’s, putting aside the fact that they haven’t made us safer yet. Then there is his stances on abortion and gun rights, which go against the basic beliefs of the party itself. Recently, the leader of Focus on the Family, a conservative group, said he would sit out the election if Guiliani was picked. Oh, and he also said he wouldn’t vote for McCain either. Conservative leaders are turning away from the Republican presidential candidates.

The best way for lesser candidates to get noticed, is to take on one of the frontrunners on the issues, and that is just what Ron Paul did during, and after, the foxnews debate in South Carolina with Rudy Guiliani. Paul spoke the truth about the harmful aftertaste of our interventionist policies, which got the scrutiny of Guiliani. He gained the initial applause of the South Carolina audience, but since then, Paul has stayed on the attack.

Conservative media kept the pressure up on Paul, mostly Sean Hannity who was doing coverage of the fox debate. Multiple people told Paul to back out from his foreign policy assumptions because they were “un-American.” Paul responded directly to this topic on a CNN interview, where he turned the tables, and said:

“No, there’s no reason too, I think he’s going to need to back away from his statements pretty soon, because I found two very clear quotes in the 9-11 commission report that says that very thing, that our foreign policy that has a very great deal to do with their willingness and desire to commit suicide terrorism, so I suggest he read the 9-11 commission report.”

The Ron Paul campaign also put out a youtube video specifically titled “Educating Rudy“, which shows Paul discussing a variety of issues, including foreign policy. We sacrifice quite a lot in return for security from terrorism. Then, it is said we should go over to the Middle East to fight them there, so that they don’t come here. Paul responds to this idea by saying:

“I find great fallacy in that logic. They came over here, because we were over there.”

Which leads us to a cycle. We give them more reasons to attack us, and their attacks give us more reason to give up our freedom, and go to war, spending billions of dollars that we can’t afford. We borrow to pay for our Iraq operations, and now here is the Bush administration, on the doorstep of Iran, foaming at the mouth.

When Ron Paul and his campaign say he is the only real conservative in the race, it isn’t a biased opinion, he really IS the only one. This scares the post-9/11 Republican’s, and this might be the reason why Rudy picked Paul as a target. That, and he finds the need to bring up the attack as much as possible to gain support. Paul is pro-life, with no flip flop on it, he has never voted for higher taxes or bigger government. Post-9/11 Republican’s like big government these days, big bureaucracies to defend us (the department of homeland security).

Paul was not done there. He went further, giving Giuliani a reading assignment on American foreign policy, books that support Paul’s views. He said:

“I don’t think he’s qualified to be president. If he was to read the book and report back to me and say, ‘I’ve changed my mind,’ I would reconsider.”

Paul has already stated he would not support Guiliani for president in the CNN interview, unless his foreign policy views were to change. Paul has suggested Giuliani read the 9-11 commission report, along with books “Dying to Win” and “Blowback”. The goal of foreign policy is to help a nation, not to hurt it.

Unlike other Republican’s, Paul understands this cycle is hurting us, and the Republican’s will continue this cycle, unless there is a change, and he is that change, because none of the other candidates will do it. Soon, the numbers against the Iraq war will be nearing eighty percent, and the “Republicans” keep pushing the Iraq operations…and they expect to win?