Saturday, March 31, 2007

Ron Paul Ambushed On Real Time With Maher

Ron Paul wants to abolish the privately-owned Federal Reserve bank, the single most important issue facing our people at this time. Bill Maher doesn't seem to care anything about that, nor any other issue that really matters.

Instead of discussing real issues, he wants to talk about the civil war, which he repeatedly mentions in a desperate and futile attempt to cast a bad light on Ron Paul, who is against the Civil War and against the notion that it was about slavery. Anyone who's looked beyond the B.S. in the matter knows this, but Bill Maher (or his handlers) probably doesn't much like "books" and things of that nature.

It figures though, because it turns out that Bill Maher is a Jew and I'm sure he'd hate to see other prominent Jews lose their monopoly over the money and banking systems. This is probably why you'll never see Maher talking about the Federal Reserve, nor will you hear him criticize the civil war, which was essentially a banking war, a war that was won by printing up interest free money without paying a fee to the banks for privately-monopolized money.

You simply can't trust guys like Maher, since they are going to look out for their own, before they look after the greater good of all people. Ron Paul wants a return to Constitutional rule and Maher didn't seem to have anything good to say about that.

The interview illustrates my point, since it clearly shows Maher attacking a perfectly good statesman on non-issues. Indeed, like Chomsky, Bill Maher is just a leftist counter-spinner, a controlled opposition gate-keeper. Ron Paul would put many of the scams that Maher and his people feed off of out of business. Were the American people to wise up to the good that Ron Paul's policies would do the world, we wouldn't need idiots like Maher providing controlled opposition rhetoric that does little more than destroy the REAL opposition's chances of defeating the controlling parties.


If you would like e-mail Bill Maher, please do, ask him why he didn't talk to Dr Paul about any important issues. Thanks!

Also, you can leave posts on his message board about this episode.

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