Monday, November 06, 2006

video - Evolution: Fact or Belief ?

Most of the people who believe that they have a discerning mind unquestioningly believe in Darwinian evolution and act as if anyone who does not subscribe to this theory is a fool.

I have found that the actual proofs of Darwinian evolution on the Earth are non-existant; many of them are based upon incorrect assumptions held by Charles Darwin regarding the nature of the cell; other major misunderstandings are related to the misunderstandings about how sediments settle and sedimentary rocks form.

Is the Theory of Evolution a scientific fact or a mere belief? This is the only question this documentary seeks to answer. Five world top scientific minds give their answer on Evolution. A ground breaking video sold all round the world, acclaimed in international festivals, now available for all to see...

1 comment:

zanjabil said...

They used to laugh at anyone who believed the world was round.

People are SHEEP.

EVOLUTION: it's a Theory, not a Fact.