Sunday, November 19, 2006

100 Vs March on Washington D.C. Demanding the Government Obey the Constitution. Next time it will be 1000.

This campaign, by the We The People tax honesty movement, has the potential to turn things around in the Federal Government. If this organization receives the support that they need, 1000 Vs will be coming to the District of Columbia to demand the criminal government start following its own Constitution.

When they refuse to respond after 1,000 Vs arrive in D.C., will they still refuse when 10,000 or 100,000 arrive and demand an end to this tyrranical system?

“V” Makes A Mark In DC:

Worldwide Interest in RTP Stirred

November 16, 2006 |

It’s working.

We are making good use of the powerful concept of en masse activist resistance used in the movie, “V for Vendetta.”

“V” is helping us as we build support for the unalienable Right to a Response from Government to our Petitions for Redress of Grievances regarding the Government’s violation of the war powers, tax, privacy and money clauses of the Constitution.

“V” is helping us as we educate the public about the First Amendment’s guarantee of our Right to Petition Government for Redress of Grievances.

On November 6, 2006, a lone man in a “V” mask and clothing visited security checkpoints at the White House, the main Treasury Building, the Department of Justice and the Capitol, to deliver a letter and the Petitions for Redress. A short videotape of the encounters has made its way around the Internet, including links from sites such as

The letter informed the leaders of the Executive and Legislative branches of the federal government that up to 100 people in “V” masks and clothing would gather in silent vigil at those locations on November 14th to await a response to the Petitions for Redress.

True to his word, at 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, November 14, 2006, nearly 100 men and women in “V” masks and clothing could be seen walking along different streets in downtown Washington, DC, all heading to Lafayette Park across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.

By high noon, the “Vs” were facing the White House, in formation. Some were holding a 40-foot by 25-foot banner that read, “Dear Government…No Answers, No Taxes.” Four were holding smaller signs that read “Obey The Constitution – The Right To Petition.”

They waited about one hour for a representative of President Bush to approach them with some response to the Petitions.

As has been his wont, the President did not respond.

However, photographers, reporters, and tourists responded well to the rich imagery provided by the WTP demonstration. The appearance of dozens of “Vs” delivering such a message was attention getting to say the least.

There was a sidewalk press conference with one “V” who had a red rose protruding from his hatband. No tourist with a camera could resist stopping to photograph the scene, whether he or she was alone or part of the very large group of high school students that was on its way to a tour of the White House.

The “Vs” on the outside edges of the formation distributed hundreds of We The People Foundation brochures to anyone requesting one. The supply was nearly depleted by the time the formation moved on to the next location.

After the silent vigil in front of the White House, the “Vs” broke ranks and reformed, with banner and signs, a few hundred feet down Pennsylvania Avenue, directly facing the main Treasury Building where they waited a half hour for a representative of Treasury Secretary Paulson to respond to the Petitions for Redress -- especially the Petition regarding the privately owned Federal Reserve System and the violations of the money clauses of the Constitution.

As has been its custom, Treasury did not respond.

The number of photographers and reporters declined at this point, but the interest among the picture-taking tourists did not.

The “Vs” then marched down 15th Street and Constitution Avenue to the Department of Justice, where they waited for a half hour, with banner and signs for the Attorney General to respond to the Petitions for Redress.

As has been its tradition, the Department of Justice did not respond.

Interestingly, one professional photographer for the “Foreign Press Photo Service” took dozens of carefully crafted pictures while the “Vs” were waiting outside the DOJ building.

The “Vs” then marched to the Reflecting Pool and faced the Capitol as they waited for representatives of the House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader to respond to the Petitions for Redress.

Habituated, Congress did not respond.

Knowledge About Our Cause Is Spreading

It is too soon to know the full extent of the public’s information and awareness about the DC event. Here is what we know so far.

We received an email from a reporter who works for Brazil’s newspaper website
He is writing an article and wanted us to answer a few of his questions.

We received an email from the Director of the movie, “V for Vendetta.” He was aware of our events and said he wanted to send a few words of encouragement and was happy that “V” had made it into the popular vernacular. He closed with the words, “Fight The Power.”

An article will appear in Monday’s issue of “TaxNotes,” which is America’s leading tax news and research magazine.

We received word from a man who stated that while was passing through an airport Tuesday, he saw live television images of the “Vs” across from the White House.

If anyone learns of additional media coverage, please let us know.

Coming: 1,000 “Vs” in DC

Plans are now underway for a GiveMeLiberty 2007 Conference. Most likely it will take place in DC on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday. On one of those days we hope to assemble 1,000 “V” demonstrators on the street in support of our Right to Petition the Government for Redress of constitutional torts, including our Right to a Response and our Right of Enforcement if Government does not respond to our proper, constitutionally based Petitions for Redress.
We hope to convince those who were responsible for the making of the movie, “V for Vendetta” to help us obtain, hopefully by donation, the 1,000 “V” costumes needed for this next WTP event. If this happens, we would then give one to every person who attends GML 2007.

More to come.

Watch the streaming video documenting the lone V’s visit to the Capital
and his valiant efforts to Petition the officials of the Government.

Try the high resolution link first: 250k cable
If you only have a dial-up connection use this link: 56k dial-up

Please consider a donation to the WTP so we can continue to move our mission forward.
Click here to make a tax deductible Donation to the We The People Foundation

Our address:
We The People Foundation
2458 Ridge Road
Queensbury, NY 12804

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