Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Mystical Beauty of Shamanic Experiences

These images are a journey into the mind of a shaman. To gain a better understanding of what it is like to have a mystical, hyper-aware experience, images often aid in the communication of such an experience.

Shaman are often avid painters who have unceasing creativity. They draw inspiration from the many out-of-body experiences they have had during their journey through life and the accompanying mind-expanding experiences. Many of these experiences, as you can see portrayed in the artwork, bring the shaman into a world that is virtually unfathomable in a "normal" survival-like state of mind.

It takes much courage to take a journey out of the comfort zone, and into a world so foreign and peculiar. A world which, for those exposed to it for the first time, forever changes the perception of reality itself. Such a world is unfiltered by the survival-mode of behavior which becomes an ever more pervasive influence as our lives progress.

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