Thursday, November 02, 2006

Why is Bush so hostile to the idea of gay marriage?

"Why is Bush so hostile to the idea of gay marriage? Perhaps because until 1987, George W. Bush was gay. According to a group of 29 Yale classmates who comprise Gay Ivy Leaguers for Truth, Bush was "known to be at least sexually experimental throughout his time in college." One of Bush's alleged former boyfriends, Anthony Berusca (class of '70), told The Dallas Morning News that Bush was "deeply conflicted about being gay, even somewhat self-hating." Berusca is convinced that this conflict led to Bush's drinking problems, but describes the President as a "gentle, caring lover". In 1986, the Bush family arranged for George to join Worthy Creations, a church group in El Paso that focuses on converting homosexuals through faith. A year later, Bush claimed to be straight, born again, and engaged to Laura Welch (Kitty Kelly in THE FAMILY wrote that Bush's twin daughters were not his offspring, but from a donor at a fertility clinic). Bush at all-male Phillips Academy in Andover , Massachusetts was "head" cheerleader. Drama club and cheerleading are where the gay boys hang out. George earned the nickname Lips Bush for his skill at giving blow jobs to his fraternity buddies, according to Kitty Kelley. Bush has gay-style excrement nick names for the people he hangs out with: "Turdblossom" term for Karl Rove Note the classic juxtaposition of the obscene with the feminine to come up with a nickname for a gay man. For example, the late David Lewis went under the name Sally Suckemsilly. "Bulldog" term for both Victor Ashe and Jeff Gannon aka Jim Gluckert "Pooty Poot" term for Vladimir Putin, Russian President. "Mr. Big O" term for lispy treasury secretary Paul O'Neill."

—Roedy Green, The Wit and Wisdom of George Bush

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