Wednesday, April 25, 2007

H.R. 333: Open Letter to Congressman Cramer in Support of Cheney's Impeachment

Comment: I encourage all of you who agree to voice your opinion to your congressman.

Interview with Kucinich on Wolf Blitzer (Mossad T.V.)

Mr. Cramer,

As a constituent of your district, I strongly urge you to support Dennis Kucinich's bill (H.R. 333) to Impeach V.P. Richard Cheney for high crimes and misdemeanors.

I and many of your other constituents firmly believe that Richard Cheney is guilty of fabricating threats in order to get the united States of America into wars of aggression against the nation of Iraq.

Cheney is openly threatening the nation of Iran with an act of aggression, this is a violation of Article VI of the Constitution of the united States of America. This sort of unconstitutional behavior should not be tolerated by the Congress, to tolerate it means that you condone it and are as guilty as those who participate in the acts.

Please consider what I am telling you and help prove to the world and future leaders that the united States of America is a nation of laws where no-one is above the law and the Constitution reigns as the supreme body of laws.

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