Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Who's in charge of your U.S. Dollars?

The new croney in charge of the fed is Ben Shalom Bernanke; the name alone should tell you something.

Bernanke is well known for his famous "printing press speech" in which he advocates pumping money into the economy in order to solve our problems. In other words he proposes a hidden tax, monetary inflation, which devalues everyones dollars. This is to be done because the U.S. debt is too large to repay and must be "inflated away."

Whirly Ben really pulled one off when, in 2003, he engineered a deal with the Japaneese Central Bank (JCB) in which the Japanese bought and borrowed TRILLIONS of Yen in order to stabilise the U.S. Dollar and treasury market. The Yen were printed from thin air or borrowed and then the dollars purchased were placed in a custodial account at the Fed where they bought U.S. government bonds with them.

Back then I was avidly watching the live Foreign Exchange charts and saw the HUGE amounts of Yen that the bank would dump on the market all at once. It literally caused the dollar to swing an entire cent. This built up alot of speculation and brought dollar buyers into the market, causing the USD/JPY to swing 20% in favor of the USD!

One of the main problems that this "injection" causes, however, results from the fact that it placed an enormous amount of liquidity into the system and now we have the housing bubble and many more bubbles to come. The liquidity simply cannot be drained out of the system.

If Gold and Silver were used instead of paper backed by reserve-less central banks, then these kinds of shenanigans could not take place. The use of U.S. Federal Reserve Notes centralizes power and allows Central Bankers to devalue your dollars and collect interest on them without any consent from you or your elected officials. This is taxation without representation and I honestly don't see why it is so difficult to see why this is wrong and do something about it.

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