Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Theories of mainstream science unraveling one by one.

It is interesting how science is a religion, of sorts, to most people. A religion which, like most religions, corrupt and become a belief system. Most of the scientists that I have encountered, when exposed to all of these new data and theoretical models tend to retreat to their ad hoc theories.

These theories are, one by one, beginning to unravel. The deployment of the Pioneer and SOHO probes, in particular, caused a great influx of new information about our surroundings. The scientific establishment has yet to process this vast library of information; information which challenges the foundations of the current mainstream theories.

The Pioneer Anomalie:
unexplained accelleration of the Pioneer Space Probe towards the Sun

The Pioneer space probe, during its long trek towards the heliopause, put the theories of mainstream science to the test. An anomalous accelleration was discovered, an accelleration affecting the probe throught its trek through deep space.

The Pioneer Space Probe is slowing down and mainstream science has yet to provide an decent explanation for this anomalie. NASA, having full knowledge of this anomalie, attempted to scrap all of the computers capable of reading the Pioneer data.

NASA wanted to destroy some of the most valueable data collected by the organization. This caused an outcry in parts of the scientific community; private funds were raised by The Planetary Society to copy the data off of the dated NASA computers for use by researchers.


SOHO peers through the Sun's atmosphere:
Images of the sun indicate that the surface is solid Iron, not gas.

The widely held view regarding the Sun says that it is a giant ball of gas engulfed in a continuous, thermonuclear reaction; a theory which was popular since the days of Newton.

Newton had no way of seeing beneath the Xenon Gas layer which composes the Sun's Photosphere. If he could have seen what we are capable of seeing with SOHO, he would have seen the solid surface of the sun.

The Sun's surface, as seen by SOHO, has persistant terrain features indicitave of a solid calcium-ferrite surface.


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