Thursday, January 04, 2007

Worse than communism and state sponsored terrorism. The USSA

by Ryan Dawson |

When the US government uses tax money or worse yet money borrowed from the Federal Reserve which has to be paid for later by tax money and inflation, and it gives the money to select industries (normally who have employees in the government or who government employees hold stock in) that is communism. State control on industry is communism. State control of industry for the sake of the poor is wishful communism.

The State is awarding no bid contracts to corporations normally to perform unnecessary things, over priced things, or the old duo of paying contruction/engineering companies to rebuild things they paid weapons companies to destroy. That is State control of industry and it is communism by definition.

Corporation that do not want to comply will have the lucrative contracts awarded to their competitors. The US creates state assisted monopolies.

The US uses 5 primary methods of communism and the 5th is the dirtiest of all. In the name of stopping communism the US commits it and in the name of fighting terrorism the US engages in it. Hiding behind the flag and the cross the US ignores the founding principles behind each and does the antithesis.

  1. No bid Contracts

  2. Direct Subsidies

  3. Indirect subsidies

  4. Earmarked Foreign aid

  5. Ajaxing or you could nick name it, 'Roosevelting' (as both Teddy and Kermit utilized it)

1 No bid contracts are easy enough to understand. The government simply awards corporations money for very expensive projects without any bidding. This form of legal bribery naturally creates the situation where corporations will give support through donations and mass media (which they own) to the candidates who will most return the favor. But it goes deeper than that. These same corporate fronts can and do act as money laundering agents where by they can pay foreign politicians who are usually involved in organized crime and work for the CIA.

The CIA cannot pay them directly but a company like Lockheed could say pay a Yakuza gangster like Kodama (a CIA asset) to manipulate Japan into buying Lockheed planes. As a result Kodama would become very wealthy and would use the money to assist more right-wing pro-MIC politicians and increase the power of the Mafia who actively work as modern "privateers" for intelligence agencies. That example I just gave was of course not fictional. It is one of many such operations. The Mafias of course also act as the primary drug runners for the CIA which finances its off the book black ops, bribing, blackmailing, prostitution, jackling etc with the money. The CIA is the Mob above the Mob and the things they have done in Cuba, South Korea, Israel and Saudi Arabia are sickening.

2 Direct subsidies is probably even easier to understand. The largest example would be agribusiness. Food does not need a temporary contract or project, there is always a demand for food. But factory farms and ranches buy from a lot of companies not related to selling food. Of course buy putting 36 billion a year (2003) into farm subsidies the US is creating a monopoly on a business that every country must participate in. If a country like Mexico cannot pay its farmers who must actually sell food to make money, then the subsidies US factory farms take over the market and put agribusiness workers in Mexico (in this example) out of work thus creating mass migration to the cities and undermining the labor pool driving down wages and so on.

3 Indirect subsidies are a bit more sneaky. Sticky with the factory farm example, giant agribusiness's buy a lot of things for their farms from big Pharma. Steroids, Pesticides, Antibiotics, and so on. Since they get money from the government, the government is indirectly subsidizing drug companies. The conditions to receive higher farm subsidies for example encourages the use of overcrowding animals which then creates the otherwise unnecessary demand for 70% of the antibiotics made in the US. That in turn is leading to superstrain diseases not to mention that it is just straight up unethical to the animals themselves.

Are large business such as let's say fast food or softdrinks are roped in to this as well. Where do they buy their sugar? Where do they get their corn syrup? Also tied into this are all things related to lumber as in 1902 Teddy Roosevelt decided trees were a "crop" thus making them subject to farm subsidies as well as tobacco which is totally unrelated to food. So you can see how many feed off of the government intervention into business. I can come back to this because it gets much worse. The Military obviously is the much larger umbrella cooperation but Agribusiness would be second, not only for the money it takes but because of how it can destroy labor and competition elsewhere.

