Thursday, March 22, 2007

Are Genetically Modified Crops Killing Honeybees?

Harvesters in 24 states report hive population rates have mysteriously fallen 30% to 70%.

The honeybee population may be in grave decline around the United States. This is a serious problem, as almost 100 crops need honeybees to transport pollen between flowers, prompting fertilization and jump-starting the production of seed and fruit.

However, there may soon not be enough bees to transport a sufficient amount of pollen, as a result of colony collapse disorder; this is the catch-all name that encompasses a myriad of possible reasons why the honeybees are disappearing, ranging from a new infection to a compromised immune system.

Some economists have estimated this single species is worth as much as $14 billion to the U.S. economy. Moreover, pollinated plants may account for as much as one-third of the average American diet, and possibly the healthiest portion of it.

A German study may have identified a simple answer to the problem: The ongoing blight of genetically modified (GM) crops. When bees were released in a GM rapeseed crop, then fed the pollen to younger bees, scientists discovered the bacteria in the guts of the young ones mirrored the same genetic traits as ones found in the GM crop.

Dr. Mercola's Comment:

You are about to witness the first large-scale repercussions of the dangerous, world-wide, and unregulated experiment on your health with genetically modified (GM) crops. The problems that will result due to a loss of honeybees are much greater than a simple shortage of honey.

When this story hit the news a few weeks ago it is likely you heard about it, but very few people connected the dots, including me, until a few enlightened individuals pointed out the connection, and then the light bulbs clicked on.

The inevitable agricultural and economic catastrophe that will result is a stark reminder of how complex, fragile and interdependent our biosystem really is. The loss of one plant, one animal, one species can cause potentially devastating repercussions that can wreak havoc on the entire system for years, decades, or worse even permanently.

Genetic modification is, basically, playing fast and loose with this system, with no real idea what the results will be. It's taking parts out of a smoothly-functioning machine and replacing them with new, untried, and untested parts. Maybe they'll work better. But if they wreck the whole thing, there is no replacement. This is the only biosphere we have. Is it really worth the risk?

That is why it will be essential for you to take action and VOTE with your pocketbook. Avoid GM foods like the plague that they truly are. Recognize that they have the potential to destroy the human race. IF you realize that I am confident you will realize how serious this issue is and will act responsibly and appropriately.

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