Thursday, May 31, 2007

Why Rudy beats Ron Paul Hands Down

I just don't understand all of this attraction to Ron Paul. I much prefer the simplicity of Rudy Giuliani. Rudy is a man who has it all figured out, I think he firmly believes in the slogan "you're either with the neo-cons, or you're with the terrorists." This kind of black and white reasoning is exactly what we should have if we are to get the world government that we so desperately need.

Rudy wants to make sure that the law-abiding citizens don't have any guns, this way we can all be certain that only the government and the criminals have guns.

I like that in a candidate, because we all know that the only one you can trust is the government, and the government will protect each and every one of us from cradle to grave. We must also keep in mind that the government would never lie to us or abuse their powers, especially if the citizens weren't permitted to carry guns.

In order to help recruit more support to our great 911 hero, please watch this powerful documentary about "Rudy the Great Hero of the 911."

Without Rudy's administration ignoring the warnings on 9/11, its likely that such a great day would never have occurred and all of those heroes wouldn't have been made. Also, it is likely that the united States of America wouldn't have confronted the network of evil terrosts who "want to kill you and your family."

Rudy knows a thing or two about "protection." Since his family was part of the NYC mob, he has first hand experience at protection rackets. This makes him one of the most fitting candidates for the Oval Office.

The documentary examines Giuliani’s rise to power, his policies and his so-called turnaround of New York City. Interviewing journalists, activists, legal experts, and many of the city’s poor, “Giuliani Time” reveals that while the Mayor touted his Broken Windows, Quality of Life and Zero Tolerance policies, the reality on the streets was police brutality, violations of the First Amendment and racist actions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RP is the only candidate that obeys and protects the Constitution. He's votes to protect your rights more than any other candidate. He's honest and he can't be bought.