4 Earmarked Foreign aid. This is when for example the US sends Israel 13 million dollars a day (conservatively) and earmarked 75% of it to be spent on certain US arms from certain companies which certain equity firms are invested in with absolute prior knowledge. This aid is not a loan, it is actual aid just given away top a foreign government. On top of that nasty mess, multibillion dollar tax free businesses also known and Churches, will invest their money into the same companies. Insider trading knowledge is given in exchange for supporting the Zionist rhetoric that creates the conflicts that gave a reason for the mass sale of armaments to begin with. That is a whole other can of worms. Basically any kind of criticism will be see as anti-Christian or worse yet anti-Semitic.

5 Ajaxing. I used this word for lack of a better term, based on operation Ajax. This is when the US manipulates the resources and wealth of another country by bribing/threatening/dupping puppet leaders. The way it works is usually the US will help a particular leader to power, or they will offer them great personal wealth, note that this is wealth for the leaders not for their people, in exchange for huge contracts to US companies to build infrastructure normally. The IMF or any global bank will issue a massive loans based on false projections from rigged economists (EHMs) to say Ecuador. Mega companies like Halliburton, Bechtel, etc will get massive amounts of overly priced projects to do in the "third world." The money really never even has to leave America. This is like no bid contracts only that the US pays them money and then the country getting Ajaxed pays it again with interest. The country under economic attack accepts loans that that they have no prayer of being able to pay. Also halfway through projects companies run into complications and ask for more money to finish or to maintain and so on. The leader takes the deal because they will be personally rewarded or because they think that they can modernize without seeing the larger picture. When the country cannot pay the loan with their money supply which is also under control of central banks and can easily be manipulated (another can of worms) they end up under the perpetual debt system where by they must sell off their natural resources for cheap to US companies thus making those companies all the more stronger and harder to compete with.

Now there are a lot of way to manipulate the leaders, one easy way is to kill the ones who oppose the US commercial interest. That has been done many times. Another is with black mail and bribery and here is always of course conflict be it invasion or financing paramilitary groups via the School of the Americas or normal mercenaries like Blackwater Inc. etc.

OK so I hope you now know the 5 major way the US engages in communism. One must understand that in order to understand why the US supports Israel and why the US invaded the Middle East as soon as the Neocons came into power with the Soviet Union out of the way, direct conflict (which is super expensive and thus creates even larger profiteering margins) option was back on the table.
Not long ago some Middle Eastern Nations realized what the US scheme was. They found a way around all of it. OPEC was formed and after Israel attacked its neighbors in 1973 the Yom Kippur War, and became the first country ever to use depleted uranium as a weapon, the OPEC nations raised the price of oil per barrel and eventually just created an all out embargo against the US when Nixon gave Israel 2.2 Billion dollars. The FACT that Israel's multiple war and been predated by busted false flag operations (with US complicity) is also interesting but too large a tangent for now.

The 1970s oil crisis began and by 1974 had drastically brought the US MIC and related powers to its knees. The principle country involved in this was Saudi Arabia. Things would soon change. The US knew it was absolutely imperative to remove the oil weapon and the key to that was to get Saudi Arabia, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world. The US planned to create an economic interdependency with Saudi Arabia. If they could remove this obstacle then the "oil weapon" would lose its wind as the Saudis could float US oil needs for long enough in the case of such an event.

Israel however was getting 90% of its oil from the Shah the US has such in Iran and from the territory they had illegally taken from Egypt. All that would change in 1979 when the Shah was out. This was also the same year Saddam was put in power in Iraq with help form the CIA who used the age old excuse of smelling Red. Shortly after Iraq was in a 9 year long war with Iran. You guys know about the story from there.

The US did create the interlock with Saudi Arabia, the Bush and Bin Laden construction and oil companies in particular benefited by using option number 5, well really 1-5 but mostly number 5. Remember that the British had been doing this same junk with royal families in the 20s. The World Wars just shuffled the deck and replaced the UK with the US and the principle exploiter of the world.

Ryan Dawson

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