Thursday, June 29, 2006

Undeniable Link Between Mercury Containing Vaccines and Autism

"All truth passes through three stages: first it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third it is accepted as self-evident."
~Arthur Schopenhauer, 19th Century Philosopher

Autism is a disease affecting one in every 166 children born in the United States. It is often a devastating and debilitating disease which causes untold strain on the lives of both parent and child. One would think that, when a link was found between the unethical practices of the modern medical establishment and Autism, that parents would raise hell and demand there be an purge of those responsible in the upper echelon of our medical establishment.

The problem has been traced to a preservative used in many vaccines, Thimerosol. The levels of Thimerosol found in vaccines is more than 10 Times the level considered toxic by the EPA. What's even worse is the fact that many of the vaccines are given to children under two years old who have yet to develop a blood-brain barrier.

Dr. Stephanie Cave presented enlightening data on mercury toxicity, drawn largely from the brilliant work of Sallie Bernard. Dr. Cave explained how:

By age two, American children have received 237 micrograms of mercury through vaccines alone, which far exceeds current EPA "safe" levels of .1 mcg/kg. per day. That's one-tenth of a microgram, not one microgram.

Three days in particular may be singled out as spectacularly toxic for infants:

  • Day of birth: hepatitis B-12 mcg mercury - 30 x safe level

  • At 4 months: DTaP and HiB on same day - 50 mcg mercury - 60 x safe level

  • At 6 months: Hep B, Polio - 62.5 mcg mercury - 78 x safe level

  • At 15 months the child receives another 50 mcg - 41 x safe level

These figures are calculated for an infant's average weight in kilograms for each age.

These one-day blasts of mercury are called "bolus doses". Although they far exceed "safe" levels, there has never been any research conducted on the toxicity of such bolus doses of mercury given to infants all these years.

So Americans give their children several toxic doses of mercury before the kids are even old enough to know what's happening; all of this with the blessing of the medical community! What a bunch of mad hatters we have here in America!

further reading:

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