Wednesday, November 08, 2006

video: thought criminals punished for seeking and speaking the truth

A fifth grader named 'Mark' reported to Alex Jones' Infowars TV show by phone that he had been sent home with a disciplinary report for visiting 9/11 Truth websites such as

The 10 year-old Steiner Ranch Elementary student-- in Leander I.S.D. near Austin, Texas-- says that he was browsing such sites during his Computer Lab class period when a fellow student informed on him-- as though he were doing something wrong.

"He just ran up to my teacher in front of the whole class, saying 'he's searching terrorist stuff about 9/11'.

Also, the video discusses an incident in which a man was ARRESTED for giving a copy of a Ron Paul speech to a State Trooper; they tried to put him into PRISON for 8 YEARS, over a congressional speech!

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