The Putrification of our Life Force
Over the past several years, there have been a number of mass realizations; these have lead many understand the cold nihilistic reality of our modern world. Many are beginning to realize that large organizations, such as governments and banking cartels, are nothing more than profiteering gangs trying desperately to pluck the small amount of wealth shared by the populous so that the top 5% of the population can control more than 95% of the wealth that they already have. They do this without any concern for the repurcussions on future generations.
When considering the manner in which one is able to consume, generate waste and destroy without accountability and with nearly unanimous social acceptance, it is truly astounding that the Earth's biosphere has remained in tact for as long as it has. It is unfortunate that, although humanity realises that this cannot go on for much longer, it has made little effort to heal the Earth's ailing planetary ecosystem and to move towards a spiritual transformation.
These sorts of changes are not something that can be simply voted on or proclaimed; they definitely cannot be tried either. In order for something to happen which will make amends to our putrifying life force, each of us must develop a sense of what is necessary, see how it applies to them, and go for it without looking back.
If we can cleanse our mind/body/spirit complexes, then it seems as if we may have a chance. If, on the other hand, we continue to load our bodies with toxic foods while participating in the various forms of escapism, which are abundant in our world, then I fear that a collapse of epic proportions will occur.
This is precisely the reason why I feel that careful fasting and nutrition are the keys to unlocking a transfiguration in each of us. In my experience, these things release us from our self-denial and allow an opening for greater healing.
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