Thursday, December 29, 2005

Recent assults on the civil liberties of Americans

Several new provisions have been added to the patriot act; provisions which are alarming, to say the least. America is now in a state of martial law, albeit a low degree of martial law. If Americans fail to express dissent towards these activities; activities which undermine the constitutional framework of this republic, then they will, with the passage of time, lose every freedom they have.

"Those who give up liberty for Security, shall enjoy neither liberty or security." - Benjamin Franklin

Now you can be arrested for any offence

House Votes to Revise, Extend Patriot Act, Angering Senators

VIPER Teams Patrol Mass Transit Facilities, Look For Susupicious Individuals

Interview with George W. Bush in which he is confronted about his use of illegal wiretaps and unchecked executive power. video (~7 minutes)

Patriot Act Provision Targets Protesters

Body scan machines to be used on Tube passengers,00.html

Martial Law No Longer On The Horizon: It's Already Here
part I -
part II -

Recent Alex Jones report exposing the use of troops in the public schools of Austin, Tx. video (~1 hour)

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