Sunday, April 01, 2007

U.S. Military: Violating Iranian Sovreignty

US warplanes have violated Iranian airspace in the southwestern oil-rich province of Khuzestan, Al-Alam Arabic language news satellite channel quoted a local military chief as saying on Sunday.

"Two US aircraft trespassed into Iranian airspace northwest of (the southwestern port city of) Abadan before flying southwest into Iraq," a local Revolutionary Guards commander in Abadan identified only as Colonel Aqili was quoted as saying on the channel's website.

"The planes left white vapour trails, attracting the local people's attention," he said, without elaborating on when the alleged incursion took place.

The incident happened close to Iran's border with Iraq, where the US and British military are attempting to provoke a war, in any way possible, with the Nation of Iran.

The U.S. and British forces, clearly at the behest of Israel, are in the midst of a campaign of aggression in the middle east. They are clearly orchestrating an escalation to war, yes another war for the same false reasons. More Arab fear-mongering to buffalo the U.S. population into yet another war.

Just as during the run-up to the Iraq war, Washington said it "wants a diplomatic solution...but it has never ruled out a military option." This is the same sort of mickey mouse routine that they always utilize to convince the brain-dead population that another crime against humanity is needed.

On March 23, we had an incident eerily like the "3 captured solders" that sparked Israel into a homacidal rampage against Lebanese civillians. 15 British marines and sailors were taken into Iranian custody for allegedly entering Iranian waters.

Iran says the Britons illegally entered its territorial waters while London insists they were in Iraqi waters on a anti-smuggling patrol under UN mandate. This is all you need to foment the optimal conditions for a new war.

Indeed, we are all being mentally prepared to accept a string of great injustices against the Iranian people and humanity in general, as we escalate towards yet another senseless conflict.

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