Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ron Paul on the Dennis Miller Show

Here is an audio recording of Ron Paul on the Dennis Miller Show on May 30, 2007. During the interview, they discuss abortion, eminent domain, and the Iraq war.

Dennis says that he agrees with Dr. Paul on most of the issues except for the war. On that subject Dennis holds the arcane and debunked neo-con view that "we have to kill them or they will kill us." Which is simmilar to the line of blarney used by war-mongers during the Vietnam war.

1 comment:

Larry said...

Dennis is not a neo-con in any sense of the term, so I am not sure where this particular thought came from. While I agree with Ron Pauls view on a few things, including not being in Iraq, the idea that it would all be ok if we just sat here and minded our own business is silly at best.