Thursday, February 23, 2006

Chertoff, And Fellow Neocons, Are Behind Arab Port Deal


Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co

A 200 year-old British Company Is Sold to Arabs

The Arab Company Who Bought The British Company

It Manages Ports In Dubai

Dubai Is A Key Mossad Center In The Mideast

What Is Going On?

A British company, Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., who runs major commercial operations at shipping ports in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, Miami, New Orleans and Philadelphia, has been sold to a UAE company.

The UAE Company, Dubai Port World, is state-owned, and now inherits their businesses.

Who Is involved

Lord Sterling of Plaistow, CEO of Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., consummated the swindle, which will reward his Zionist investors with $7 billion.

Head Of Homeland Security

Michael Chertoff , who is a dual-citizen Israeli/American, ok's the deal.

Bob Dole

Dole, the 85 yr old ex-speaker, was a lobbyist for Dubai in this deal.

What Is The Scheme?

The core of the deal is a stock swindle. A group of Zionist stockholders inflated the stock price 300%, then sold it to the citizens of the UAE for $6.8 billion. Basically all the Arabs get are ‘Port Service Contracts’, and some marginal loading equipment

P&O the British company, that has been running six U.S. ports, is now a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates.

Why An Arab Country?

Port managers are a dime a dozen. You have 10 in the US, and there are others in Japan, China, Australia, etc.

These are political contracts worth a fortune, and are the reason $60,000 a year politicians have fat Swiss bank accounts.

Neocons Take An Odd Stance

These are the same Bush Neocon/Zionist Advisors, who bombed Iraq to the stone age because Saddam was evil. They told us, 'They are bad, and we are good', but today the Zionists are 100% behind this port deal.

Who Are These People ?

These are Neo-Cons (new conservatives), and they are all Dual Citizen Israelis. Not a single one served in the US armed forces. They basically are a lobby that pushes for Israeli-oriented bills.

Paul Wolfowitz

Dov Zakheim

William Crystol

Robert Satloff

Norman Podhoretz

David Frum

Robert Kagan

Robert Satloff

Elliot Abrams

David Wurmser

Richard Haas

Ken Adelman

Richard Pearle

Edward Luttwak


Douglas Feith

All these men are Zionist warmongers, who adore and obey Israel, and who view America chiefly as Israel's financial sugar daddy and
mercenary slave. Their aim is global power for the Zionist elite, and profits for Zionist bankers and Illuminati-directed oil barons. They seem to have no problem if stacks of bloody young American fighting men mount up in Iraq, Iran, and Syria. The dead, after all, are valueless.

Their Real Goal

This port deal creates a patsy for the coming nuclear attack on America.

This Is Quite The Scam

Zionists skin the citizens of Dubai for $7 billion, and then set them up as fall-guys for a nuclear attack. Bush tells 300 million Americans: - "We must not discriminate against Arabs".

We just sit here talking about H-3's, ball games, and the value of our 401-k's, while Zionists plan a total economic collapse.


Anonymous said...

I did not know that Chertoff was a duel citizen. Hhhmmm, I wonder if that would create in conflict of interest. Seems like the Zionist have really infiltrated our government, and we seem all to willing to give them power. Nobody, with dual citizenship should be allowed to hold a major government office. Thats just messed up. said...

i sometimes wonder why we have given ~ $65,000 per family to the Israli Jews...