attunement is the key
Think for yourself
Question authority
Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening,
terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going in
this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities, the political, the
religious, the educational authorities who attempted to comfort us by
giving us order, rules, regulations, informing, forming in our minds their
view of reality. To think for yourself you must question authority and
learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness;
chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.
Think for yourself.
Question authority.
~ dr. Timothy Leary
Lately I've been thinking a great deal about our society and way of life. I have watched documentaries exposing the massive amounts of corruption in the institutions of government, religion, and the corporate world. From all of this, I have found that the corruption is all part of one over-arching system. A system which has been corrupting our lives for thousands of years.
It is only in recent times, however, that I have realized who is REALLY the cause of all of this. It is the fault of each and every one of us who fails to attune ourselves to the real truth. Those of us who will simply believe what we are told about things will never understand the truth.
The truth that I speak of, I would term, "universal truth." Despite what we have been taught in our educational system, that the truth is to be determined by a mountain of confusing academic squabbling in which there are continuous references to other mountains of academic squabbling. On the contrary, there are things that are simply true and there are lies.
I have found that most people, quite simply, haven't done their homework. They haven't bothered to look at where the symbols used in our society and our notions of truth and falsehood come from. Were they to truly understand what is going on, they would see the lies all around them and they wouldn't stand for it!
The most glaring example of pure ignorance is the beliefs that most people have about the major religions of the world. I would like to clarify, at this point, that this discourse was not written in effort to be offensive; it was written to expose the truth. The truth is not buried out of sight, it exists in the form of ancient texts.
A thorough study of the ancient texts reveals that there is nothing in Christianity, Judaism or Islam that wasn't borrowed from ancient religions. Nothing, PERIOD! Most of what is taught about Christiany is so far from the truth that it often leads one completely astray. This is because much of the Bible contains references to more ancient texts; without an understanding of the ancient texts it is impossible to truly understand the Bible.
Unfortunately, we never see the religious leaders encouraging anyone to delve into the ancient texts; that would be sacreligious, they say! You're supposed to limit yourself to this particular body of work, they say. But to truly get the understanding that is to be gotten from the Bible and other widely read texts one must study the other works.
Jordan Maxwell has been studying the ancient scriptures for about 43 years. He is one of the most well read experts on the subjects of occult symbology and theology. He reveals the truth about the world in the lecture given on the video below. If one wishes to know the truth, one should would watch this video. If one doesn't wish to know the truth, then one has already committed one's self to the lies and deceit of materialism; nothing can save the world from such a person and their lack of compassion.
We need to attune ourselves to the universal truth; only then can we feel the divine protection offered to us by the universe. The universe knows nothing of the concepts of man and is thus impartial to persons. Truth is universal, despite what others will try to make us believe.
The Inner World of The Occult - Jordan Maxwell
"A thorough study of the ancient texts reveals that there is nothing in Christianity, Judaism or Islam that wasn't borrowed from ancient religions."
"Islam" means "submission to God". It is the most ancient religion of all. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing upon him) taught that the first Prophet sent by God was Adam (peace be upon him). He taught that Moses, Abraham and Jesus were all Prophets of Islam, sent by God (peace be upon them).
Where religion becomes corrupt and loses touch with the realm of the sacred is when Priests take over. The Prophets themselves are revolutionaries, sent to destroy the corrupt old order.
I have no doubt that any spiritual pursuit should bring one closer to the central energy of the universe, the God force. Submitting to this force and losing our egos is the highest of pursuits.
I agree that a priest caste has blinded most of us to the true spiritual nature inherent in each of us.
It is my belief, however, that all of the major religions have their roots in ancient Egypt and further have roots in the Atlantean civilization.
The cross which Yeshua (Jesus) was supposedly crucified on is the same cross that the men who saw the Sun as a manifestation of god utilized to determine when significant astrological events occured. So it seems to me as if Jesus is an anthromorphization of the Sun representation which goes back thousands of years before the time of Yeshua.
Christianity was hijacked in the fourth century by the Roman Empire. The religion of Yeshua (pbuh) became merged with the pre-Christian pagan religions. What emerged had little to do with the true teachings of Yeshua. Yeshua is called Isa by the Muslims. Muslims consider Isa the most important Prophet after Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Rene Guenon researched the ancient Hindu knowledge that we are in the last of four cycles -- the Kali Yuga, the Dark Age. Long before the Egyptian civilisation, there was Islam. Islam was the primordial tradition and Islam is the final revelation. Religions degenerate in the hands of humans, and that is why God sends us Prophets to purify our religion and guide us back to Him. Sun worship is a degenerate form of religion, for the sun is merely part of the creation. All religions change over time, degenerating into idolatry, then finally folklore, devoid of spiritual meaning.
"The chaotic forces Guenon so resolutely opposed in his prophetic writings are currently at work in the misguided efforts of the Zionistic Western elites that are attempting to domesticate and castrate traditionalist Islam, because in Islam an unrelenting anti-utopian opposition to the projected Tower of Babel globalist monoculture finds expression. Islam would be an intolerable singularity in the neat-and-tidy humanist New World Order born of our autistic rupture with the Divine... While we self-righteously cleanse the earth of the last legitimate representative of the world of Tradition, we shall have unknowingly committed self-slaughter as the way for Antichrist is paved. As Guenon has so perfectly stated, 'What Westeners call civilization, the others would call barbarity, because it is precisely lacking in the essential, that is to say a principle of a higher order.'"
The early Christians who converted to Islam preserved their own body of knowlege of Jesus. Here's one of their traditions:
Jesus, son of Mary, peace be upon him, said, "In the last days there will be learned men who teach abstinence in the world but will not be abstinent themselves, who will teach men to take delight in the next world but will not take delight in it themselves, and who will warn men against coming before rulers but will not refrain themselves. They will draw near to the rich and keep far from the poor; they will be pleasant to great men but will shrink from humble men. Those are the brethren of the devils and the enemies of the Merciful."
Prophetic indeed...
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